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Quote:Everyone from the ME is a radical ISIS terrorist. Se lets just bomb them all! Rightist ideology everyone.


Sweeping generalizations are dumb.

It only takes one. Can you personally guarantee that of the 10,000 refugees brought in from Syria that not one of them will be an ISIS sympathizer or radical Islamist?
Quote:It only takes one. Can you personally guarantee that of the 10,000 refugees brought in from Syria that not one of them will be an ISIS sympathizer or radical Islamist?
Of course not. Can you guarantee they are not all refugees? Of course not hence the discussion at hand. You can't just ignore the many looking to escape the nonsense because the few bad apples (hmmm bad apples where I have I hear that before from you guys). Well you can but most people that have a shred of compassion and humanity cannot.
Quote:Don't worry.  They're just "refugees".  No need to vet them.
>Says he has an argument to make

>Links to Breitbart
Quote:Don't worry.  They're just "refugees".  No need to vet them.
Who said there was no need to vet them? 


You guys are insanely paranoid. 
Quote:>Says he has an argument to make

>Links to Breitbart
angry man is angry. 
Quote:Of course not. Can you guarantee they are not all refugees? Of course not hence the discussion at hand. You can't just ignore the many looking to escape the nonsense because the few bad apples (hmmm bad apples where I have I hear that before from you guys). Well you can but most people that have a shred of compassion and humanity cannot.

We can show compassion and humanity by helping them where they are. They don't have to be in the USA for us to help them. As for a few bad apples, when 25% of supposed "Normal" Muslims support the Radical Islamic cause, well that's certainly more than a few.
Quote:>Says he has an argument to make

>Links to Breitbart

The Homeland Security Committee Chairmain said there wasn't enough information to vet them. The article was just his quotes. It wasn't like an OP ED...


The mental gymnastics performed around here to reject the truth is truly amazing.

Quote:It only takes one. Can you personally guarantee that of the 10,000 refugees brought in from Syria that not one of them will be an ISIS sympathizer or radical Islamist?
Like guarantee every Italian isnt Mafioso? Every German was a nazi? Cubans that are commies? 

How about every good little Jewish boy that wants to blow up people at a 9/11 ceremony,from right here in Orange Park...dont let any more of that kind in either?

Do we let the Christian Syrians in but leave the "parasite" ones out?  
Quote:The Homeland Security Committee Chairmain said there wasn't enough information to vet them. The article was just his quotes. It wasn't like an OP ED...


The mental gymnastics performed around here to reject the truth is truly amazing.
And you good sir, are certainly on the uneven bars
Quote:We can show compassion and humanity by helping them where they are. They don't have to be in the USA for us to help them. As for a few bad apples, when 25% of supposed "Normal" Muslims support the Radical Islamic cause, well that's certainly more than a few.
Sure then present a solution. What do you want to do other then demagogue and entire group of people?
Quote:>Says he has an argument to make

>Links to Breitbart
Not to mention paraphrasing the likes of El Rushbo, who I can just imagine blaring in the background as he types
Quote:Like guarantee every Italian isnt Mafioso? Every German was a nazi? Cubans that are commies? 

How about every good little Jewish boy that wants to blow up people at a 9/11 ceremony,from right here in Orange Park...dont let any more of that kind in either?

Do we let the Christian Syrians in but leave the "parasite" ones out?  

Ah yes, here is where you present me with statistics. How many terrorist attacks over the past 25 years have been performed by Italians Mafiosos, Nazi Germans, and Communist Cubans? How about American Jews?


I am  waiting.
Quote:Sure then present a solution. What do you want to do other then demagogue and entire group of people?

Why? Any solution I provide will be lambasted by you and the other leftists as uncaring and unsympathetic. So instead, I will simply say they don't belong here and the US can try and resolve their problems in the ME.
Quote:We can show compassion and humanity by helping them where they are. They don't have to be in the USA for us to help them.
Dude, they are being blown the hell up where they are. What part of that is not clicking with you?
Quote:Dude, they are being blown the hell up where they are. What part of that is not clicking with you?

Are you suggesting we send in the military? Boots on the ground? I prefer that over accepting refugees. Although preferably I would do neither. Then again I am really, really insensitive :thumbsup:.

Quote:Are you suggesting we send in the military? Boots on the ground?
Or, instead of getting involved in yet another insanely expensive, unpopular war that we can't win, just spend tens of thousands of American lives on, how about we help them get out of that country and into safe situations, including bringing some to America?
Quote:Or, instead of getting involved in yet another insanely expensive, unpopular war that we can't win, just spend tens of thousands of American lives on, how about we help them get out of that country and into safe situations, including bringing some to America?

Ok, put them in camps in Guantanamo with heavy security presence. We can send them back once it calms down (ie never). Not in prison, but in camps. At least they won't be getting blown up.

Quote:>Says he has an argument to make

>Links to Breitbart

Good tact.  Dismiss the report because of the source.  The fact that it's pointing out a major flaw in our ability to identify potential terrorists in the 100k refugees we're about to open our doors for thanks to your beloved ruler is no cause for concern I guess.  I'm sure these are all well-intentioned refugees.


Quote:Like guarantee every Italian isnt Mafioso? Every German was a nazi? Cubans that are commies? 

How about every good little Jewish boy that wants to blow up people at a 9/11 ceremony,from right here in Orange Park...dont let any more of that kind in either?

Do we let the Christian Syrians in but leave the "parasite" ones out?  

Nothing like making bigoted assumptions based on a last name, eh hypocrite?
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