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Quote:What a classic leftist response.  First you dismiss it because of the source.  Then it's just some politician saying what he's supposed to say.  It couldn't possibly be fact. 
I mean, I guess you're right. Homeland Security would never lie to us. Never
Quote:Feel free to show your research that indicates Goldberg is Jewish.  I'll wait.  I've only seen 3 media reports on the situation, and not a single one mentioned his Jewish background, and based on the jihadist websites he frequented, if he has any inclinations, it involves the something a little more Middle Eastern in variety. 


I didn't realize stating fact was considered "talking smack".  Nor did I realize one was required to have a military background in order to have a clue what's going on.  Clearly you have a firm grasp on everything.  What were you?  An enlisted cook in the Navy who has a full mastery of all things military?
Well...you are proof it just might matter. Just as you claim a community organizer has no experience in the political arena, perhaps someone who hasnt served in the military doesnt either...except for what they read. Like a chef who never set foot in a kitchen, but read all the cook books, a mechanic who read all the manuals but never held a wrench or a doctor who graduated from medical school but hasnt operated, a lawyer who passed the bar but has yet to take part in litigation. Sadly your quest to become a rear admiral failed and you shuffled off into the sunset.

Quote:Well...you are proof it just might matter. Just as you claim a community organizer has no experience in the political arena, perhaps someone who hasnt served in the military doesnt either...except for what they read. Like a chef who never set foot in a kitchen, but read all the cook books, a mechanic who read all the manuals but never held a wrench or a doctor who graduated from medical school but hasnt operated, a lawyer who passed the bar but has yet to take part in litigation. Sadly your quest to become a rear admiral failed and you shuffled off into the sunset.

Perhaps I'm missing something here because you keep referring to this military smack talk I've been doing, but I haven't really even mentioned the military in this discussion.  I think you're putting on a clinic in why it's important to develop your reading comprehension skills.  Either that, or you need to get your head examined because you might be dealing with PTSD from some dish washing incident during your military days. 
This is getting ugly.  Not the thread, but the problem of the "refugees".
Quote:Perhaps I'm missing something here because you keep referring to this military smack talk I've been doing, but I haven't really even mentioned the military in this discussion.  I think you're putting on a clinic in why it's important to develop your reading comprehension skills.  Either that, or you need to get your head examined because you might be dealing with PTSD from some dish washing incident during your military days. 
Perhaps he meant "smack talk" in the general sense. Like you generally insult people, are generally a mean spirited person etc... etc....  
Quote:This is getting ugly.  Not the thread, but the problem of the "refugees".
Actually it's both. 
Quote:I mean, I guess you're right. Homeland Security would never lie to us. Never
You do realize the guy that was quoted in that article is in congress, and not a part of the Homeland Security department or the administration, right?  You're basically confirming that your dear ruler has repeatedly lied about a multitude of national security issues, and you're using a conservative media outlet to...make your point?  You're sourcing an article that tells you straight up that the administration is lying to us, then you're just taking his word that allowing 100k "refugees" into the US is the humane thing to do, and there's no way it could open us up to a multitude of threats.

Quote:This is getting ugly.  Not the thread, but the problem of the "refugees".

Just slip your toes into some comfy Birkenstocks, break out the bongos, sit down in the grass and start singing kumbaya.  It'll all be better in a minute.  And whatever you do, don't mention the military.  You'll have Dingo's head exploding (even though you have the resume to do so according to his strict requirements).
Quote:you need to get your head examined because you might be dealing with PTSD from some dish washing incident during your military days. 
You stay classy, admin team.
Quote:Perhaps he meant "smack talk" in the general sense. Like you generally insult people, are generally a mean spirited person etc... etc....  

You're more than welcome to defend him, but he was pretty specific, including in his follow up. 


I'm sorry that I'm so mean spirited.  I could take your approach and talk about unicorns and puffy clouds and how there's no evil in the world.  Unfortunately, I'm not the type to jam my head in the nearest pile of sand.
Quote:You stay classy, admin team.
Quote:Perhaps he meant "smack talk" in the general sense. Like you generally insult people, are generally a mean spirited person etc... etc....  
Ding ding ding


Here he insults someone who may have washed dishes during their military service...like its beneath him. But of course, it is. Whether its a SEAL sniper or the guy who cooked his meals and cleaned up, they contributed. But Capt Blowhard is Limbaugh part 2. Opinions on everything, experience in none. Yet critical. 
Yawn?! You insult a member of the military, mock his service and make light of PTSD on September 11th. None of those are acceptable any day of the year, but it's particularly sickening that you would choose to play that hand today.


