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I personally do not believe this is an all time low. Its bad yes. But I still believe because of Bortles/Hurns/Arob we have bright spots which we have not had in awhile. Also not being blown out every week makes it not as bad as it has been. My personal opinion.

Quote:I personally do not believe this is an all time low. Its bad yes. But I still believe because of Bortles/Hurns/Arob we have bright spots which we have not had in awhile. Also not being blown out every week makes it not as bad as it has been. My personal opinion.

For sure.  I have seen a lot of improvement and believe that the team is close to turning it around.
Quote:Lol. You are so pathetic. Gus us doing wonderful, things are going great, we are going to win the super bowl. Carry on please.

You really that mad about a radio show?
Quote:Has this franchise finally gone off the deep end? Looking back before Bradley arrived, I'm assuming most people would agree with me that the Gene Smiff/Mularkey era was horrible.

US fans still stuck together, and we were welcoming with open arms to this new regime. Fast forward to present day, we have a number of issues. Some the same, and more than before.

Currently we stand at an 8-29 record with no hope in sight, we continue to lose, and the coaching has gotten worse. Mistakes on the HC and staff. Which to be nice, happens sometimes, but never to this magnitude.

The worst part is, the fans (us), are not happy because we continue to lose, and now the Jaguars organization has turned on its fans. We've been called ignorant, kindergarteners, and today dumb.

I'm completely shocked, and they are squirming in their hot seats as to how they can save face for this disaster. How is it the fans fault? Why would they blame us for 8-29 and numerous failures over the last 2.5 years?

This is unbelievable, and this is the first time since the inception of this once great franchise I'm disgusted by this team off the field. They need to clean it up and take responsibility for themselves.
Last year was the low point by design.  The team is improving this year.  Again, by design.  Is it where FANS want it to be?  No.  But it is getting better.
Quote:I'm not convinced that's the fault of the secondary...yet. I've always been of the mindset that short of generational talents like Revis, you need solid D line play for an otherwise capable secondary to perform. Let's be frank...our defensive front as it is right now is woefully bad at generating pressure on a regular basis. Opposing QBs have all day to sit in the pocket and throw (and for coverages to break down as they invariably do). Then there's the snuggly soft zone scheme, which I abhor...but that's likely another thread in and of itself.


Basically, I think with a more productive DL in terms of generating pressure/sacks, our secondary would likely look substantially better...but that's just the opinion of one uneducated fan 40 year old kindergartner so take that for what it's worth.

Not just pressure and sacks, but it would also help if the front 7 forced opponents into more obvious passing downs, by stopping the run.
Quote:You really that mad about a radio show?
Lageman called him dumb.  Or was it ignorant.  Can't remember.
Quote:Lageman called him dumb. Or was it ignorant. Can't remember.

The reason why you can't remember is because you didn't listen to it. But it didn't stop you from blowing hot air on the topic regardless. But that's none of my business...
Quote:The reason why you can't remember is because you didn't listen to it. But it didn't stop you from blowing hot air on the topic regardless. But that's none of my business...
I think we got a pretty good accounting of what transpired on the show, didn't we?  Or was what was documented not valid enough to formulate an opinion? 
Quote:No, as dismal as it is right now I think there is at least talent on this roster.

Perhaps this is the root of the frustration? You're absolutely correct of course, there is talent on this roster but it seems it's being coached really badly. The team is hugely inconsistent, we rarely see a game when the O-line and the D both turn up, it's one or the other or sometimes neither.
Quote:I do not think this franchise is at an all time low, and the text in bold is why.


I think there is a basis for hope, even though the results thus far have been undeniably disappointing.


We have a good young QB right now who is developing quite nicely.  Right now, there are several teams that would GLADLY trade QBs with us today if they could.  Houston, Washington, Chicago, Buffalo, the Jets, Cleveland, Kansas City, San Francisco, Philadelphia, Dallas, just to name a few.  In another year, you could add Denver and New Orleans to that list, if not more.


We have a credible passing attack now, even with the ineffective running, even with the inconsistent OL.  We found the most important piece of the puzzle.  Filling in the rest should be, comparatively speaking, a piece of cake.
I was just watching NFLN's fantasy show (not into Fantasy football it's just on as background noise).  Talking head said he'd rather have Blake Bortles right now than Peyton Manning or Drew Brees.  Some are adding them now.
Quote:Has this franchise finally gone off the deep end? Looking back before Bradley arrived, I'm assuming most people would agree with me that the Gene Smiff/Mularkey era was horrible.

