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Full Version: Obama Administration Wiretapped Trump Campaign?
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Quote:How do you Trumpettes manage to breathe while all twisted into a pretzel defending your Orange Emperor.

They can't when their mouths are full of Cheeto balls.
Quote:They can't when their mouths are full of Cheeto balls.
[Image: giphy.gif]
Quote:How do you Trumpettes manage to breathe while all twisted into a pretzel defending your Orange Emperor.

Yet he's still the better decision.. Puts your girl in perspective eh?
Quote:Yet he's still the better decision.. Puts your girl in perspective eh?

Still talking about Hillary? How do you manage to talk with all those Cheeto balls?
Quote:Still talking about Hillary? How do you manage to talk with all those Cheeto balls?

You and your liberal slime alike love to bash our president, yet you fail to realize that he was the better choice.. You're still butthurt.. You'll probably stay butthurt for the next 8 years..

Nobody cares about you or your liberal party except for other loony liberals. You're a dying breed and this country will be better with ya gone. All you loony liberals care about is destruction and discontent. You're fake news just like your fake party.. You're slowly eradicating yourselves, and all we have to do is sit back, watch and laugh at the liberal folly.

Just straight up lied to the entire world.

Then spent out tax dollars and Congress's time (not that that is worth anything) to investigate something he could have proven himself.


If I remember correctly, he tweeted this out the morning after Sessions recused himself from the Trump-Russia investigation. Apparently he left the whitehouse in a fury and went to mar lago to angry-tweet lies on a Saturday morning.

Quote:Yet he's still the better decision.. Puts your girl in perspective eh?

Have you ever heard the phrase "damned by faint praise"?


I didn't vote for Clinton. Epic fail of a post.
Quote:Have you ever heard the phrase "damned by faint praise"?

I didn't vote for Clinton. Epic fail of a post.

Whatever you say, buttercup..

Just straight up lied to the entire world.

Then spent out tax dollars and Congress's time (not that that is worth anything) to investigate something he could have proven himself.


If I remember correctly, he tweeted this out the morning after Sessions recused himself from the Trump-Russia investigation. Apparently he left the whitehouse in a fury and went to mar lago to angry-tweet lies on a Saturday morning.


The Orange Emperor's source was a segment on FOX the night before his Twitter tantrum.
[Image: Looney+Left.gif]

Quote:[Image: Looney+Left.gif]

Lol nice meme. Did you find that in your grand dad's sock drawer?
Quote:Lol nice meme. Did you find that in your grand dad's sock drawer?

That's you ain't it?
Quote:Lol nice meme. Did you find that in your grand dad's sock drawer?

Next to the knee pads.
Quote:Next to the knee pads.

Awwwwwwwwwwwwww did you gwet your feewings hurt again?

Go run to your momma's boob. I'm sure you leave teeth marks..
This is why we can't have nice things.
Quote:This is why we can't have nice things.
No joke.
Quote:This is why we can't have nice things.

For some reason, I hear that an awful lot..
Right now, Trump is just running the clock while his people desperately search for any evidence to back up his claim.   If he had any evidence, he'd have shown it already.  

Quote:Right now, Trump is just running the clock while his people desperately search for any evidence to back up his claim.   If he had any evidence, he'd have shown it already.  

There's a [BLEEP] recording of Flynn. How much evidence do you need?

Quote:There's a [BAD WORD REMOVED] recording of Flynn. How much evidence do you need?

Think for a second.  When any of the Trump people are asked for evidence, by the Congress, or by the press, they give one of two answers.   Some of them say they know nothing, and some of them say, it's coming.   None of them say, there's a recording of Flynn.   None of them cite that as evidence. 


And the reason they don't is because everyone in the entire world knows that that recording came from a routine recording of the Russian embassy.   It was a phone call between Flynn and the Russian Ambassador.   We listen in on everything in the Russian Embassy. 


Therefore, that recording of Flynn has nothing to do with any surveillance of Trump himself or the Trump campaign. 

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