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Full Version: Shooting at Umpqua Community College in Roseburg, Oregon. 10 reported dead. 20 wounded.
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Quote:Is it though? A reduction in guns leads to a reduction in gun violence. I think it's a pretty logical conclusion.

It also leads to an increase in every other kind of violent crime, so there's that. But why should poor, small, frail, weak or female persons have a fair chance when attacked?
Yep such a safe place with all those guns. A much higher homicide rate and a massive prison population screams safety for the vulnerable.
Quote:Yep such a safe place with all those guns. A much higher homicide rate and a massive prison population screams safety for the vulnerable.
Actually knowing there are that many convicts out there should make more people want to own guns. They get released, can't find work because they are felons, return to their old neighborhoods, and then they end up in their old life styles. Rinse and repeat. 


If other people are just dying to be defenseless, that is on them. I prefer having the ability to defend myself. 
Quote:Yep such a safe place with all those guns. A much higher homicide rate and a massive prison population screams safety for the vulnerable.

As we've stated before, when you remove suicide rates the homicide rate isn't "much" higher, but when you consider all violent crime other countries have similar numbers. Guns don't make criminals commit crimes. Too much of our massive prison population are there for non-violent offenses that shouldn't even be crimes.
This shooting was a complete hoax, much like the preceding ones

Quote:This shooting was a complete hoax, much like the preceding ones

Better get your tinfoil hat on.   The martians are coming for your brains.  
Quote:Now been over 19 years and no mass shootings in Australia since gun regulation came in post Port Arthur.
I'd link to a standup routine by Jim Jefferies but can't because of naughty language. 
Quote:This shooting was a complete hoax, much like the preceding ones
Go back to reading articles on Infowars.
Quote:I'd link to a standup routine by Jim Jefferies but can't because of naughty language.

Yeah good routine! He was even held up by knifepoint and realises that having a gun locked in a safe wouldn't have been much use in the situation.
Quote:Yeah good routine! He was even held up by knifepoint and realises that having a gun locked in a safe wouldn't have been much use in the situation.

And that's why I carry. Because when you have seconds to live the cops are minutes away.
Quote:This shooting was a complete hoax, much like the preceding ones


Tell that to the parents of the ten dead students.


Actually, what is a hoax is the media reporting about it being a neo-nazi skinhead. I don't know why they jumped to such a conclusion. It turns out it was a black Muslim terrorist, and you know he was a terrorist because he was on a Russian terrorist watchlist that Putin offered Obama, but Obama turned down.

Quote:And that's why I carry. Because when you have seconds to live the cops are minutes away.

So that's all well and good but how do you know someone is about to pull a gun on you in advance to get yours out. I feel bad that you are so scared of people with guns that you have to carry one to feel safer.
Quote:This shooting was a complete hoax, much like the preceding ones

Did you fall down a flight of concrete stairs as a kid?
Quote:So that's all well and good but how do you know someone is about to pull a gun on you in advance to get yours out. I feel bad that you are so scared of people with guns that you have to carry one to feel safer.

I'm glad for you that you have no need to fear anyone with a club, knife, ax, razor, hammer, screwdriver, pipe, crowbar or even their simple fists attacking you. I spent several years working in an emergency room, I've seen what people can and will do to each other without a gun entering the picture. It's interesting to me though, that when those things happen, the perpetrator is always then guarded by a man or woman with a gun.


As for your question, you don't. But not being aware in the first moment doesn't mean that you shouldn't be prepared to act at the very first moment you DO become aware.


I do wonder though, does your Prime Minister have an armed security detail like our Secret Service?
Yeah well obviously there is a chance of getting attacked. But there's a chance you can get attacked by a shark in the ocean, I still swim in it. Sometimes risks are so minor you don't really think about it or worry.

Our prime minister was recently filmed downing a beer in the pub. It's a different world.
Quote:Yeah well obviously there is a chance of getting attacked. But there's a chance you can get attacked by a shark in the ocean, I still swim in it. Sometimes risks are so minor you don't really think about it or worry.

Our prime minister was recently filmed downing a beer in the pub. It's a different world.

The risk of shark bite is many orders of magnitude smaller than getting attacked by another person. Much like not paying for a replacement plan for a toaster, sometime you can just absorb the risk. Do you have home owner's insurance or do you just wing it?


It's nice that your PM had a beer with the commoners, was there a security detail there too? You didn't really answer my question.
I don't understand. The father immediately blames guns for the reason of the shooting and doesn't even question his sons mental state.


Did the guns convince his son to become a sociopathic murderer? Were the guns whispering in his ear to kill innocents? The assailant is obviously a sociopath. So when do we actually start blaming assailants rather than the tools? It is one thing to call for stricter gun control, but it is another to believe that the reason for the attack was a RESULT of lax gun control. Insane people do insane things. Blame them, not the tools. I don't believe this is a hoax, but every single time some sociopath goes on a rampage, the media immediately diverts attention away from the assailants mental state and immediately on to the guns. Just because you get rid of guns doesn't mean you still don't have a free-roaming sociopath. If he wants to kill, he will find another way, guns or not.



you anti-gun/common sense gun laws people are short-sighted and emotional. Dare I say that you're less than smart?



you blame guns for violent crimes, but you don't blame cars for drunk drivers


your own logic fails you. you think more laws will help, but we already have laws against murder and laws against carrying guns on school grounds, yet the thugs still disobey. surely they will heed your new gun laws? smh


you people are playing right into the hands of the Statist that occupies 1600 Pennsylvania Ave., and you're forgetting history. Hitler, Mao, Stalin, Castro, Pot, and Amin all preached gun control.....what did they do? Oh nothing much....

if you people were so worried about lives being lost, then you would fight to have alcohol outlawed since it kills more people annually than gun violence


you're hypocrites

People are quick to jump on the mental Illness bandwagon.


Alright.  Let's fix that then.  Let's ACTUALLY do something about Mental Illness in this country.  Oh, we won't, you say?  Why's that?  Anyone want to tell me what's holding up these politicians from doing anything about mental illness?  They've been blaming mental illness long enough.  Surely we've got a plan in place to fix that, right?  I mean it's going to save lives, right?

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