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Quote:Dude, they are being blown the hell up where they are. What part of that is not clicking with you?

What part of there are Arab countries where they could flee to to get out of harms way is not clicking with you?


These "refugees" are coming from Syria, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Lebanon, Yemen, Afghanistan, and Pakistan among other Arab nations.  They're not all fleeing Syrian violence, but hey, spin it any way you see fit.
Quote:Or, instead of getting involved in yet another insanely expensive, unpopular war that we can't win, just spend tens of thousands of American lives on, how about we help them get out of that country and into safe situations, including bringing some to America?
You don't think your beloved ruler isn't already involving our military in Syria?  Is it okay just because he's using drones and sending weapons over there to arm ISIL to fight Assad as long as there are no boots on the ground?  You folks on the left really have to contort yourselves into some serious knots to defend what's going on right now. 
Quote:You don't think your beloved ruler isn't already involving our military in Syria?
I would just like to point out that Obama is an average President at best.
Quote:What part of there are Arab countries where they could flee to to get out of harms way is not clicking with you?


These "refugees" are coming from Syria, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Lebanon, Yemen, Afghanistan, and Pakistan among other Arab nations.  They're not all fleeing Syrian violence, but hey, spin it any way you see fit.



72% adult men

13% women

15% children


53% Syrian


If they are all getting blown up, why is it a super majority of young, adult men leaving? What about the women and children? Do they not matter?
Quote:Ah yes, here is where you present me with statistics. How many terrorist attacks over the past 25 years have been performed by Italians Mafiosos, Nazi Germans, and Communist Cubans? How about American Jews?


I am  waiting.

