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Full Version: Shooting at Umpqua Community College in Roseburg, Oregon. 10 reported dead. 20 wounded.
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Quote:Now been over 19 years and no mass shootings in Australia since gun regulation came in post Port Arthur.

Sweet so all you gun regulation folk can take your happy little rears to Australia!
I'd be glad to move to another country if my wife and I could secure employment. 

Quote:Why would you lock everyone up because such a small percentage of people commit crime with a firearm?

Exactly.. it's a small percentage that you are happy with. A few uni students or school kids every now and again is fine as long as you get to play with your guns...
Quote:Sweet so all you gun regulation folk can take your happy little rears to Australia!

If you don't like people being shot you should move country? ...

Not sure Australia and USA has a free movement agreement either.
Quote:Exactly.. it's a small percentage that you are happy with. A few uni students or school kids every now and again is fine as long as you get to play with your guns...

So the only way you will ever feel safe is if the government locks down yours and everyone else life? As long as there is at least ONE potential casualty, the risk is too great and everything must be controlled?


"Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."
What's Liberating about carrying a gun? Walking around naked would probably be more liberating.

People here wouldn't want to regulate guns? So not sure why you think the government is enforcing against peoples will. If people wanted them so bad they would vote for a party that would allow them. Or force a referendum.
Quote:What's Liberating about carrying a gun? Walking around naked would probably be more liberating.

People here wouldn't want to regulate guns? So not sure why you think the government is enforcing against peoples will. If people wanted them so bad they would vote for a party that would allow them. Or force a referendum.

Most people who own a gun do so because:


1) Being able to defend oneself or family is very important.

2) Being self-sufficient is a valuable skill.

3) Target shooting is fun.

4) The constitution and founding fathers clearly state that the right to bear arms is to protect against tyranny.


You may not believe in any of those, but there are millions who do. Those millions HEAVILY outweigh the very small percentage of individuals who use guns for evil. My point was that the statistics clearly show that banning or restricting guns is a worthless endeavor because the percentages are so minuscule. You don't care though. You don't care about the numbers. You don't care about logic. You only care about the strong, chemical emotions spring in your brain when the media flashes scary headlines. You don't care about reality or the truth. You have an irrational fear, and you want others to suffer because of it. It is a sad way to live.


By the way, Australia's gun ban was absolutely pointless. But at least you THINK you are safer.


[Image: t62BW2v.png]
Quote:Exactly.. it's a small percentage that you are happy with. A few uni students or school kids every now and again is fine as long as you get to play with your guns...

If only there was in institution that could arbitrarily make everyone safe at all times and be trusted with ultimate authority being the only population armed in society, oh wait you think government is that institution. Pardon me while I go over here and laugh at your insanity
Now I know you instantly trust statistics fed to you but does this take into account population increases in this time? And what is the source?
So unless you can curb all crime there is no point doing anything? May as well not have laws in anything then?

How many school and university shootings in Australia or Britain?
Of those Knife attacks, how many of them end up dead?

Yeah everyone would be much safer if the guy was carrying a gun instead...
Quote:Of those Knife attacks, how many of them end up dead?

What does it matter?


You have a 0.000012% of being killed by a firearm per year. Lets say you have a 0.0000012% of being stabbed. Does that extra zero terrify you so much you feel the need for sweeping regulation and government control? Stop living a life of irrational fear.


*edit* I got the statistics.


2013. 1,490 deaths by stabbing.


0.000005% chance of being killed by stabbing.




From the FBI...


[Image: FBI-Murder-Victims-2013.png]

How did carrying a gun help the American Sniper guy? Best shot in the country still couldn't defend himself. Shame he wasn't warned In advance that he was about to be shot at...
Quote:How did carrying a gun help the American Sniper guy? Best shot in the country still couldn't defend himself. Shame he wasn't warned In advance that he was about to be shot at...

grasping at straws
I'm concerned about a school shooting occurring at the school my kids attend.  All it takes is one maniac to go into the school and kill a bunch of kids.  Or one maniac to get a hold of his dad's gun and shoot someone.  As we see with the 11 year old who shot the eight year old in Tennessee.

I take it you find these school shootings acceptable?  Well, I don't.  

Also are you really afraid someone's going to break into your house with intent to kill you?  I mean how often does THAT happen?  

When's the last time you had to take down a tyrant?  Do you think you could do it against drones?

Quote:I'm concerned about a school shooting occurring at the school my kids attend.  All it takes is one maniac to go into the school and kill a bunch of kids.  Or one maniac to get a hold of his dad's gun and shoot someone.  As we see with the 11 year old who shot the eight year old in Tennessee.

I take it you find these school shootings acceptable?  Well, I don't.  

Bro, I got some bad news for you.


You have a 1 in 12,000 chance of being struck by lightening. A 0.00008% chance. You have a .00000003% chance of being shot at school.


You are overwhelmingly more likely to be struck by lightening. Now listen to my advice. Never, EVER, go outside again. EVER!
Where did you get that stat from? Also nobody can come and throw lightening at you so at least you can avoid it in a storm.

What is your level of education out of interest? Your use of statistics shows a lot of misunderstanding.
You're also more likely to accidentally shoot someone than you are to shoot an intruder.  You're more likely to commit suicide with the gun than use it to 'defend yourself'.  And the chances of you ever taking down a tyrant with a gun is 0%

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