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Full Version: Shooting at Umpqua Community College in Roseburg, Oregon. 10 reported dead. 20 wounded.
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Quote:Well for starters, the good guys with guns won't be shooting multiple people.

So if I'm walking around, and I see a guy with a gun, if he shoots me, I'll know he's a bad guy.  


Thanks for clearing that up.  
Lather, rinse, repeat.

You must remember, if you own a gun, it is your right. You are automatically qualified to identify and shoot potential killers before they kill you and others.

Any faux concern from the gun nuts?
Quote:Any faux concern from the gun nuts?

Our concern is that [BLEEP] like the shooter will be used by [BLEEP] tyrants as a proof that the millions of law abiding gun owners in this country can't be trusted with their guns. Even though the number of these events that occur are perpetrated by 0.00000000% of lawful gun owners.
Interesting things coming out as the news reports.


This quote is particularly interesting.


Kortney Moore told The News-Review that she was in Snyder Hall when her teacher got shot in the head. The 18-year-old student said the gunman told people to get down on the ground. He then started to ask people to stand up to state their religion and then started shooting

I'm waiting to see what that's all about.

That's true it is a very small percentage. But unfortunately where such a small percentage can do such damage you have to restrict.It's just common sense.

Now before we see all the gun free zones talk. It is obviously stupid to have an ability to get guns freely next to an area without guns. But the problems come from the gun holders not the unarmed.
Quote:That's true it is a very small percentage. But unfortunately where such a small percentage can do such damage you have to restrict.It's just common sense.

Now before we see all the gun free zones talk. It is obviously stupid to have an ability to get guns freely next to an area without guns. But the problems come from the gun holders not the unarmed.

No, actually, you don't have to restrict and if you try, at least in this country, you'll start an honest to God shooting war. And we know who has more guns now, don't we. Or maybe you don't since we forbid government registration to protect our freedom.
Quote:It's all those behavior modification experiments the government's been doing starting to take hold.

Call me crazy, but I literally wouldn't be surprised if these were orchestrated/ fake


No names released so far on a shooting that happened this afternoon


It's not totally absurd, similar things have happened with Sandy Hook
Must be something in the water over there.
It's being reported that the shooter targeted Christians, shooting them in the head while shooting non-Christians in the leg.  The race and religion of the shooter have not been released, nor have there been any details about what kind of weapon(s) he used and if they were obtained legally.  I know in some states you can buy a rifle at age 18.  The shooter was 20. 

Sad that it happened, but don't buy into the media narrative folks. Gun violence is at historical lows and trending downward, violent crime is at historical lows and trending downward, and mass shootings are a statistical anomaly. RIP victims, but life goes on. No need for knee jerk reactions and constitutional amendments. Resolve inner-city crime and gun violence statistics equals most euro countries.


[Image: TEVLlGH.png]


[Image: SDT-2013-05-gun-crime-2-1.png]

You don't blame the car for the drunk driver, don't blame the gun for the actions of a deranged shooter

Nobody is blaming guns...

Just saying free reign for crazy folks to kill loads of people isn't a great idea. Now if you can't seperate the guns from the crazy people maybe time to get rid of the guns? Or cure the crazy people?


One of the victims reportedly said that the shooter specifically targeted Christians.






Quote:Sad that it happened, but don't buy into the media narrative folks. Gun violence is at historical lows and trending downward, violent crime is at historical lows and trending downward, and mass shootings are a statistical anomaly. RIP victims, but life goes on. No need for knee jerk reactions and constitutional amendments. Resolve inner-city crime and gun violence statistics equals most euro countries.

[Image: TEVLlGH.png]

[Image: SDT-2013-05-gun-crime-2-1.png]

Once again; correlation does not imply causation.
Quote:Once again; correlation does not imply causation.

The graph does not imply the cause of gun violence decreasing is a result of increasing gun ownership. It implies in spite of gun ownership increasing that gun violence is decreasing.
Quote:Sure but, how do you tell the good guys with guns from the bad guys with guns? 

I am thinking we should just require the good guys to wear capes like in a comic book. 
Quote:You don't blame the car for the drunk driver, don't blame the gun for the actions of a deranged shooter

I think I once saw that in a fortune cookie.
Quote:I am thinking we should just require the good guys to wear capes like in a comic book.

Tinfoil capes?
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