  • 1994 July 29: Army of God (United States) member Rev. Paul Jennings Hill murders gynecologist John Britton and Britton's bodyguard James Barrett with a shotgun at close range, outside the <a class="" href='https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Ladies_Center&action=edit&redlink=1' title="Ladies Center (page does not exist)">Ladies Center</a> clinic in Pensacola, Florida. Hill admits to the murder, is tried, convicted, and executed by lethal injection.
  • 1994 December 10: Advertising executive Thomas J. Mosser is killed by a mail bomb sent by Unabomber. Mosser is the second person murdered by Kaczynski.
  • 1994 December 30: Anti-abortion activist <a class="" href='https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=John_C._Salvi_III&action=edit&redlink=1' title="John C. Salvi III (page does not exist)">John C. Salvi III</a> shoots and kills 2 employees and injures 5 others in a rampage attack at a Planned Parenthood clinic in Brookline, Massachusetts. Salvi escapes and drives to Norfolk, Virginia, where Army of God (United States) spokesman Rev. Donald Spitz resides.
  • 1995 April 19: Oklahoma City bombing — Timothy McVeigh parks a truck bomb in front of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in downtown Oklahoma City which explodes killing 168 people, including 19 children. McVeigh and Terry Nichols are convicted in the bombing, motivated by their outrage over the FBI's handling of the <a class="" href='https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Waco_Siege' title="Waco Siege">Waco Siege</a>.
  • 1995 April 24: Timber industry lobbyist <a class="" href='https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Gilbert_Murray_(lobbyist)&action=edit&redlink=1' title="Gilbert Murray (lobbyist) (page does not exist)">Gilbert P. Murray</a>, is killed in the third and final mailbomb attack by the Unabomber.
  • 1996 July 27: Centennial Olympic Park bombing Army of God (United States) member <a class="" href='https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eric_Robert_Rudolph' title="Eric Robert Rudolph">Eric Robert Rudolph</a> places a three pipe bombs in a backpack, which he leaves in busy Centennial Olympic Park. The bomb is discovered by security guard Richard Jewellwho raises an alert. One person is killed and 111 others are wounded in the explosion. Rudolph escapes and becomes a fugitive for 10 years. Rudolph's bomb is intended to force the cancellation of the Atlanta Olympics due to his outrage over legal abortion.
  • 1997 January 16: Army of God (United States) member <a class="" href='https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eric_Robert_Rudolph' title="Eric Robert Rudolph">Eric Robert Rudolph</a> bombs a women's health clinic in Sandy Springs, Georgia. There are two bombs; the first meant to kill people inside the clinic, the second bomb placed in the parking lot and time-delayed to kill first-responders. No one was harmed by the first bomb, but six people were injured by the second.<sup>[33]</sup>
  • 1997 February 21: Army of God (United States) member <a class="" href='https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eric_Robert_Rudolph' title="Eric Robert Rudolph">Eric Robert Rudolph</a> bombs the Otherside Lounge, a gay bar in Atlanta, Georgia. There are two bombs; the first left on the outdoor patio, the second bomb left in the parking lot, time-delayed to kill first-responders. The initial explosion injures five, the second bomb is discovered and disposed of by the police bomb squad. Rudolph's motive for this bombing was his outrage over the existence of homosexuality.<sup>[34]</sup>
  • 1997 February 24: Palestinian <a class="" href='https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ali_Hassan_Abu_Kamal' title="Ali Hassan Abu Kamal">Ali Hassan Abu Kamal</a>, opens fire on tourists from an observation deck atop the Empire State Building. He shoots 7 people, killing 1. He then kills himself.<sup>[35]</sup> A handwritten note carried by the gunman claims this was a punishment attack against the "enemies of Palestine".
  • 1998 January 29, Army of God (United States) member <a class="" href='https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eric_Robert_Rudolph' title="Eric Robert Rudolph">Eric Robert Rudolph</a> bombs a women's clinic in Birmingham, Alabama, killing 1 and critically injuring another.
  • 1999 August 10: Los Angeles Jewish Community Center shooting — white supremacist Buford O. Furrow, Jr., armed with an Uzi-type submachine gun, walked into the lobby of the North Valley Jewish Community Center in Granada Hills, California and began spraying bullets, wounding five. Furrow escapes and then kills a postal worker for being a minority and a federal employee.<sup>[36]</sup> Furrow surrendered himself to the FBI
  • 1995 April 19: Oklahoma City bombing — Timothy McVeigh parks a truck bomb in front of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in downtown Oklahoma City which explodes killing 168 people, including 19 children. McVeigh and Terry Nichols are convicted in the bombing, motivated by their outrage over the FBI's handling of the <a class="" href='https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Waco_Siege' title="Waco Siege">Waco Siege</a>.
  • 1995 April 24: Timber industry lobbyist <a class="" href='https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Gilbert_Murray_(lobbyist)&action=edit&redlink=1' title="Gilbert Murray (lobbyist) (page does not exist)">Gilbert P. Murray</a>, is killed in the third and final mailbomb attack by the Unabomber.