There are lots of words for people like you. Screw it, there are lots of words that apply very specifically to you. I can't list them, because I'm not a special flower of an admin like you are.


You're disgusting.
Quote:You're more than welcome to defend him, but he was pretty specific, including in his follow up. 


I'm sorry that I'm so mean spirited.  I could take your approach and talk about unicorns and puffy clouds and how there's no evil in the world.  Unfortunately, I'm not the type to jam my head in the nearest pile of sand.

Quote:Yawn?! You insult a member of the military, mock his service and make light of PTSD on September 11th. None of those are acceptable any day of the year, but it's particularly sickening that you would choose to play that hand today.


There are lots of words for people like you. Screw it, there are lots of words that apply very specifically to you. I can't list them, because I'm not a special flower of an admin like you are.


You're disgusting.
Unicorns and puffy clouds. 
Something like this should make people think about allowing these people into our country.  Is pushing for 10,000 of these people to come here the right thing to do?  Is it smart?


For those that say that it's not our problem, it's only a matter of time until the EU economy starts to collapse.  When that happens, see what happens to our economy.


For me personally, I see what is going on especially with respect to the current date, and I see a lot of danger not only for us, but our allies over seas.  It's only a matter of time until something really bad happens.  The key thing to think about is that it's not a matter of IF it's a matter of WHEN.


We once used to be leaders in the world, and we would make it known by our presence in certain regions, but that is going away.  I work with our military, and I see a lot of complacency when it comes to paying attention to detail and paying attention to what is happening in the world today.  My concern is that today's military isn't up to the task of doing the right thing and doing it well.

Quote:Perhaps I'm missing something here because you keep referring to this military smack talk I've been doing, but I haven't really even mentioned the military in this discussion.  I think you're putting on a clinic in why it's important to develop your reading comprehension skills.  Either that, or you need to get your head examined because you might be dealing with PTSD from some dish washing incident during your military days. 

I do like and respect your posts, but this kind of goes over the line a bit.  I would NEVER degrade anyone's military service regardless of what their job is/was.  Even someone that was a cook on an aircraft carrier is also a qualified fire fighter and knows how to use a gun.
Quote:I do like and respect your posts, but this kind of goes over the line a bit.  I would NEVER degrade anyone's military service regardless of what their job is/was.  Even someone that was a cook on an aircraft carrier is also a qualified fire fighter and knows how to use a gun.

As a prior military member, I absolutely would. I don't think you realize how some members absolutely abused military welfare while doing as little 'service' to their country as possible.
Quote:As a prior military member, I absolutely would. I don't think you realize how some members absolutely abused military welfare while doing as little 'service' to their country as possible.

B.S.  I would never degrade anyone that served.


Were there some that didn't live up to the expectations of the job?  Certainly.  However, I certainly wouldn't mock or degrade their service.
Quote:Yawn?! You insult a member of the military, mock his service and make light of PTSD on September 11th. None of those are acceptable any day of the year, but it's particularly sickening that you would choose to play that hand today.


There are lots of words for people like you. Screw it, there are lots of words that apply very specifically to you. I can't list them, because I'm not a special flower of an admin like you are.


You're disgusting.

Yeah. Just when one couldn't sink lower. PTSD?

The Jags organization has this person as a representative administrator? Shining example. Then they honor the military every game, ring a bell, etc. maybe it's not meant for those who cooked, cleaned and suffered from PTSD in the military.
Quote:Yeah. Just when one couldn't sink lower. PTSD?

The Jags organization has this person as a representative administrator? Shining example. Then they honor the military every game, ring a bell, etc. maybe it's not meant for those who cooked, cleaned and suffered from PTSD in the military.

Boohoo he said PTSD. Out of EVERYTHING to be offended about, you choose some irrelevant off-hand comment? Seriously? Grow a back bone. This is just pathetic. Your overreaction belongs in the PC madness thread.

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