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Quote:Bortles called the fans kindergarteners. Oehser doesn't directly call out fans who complain, but the implication is there in his responses. Add in Lageman who not only directly called a fan "dumb" but insisted that discussion of Gus' record was off limits. Oehser and Lageman are the organization people who directly interact with the fans. So y
eah, I'd say "organization" was an accurate term.

He didn't call the fans kindergartners. Lageman was one guy that called into his radio show. And let me make sure I follow this Oesher conspiracy. He doesn't actually call out fans who complain but there is some subliminal message in his responses? So because of all this.....the "organization" is calling the fans dumb. And an "all time low".
Quote:Has this franchise finally gone off the deep end? Looking back before Bradley arrived, I'm assuming most people would agree with me that the Gene Smiff/Mularkey era was horrible.

US fans still stuck together, and we were welcoming with open arms to this new regime. Fast forward to present day, we have a number of issues. Some the same, and more than before.

Currently we stand at an 8-29 record with no hope in sight, we continue to lose, and the coaching has gotten worse. Mistakes on the HC and staff. Which to be nice, happens sometimes, but never to this magnitude.

The worst part is, the fans (us), are not happy because we continue to lose, and now the Jaguars organization has turned on its fans. We've been called ignorant, kindergarteners, and today dumb.

I'm completely shocked, and they are squirming in their hot seats as to how they can save face for this disaster. How is it the fans fault? Why would they blame us for 8-29 and numerous failures over the last 2.5 years?

This is unbelievable, and this is the first time since the inception of this once great franchise I'm disgusted by this team off the field. They need to clean it up and take responsibility for themselves.
the answer is simple; don't get angry, get even. How? don't buy tickets, simple as that. If the franchise gets to you that much, then just don't go to or watch the games. And don't bother reading the tripe on this forum either as it tends to be rather inflammatory at times as well.


that's how capitalism works; you buy the best product available for the best price. if that product stops working as it should, then get a different product. 
One small positive is that with Blake/A Rob/Hurns actually playing well, we're getting a small bit of positive publicity in the media.  


If only we had a better HC....

It is obivious that Marrone has done his job by improving the OLine they are far from being fixed as far as being in the top 5 or even top 10 but they are no longer the leagues worst Oline either.


OC Olson has proved to improve the offense as Bortles is throwing better in his 2nd year and the team is ranked in the top 20 for the first time in a very long time... still far to go though...


so who to blame ...


The DC, CB, HC are all up for debate...

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