  • 1996 July 27: Centennial Olympic Park bombing Army of God (United States) member <a class="" href='https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eric_Robert_Rudolph' title="Eric Robert Rudolph">Eric Robert Rudolph</a> places a three pipe bombs in a backpack, which he leaves in busy Centennial Olympic Park. The bomb is discovered by security guard Richard Jewellwho raises an alert. One person is killed and 111 others are wounded in the explosion. Rudolph escapes and becomes a fugitive for 10 years. Rudolph's bomb is intended to force the cancellation of the Atlanta Olympics due to his outrage over legal abortion.
  • 1997 January 16: Army of God (United States) member <a class="" href='https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eric_Robert_Rudolph' title="Eric Robert Rudolph">Eric Robert Rudolph</a> bombs a women's health clinic in Sandy Springs, Georgia. There are two bombs; the first meant to kill people inside the clinic, the second bomb placed in the parking lot and time-delayed to kill first-responders. No one was harmed by the first bomb, but six people were injured by the second.<sup>[33]</sup>
  • 1997 February 21: Army of God (United States) member <a class="" href='https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eric_Robert_Rudolph' title="Eric Robert Rudolph">Eric Robert Rudolph</a> bombs the Otherside Lounge, a gay bar in Atlanta, Georgia. There are two bombs; the first left on the outdoor patio, the second bomb left in the parking lot, time-delayed to kill first-responders. The initial explosion injures five, the second bomb is discovered and disposed of by the police bomb squad. Rudolph's motive for this bombing was his outrage over the existence of homosexuality.<sup>[34]</sup>
  • 1997 February 24: Palestinian <a class="" href='https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ali_Hassan_Abu_Kamal' title="Ali Hassan Abu Kamal">Ali Hassan Abu Kamal</a>, opens fire on tourists from an observation deck atop the Empire State Building. He shoots 7 people, killing 1. He then kills himself.<sup>[35]</sup> A handwritten note carried by the gunman claims this was a punishment attack against the "enemies of Palestine".
  • 1998 January 29, Army of God (United States) member <a class="" href='https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eric_Robert_Rudolph' title="Eric Robert Rudolph">Eric Robert Rudolph</a> bombs a women's clinic in Birmingham, Alabama, killing 1 and critically injuring another.
  • 1999 August 10: Los Angeles Jewish Community Center shooting — white supremacist Buford O. Furrow, Jr., armed with an Uzi-type submachine gun, walked into the lobby of the North Valley Jewish Community Center in Granada Hills, California and began spraying bullets, wounding five. Furrow escapes and then kills a postal worker for being a minority and a federal employee.<sup>[36]</sup> Furrow surrendered himself to the FBI
  • 2009 April 8: According to a report in the <i><a class="" href='https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wall_Street_Journal' title="Wall Street Journal">Wall Street Journal</a></i>, intruders left malware in power grids, water, and sewage systems that could be activated at a later date. While the attacks which have occurred over a period of time seem to have originated in China and Russia, it is unknown if they are state-sponsored<sup>[59]</sup> or errors in the computer code.<sup>[60]</sup><sup>[61]</sup>
  • 2009 May 31: Assassination of George Tiller: Scott Roeder shoots and kills Dr. George Tiller in a Wichita, Kansas church. Roeder, an anti-abortion extremist who believes in justifiable homicide of abortion providers, was arrested soon afterward. Roeder was convicted of the crime and sentenced to 50 years in prison in 2010. Tiller, who performed late-term abortions, had long been a target of anti-abortion extremists; his clinic was firebombed in 1986 and Tiller was shot and wounded five times in 1993 in a shooting attack by Shelley Shannon.<sup>[62]</sup><sup>[63]</sup>
  • 2009 May 25: 17-year-old <a class="" href='https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Kyle_Shaw&action=edit&redlink=1' title="Kyle Shaw (page does not exist)">Kyle Shaw</a> sets off a crude explosive device at a Starbucks at East 92nd Street on the Upper East Side of Manhattan, shattering windows and destroyed a bench at the coffee shop. There were no injuries. The attack was a "bizarre tribute" of the movie <i><a class="" href='https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fight_Club_(film)' title="Fight Club (film)">Fight Club</a></i>, in an attempt to emulate "Project Mayhem", a series of assaults on corporate America portrayed in the film. Shaw took a <a class="" href='https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plea_agreement' title="Plea agreement">plea agreement</a> and was sentenced to 3.5 years in prison in November 2010.<sup>[64]</sup><sup>[65]</sup>
  • 2009 June 1: Arkansas recruiting office shooting: Abdulhakim Mujahid Muhammad shot and killed one military recruiter and seriously wounded another at a Little Rock, Arkansas Army/Navy Career Center in an act of Islamic terrorism.
  • 2010 February 18: Austin suicide attack: Andrew Joseph Stack III flying his single engine plane flew into the Austin Texas IRS building killing himself and one IRS employee and injuring 13 others. Stack left a suicide note online, comparing the IRS to Big Brother from the novel <a class="" href='https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1984_(novel)' title="1984 (novel)">1984</a>.
  • 2010 March 4: 2010 Pentagon shooting: John Patrick Bedell shot and wounded two Pentagon police officers at a security checkpoint in the <a class="" href='https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pentagon_(WMATA_station)' title="Pentagon (WMATA station)">Pentagon station</a> of the Washington Metro rapid transit system in Arlington County, Virginia.