US fans still stuck together, and we were welcoming with open arms to this new regime. Fast forward to present day, we have a number of issues. Some the same, and more than before.

Currently we stand at an 8-29 record with no hope in sight, we continue to lose, and the coaching has gotten worse. Mistakes on the HC and staff. Which to be nice, happens sometimes, but never to this magnitude.

The worst part is, the fans (us), are not happy because we continue to lose, and now the Jaguars organization has turned on its fans. We've been called ignorant, kindergarteners, and today dumb.

I'm completely shocked, and they are squirming in their hot seats as to how they can save face for this disaster. How is it the fans fault? Why would they blame us for 8-29 and numerous failures over the last 2.5 years?

This is unbelievable, and this is the first time since the inception of this once great franchise I'm disgusted by this team off the field. They need to clean it up and take responsibility for themselves.
Wanna Binky?
Quote:Perhaps this is the root of the frustration? You're absolutely correct of course, there is talent on this roster but it seems it's being coached really badly. The team is hugely inconsistent, we rarely see a game when the O-line and the D both turn up, it's one or the other or sometimes neither.
Couldn't have said it better.
Quote:Wanna Binky?
You going to defend Gus some more?  Let's hear how wrong we are.
Quote:You going to defend Gus some more?  Let's hear how wrong we are.
Where did I defend Gus?  Go ahead check all of my post the past few weeks, I'll wait...


The issue I have with your post is you have spent the last two days railing against everything that is Jaguars. Fire this guy, that player sucks, we are no better than we were under Gene Smith blah blah blah...Enough already give it a rest!  I am as disappointed as the next guy over the won/loss column but if you can't get excited about what the skill players are developing into on offense then there is no hope for you.
Quote:Where did I defend Gus?  Go ahead check all of my post the past few weeks, I'll wait...


The issue I have with your post is you have spent the last two days railing against everything that is Jaguars. Fire this guy, that player sucks, we are no better than we were under Gene Smith blah blah blah...Enough already give it a rest!  I am as disappointed as the next guy over the won/loss column but if you can't get excited about what the skill players are developing into on offense then there is no hope for you.
The thing that set me off was that debacle on the radio this morning.  Calling us fans dumb and other stupid [BLEEP] was the last straw for me.  Sorry, I'm pissed.
Quote:The thing that set me off was that debacle on the radio this morning.  Calling us fans dumb and other stupid [BAD WORD REMOVED] was the last straw for me.  Sorry, I'm [BAD WORD REMOVED].
Lags has been a huge asset to this organization since 1995.  Step back and consider that maybe he too is frustrated.  Does that excuse his comments?  No, but past performance should give him the benefit of doubt for snapping once.
One of the unstated issues on this board in the various controversies about bibbers vs. Apologists is what level of anger or disappointment is appropriate after these past two losses.

Can we agree that losses to the Colts under the circumstances they faced and Tampa would be bad under any circumstance, irrespective of the history of the last two years?

I mean, if we were a playoff team in 2013-2014 and lost these two games, every one would still be upset...right?

On top of 7-25 the two years before?
Gus Sucks and yes approaching 8 years of consistent losing I say we are at an all time low. Mularkey was bad but we expected a good team this year. 

Quote:One of the unstated issues on this board in the various controversies about bibbers vs. Apologists is what level of anger or disappointment is appropriate after these past two losses.

Can we agree that losses to the Colts under the circumstances they faced and Tampa would be bad under any circumstance, irrespective of the history of the last two years?

I mean, if we were a playoff team in 2013-2014 and lost these two games, every one would still be upset...right?

On top of 7-25 the two years before?



The worst part about the last two losses is they really bring everything into question. For three years the team has been losing consistently with occasional wins against other bottom feeders. It was supposedly about a talent deficit, but now the Jaguars supposedly have talent and they still can hardly handle an away game against another bottom feeder.


Were the Jaguars actually THAT bad the last few years, or is it really that the team has been lead by a group that has no idea what they're doing and would find a way to screw it up if the roster was comprised of something of a similar quality to the 77 Steelers or 85 Bears.
That brings up a valid point.  If Gus had the talent of say the '85 bears could he coach them to a superbowl?  I don't think so

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