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Quote:We are still rebuilding.  It takes about 5 years to build a dynasty.  2 more years to go of Gus and this regime.  Patience please.
People act like this team is gonna go from 4 to 11 wins over the course of the next 2 years.
Quote:People act like this team is gonna go from 4 to 11 wins over the course of the next 2 years.
Assuming Bortles turns into a good QB over this time, why isn't this possible?
Quote:I don't know that it's an "All time low". I do think what's concerning is the fact that even after the Gene Smith debacle, there are still this many fans who are in "let's wait and see" mode.

Your biggest concern is the fans not prepared to commit hara-kiri?
Quote:I don't know that it's an "All time low". I do think what's concerning is the fact that even after the Gene Smith debacle, there are still this many fans who are in "let's wait and see" mode.

It's shocking. Think of all the rest of the sports teams you root for. Now picture the record being 8-28 associated with those teams and ask your self, is that acceptable?
Quote:Assuming Bortles turns into a good QB over this time, why isn't this possible?
Because he has been playing a lot better the last 3 weeks and it hasn't mattered.


The defense still can't force turnovers, and we turn the ball over at the most inopportune times. 


Quote:Add to that we had a Jags player on defense/ST just turn around and start blocking an opposing player on offense/ST while the opposing team player had the ball and was running right toward the defensive player whose back was turned because for some reason was blocking the offensive ST player.


A new low indeed.

Quote:Beyond insane. And he had no idea why he decided to do that. Makes it more infuriating.

Quote:he was concussed.


ever had a concussion? 


Yes. Suffered a few concussions. Scored a goal on my own goalie. Got cut the next day. Blamed my mind not being right...coach agreed. Hit the showers Ringo, and dont let the door hit you in the [BLEEP]..hate to see another concussion.
Quote:It's shocking. Think of all the rest of the sports teams you root for. Now picture the record being 8-28 associated with those teams and ask your self, is that acceptable?

It's not, and after that clown show on the radio this morning, this franchise has serious problems. What's with the PC? Is it to save their job?
Quote:Because he has been playing a lot better the last 3 weeks and it hasn't mattered.


The defense still can't force turnovers, and we turn the ball over at the most inopportune times. 


Agreed completely.


But riddle me this:  If it is reasonable to give Bortles time to develop, what about those players around him?


What if, despite the ACL, the team actually hit on Fowler?  Do you think that would impact this team's ability to force turnovers?


The losses are troubling...but there is a chance to turn this around in the next year or two, even if Bradley isn't the guy to do it.
Quote:Because he has been playing a lot better the last 3 weeks and it hasn't mattered.

The defense still can't force turnovers, and we turn the ball over at the most inopportune times.


This. the last part is very telling.
Quote:It's not, and after that clown show on the radio this morning, this franchise has serious problems. What's with the PC? Is it to save their job?

It's probably because they become friends and can't stay objective. So it's like the fans are personally attacking their friend.
Quote:It's not, and after that clown show on the radio this morning, this franchise has serious problems. What's with the PC? Is it to save their job?

The franchise has serious problems because of a radio show?
Quote:They have talent. They didn't in 2012-2013. So how can this be the all time low?

Exactly. In 2012-2013 we knew it wasn't going to get easier. At least this year the frustration is that we now have some talent and hopefully the foundations for the future.

I ignore Gus' record over the past 2 years. Although we were never meant to be a playoff team this year, his clock is now running. A 1-4 record is not a great start
Quote:The franchise has serious problems because of a radio show?

It's a new low for "Blame the..."
Quote:This. the last part is very telling.

We shouldn't act like we are above losing to other teams.  Honestly we prove that we lose to just about everyone on our schedule.  I'm not freaking out over last year or the year before that one.  This year is falling right in place.  I'll vent right with my next fellow fan but this isn't heart wrenching football.


1999 Titan's lose was heart wrenching because we could see the window of opportunity slamming shut.  Right now we don't even have an open window.  Need more and better players.  Thankfully Bortles looks like a QB so all isn't lost.


I'm not going to be one of these other anonymous, faceless fans that erases your discontent and calls you names because that bugs the heck out of me.  I'm just choosing to follow the positives.  I deleted all of my football related podcasts because I can't stand to listen to the dumping on us.  I don't read the teamsite because I can't take the Rah Rah.  I still like all of the fandom here though. 
Quote:The franchise has serious problems because of a radio show?

Lol. You are so pathetic. Gus us doing wonderful, things are going great, we are going to win the super bowl. Carry on please.
Quote:Agreed completely.


But riddle me this:  If it is reasonable to give Bortles time to develop, what about those players around him?


What if, despite the ACL, the team actually hit on Fowler?  Do you think that would impact this team's ability to force turnovers?


The losses are troubling...but there is a chance to turn this around in the next year or two, even if Bradley isn't the guy to do it.
I think we have already seen that the players around him are developing. Hurns and Arob are showing improvement.


But RB is still a big question, and Fowler isn't going to help the safety play. The secondary was supposed to be fixed by now, and it isn't. Linebacker is still lacking depth, and frankly a quality starter in the middle.


3 Years in, and still too many holes.
Dave has spent a plethora of picks on the secondary, as well as some free agent cash. It still isn't particularly good.

Not even close. Atleast I am excited to see what progress the offense has made week to week.


That wasnt so during the blaine/chad time period

In terms of raw talent on the roster, absolutely not.  We're significantly more talented overall than the last few years.


However, my ability to even pretend to be excited on Sunday is absolutely at an all time low.  I just don't have it in me.  Jokes in the office about the Jags?  I can't even bother trying to defend them.


The team has been losing for too long for me to care.  Sure, I'm still a Jags fan... I just accept that this means I'm a fan of the team that is pretty much the laughing stock of the league, and have little to no hope or expectation on ANY Sunday.


We lost to Indy with Hassleback at the helm.

We lost to Tampa Bay, and by half-way through the 3rd Quarter, it wasn't really close.  The quit was obvious.

We're almost certainly going to lose to the train-wreck that is Houston this week.


And yet... I don't even care... I expect them to lose.


I don't owe them anything.  When they decide to field an NFL Caliber team, with a coaching staff that is something a few levels above "Clown Shoes" I'll start caring again.


Until then, I'm at an all time low.

Quote:Dave has spent a plethora of picks on the secondary, as well as some free agent cash. It still isn't particularly good.

I'm not convinced that's the fault of the secondary...yet. I've always been of the mindset that short of generational talents like Revis, you need solid D line play for an otherwise capable secondary to perform. Let's be frank...our defensive front as it is right now is woefully bad at generating pressure on a regular basis. Opposing QBs have all day to sit in the pocket and throw (and for coverages to break down as they invariably do). Then there's the snuggly soft zone scheme, which I abhor...but that's likely another thread in and of itself.


Basically, I think with a more productive DL in terms of generating pressure/sacks, our secondary would likely look substantially better...but that's just the opinion of one uneducated fan 40 year old kindergartner so take that for what it's worth.

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