  • 2010 September 1: <a class="" href='https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Discovery_Communications_headquarters_hostage_crisis' title="Discovery Communications headquarters hostage crisis">Discovery Communications headquarters hostage crisis</a>: James J. Lee, armed with two <a class="" href='https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Starter_pistol' title="Starter pistol">starter pistols</a> and an explosive device, takes three people hostage in the lobby of the Discovery Communicationsheadquarters in Silver Spring, Maryland before being killed by police. After nearly four hours, Lee was shot dead by police and all the hostages were freed without injury. Lee had earlier posted a manifesto railing against population growth and immigration.<sup>[69]</sup><sup>[70]</sup>
  • 2012 August 5: Wisconsin Sikh temple shooting: Six people were killed and three others were injured, including a police officer who was tending to victims at a <a class="" href='https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sikh_temple' title="Sikh temple">Sikh temple</a> in Oak Creek, Wisconsin. The gunman, 40-year-old Wade Michael Page, killed himself after being shot by police.<sup>[71]</sup> The shooting is being treated by authorities as an act of <a class="" href='https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Domestic_terrorism' title="Domestic terrorism">domestic terrorism</a>.<sup>[72]</sup><sup>[73]</sup> While a motive has not been clearly defined Page had been active in <a class="" href='https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/White_supremacist' title="White supremacist">white supremacist</a> groups.<sup>[71]</sup>
  • 2013 April 15: <a class="" href='https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boston_Marathon_bombings' title="Boston Marathon bombings">Boston Marathon bombings</a>: Two bombs detonated within seconds of each other near the finish line of the Boston Marathon, killing 3 and injuring more than 180 people.<sup>[74]</sup><sup>[75]</sup> Late in the evening of April 18 in Cambridge, Massachusetts an <a class="" href='https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MIT' title="MIT">MIT</a>campus police officer was shot and killed while sitting in his squad car. Two suspects then carjacked an <a class="" href='https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SUV' title="SUV">SUV</a> and fled to nearby Watertown, Massachusetts, a suburb of Boston. A massive police chase ensued, resulting in a shootout during which several IED's were thrown by the suspects. A Boston transit police officer was critically wounded and suspect Tamerlan Tsarnaev, a Russian immigrant of <a class="" href='https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chechen_people' title="Chechen people">Chechen</a> ethnicity, was killed. The second suspect, Tsarnaev's younger brother Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, escaped. A "Shelter in place" order was given for Boston, Watertown, and the surrounding areas while house-to-house searches were conducted, but the suspect remained at large. Shortly after the search was called off Tsarnaev was discovered by a local resident hiding inside a boat parked in the resident's driveway less than three blocks from the scene of the shootout. He was taken into custody after another exchange of gunfire and taken to nearby Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston, where he was treated for injuries received during his pursuit and capture. Tsarnaev was arraigned on federal terrorism charges from his hospital bed on April 22, 2013.<sup>[76]</sup><sup>[77]</sup><sup>[78]</sup><sup>[79]</sup> Preliminary questioning indicated the Tsarnaev brothers had no ties to terrorist organizations.<sup>[80]</sup> A note written by Dzhokhar Tsarnaev on the boat where he was captured said the bombings were retaliation for US actions in Iraq and Afghanistan against Muslims.<sup>[81]</sup> On April 8, 2015 Dzhokhar Tsarnaev was found guilty on all 30 counts related to the bombing and shootout with police.<sup>[82]</sup> On May 15, 2015 Tsarnaev was sentenced to death.<sup>[83]</sup>
  • 2013 April 16: April 2013 ricin letters: Two letters, sent to Mississippi Republican Senator Roger Wicker and president Barack Obama, were tested positive for ricin. Each letter contained the message "I am KC and I approve this message". On April 27, 2013, a man named Everett Dutschke was arrested.
  • 2013 November 1: 2013 Los Angeles International Airport shooting: Paul Anthony Ciancia entered the checkpoint at the Los Angeles International Airport and fired his rifle, killing one Transportation Security Administration officer and injuring six others. The motivation behind the attack was Paul's inspiration of the anti-governmen
  • Muhammad, a convert to Islam, had visited Yemen for 16 months where he spent time in prison and became radicalized. Muhammad, said he was part of Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula and was upset over U.S. killing of Muslims in Iraq and Afghanistan.<sup>[66]</sup>
  • 2009 November 5: 2009 Fort Hood shooting: Nidal Malik Hasan, a US Army Major serving as a Psychiatrist, opens fire at Fort Hood, Texas, killing 13 and wounding 29. On August 23, 2013 Hasan was convicted by a Military tribunal. Hasan acted as his own attorney and took responsibility for the attack saying his motive was jihad to fight "illegal and immoral aggression against Muslims".<sup>[67]</sup> On August 28 Hasan was sentenced to death.<sup>[68]</sup>
  • 2009 June 10: United States Holocaust Memorial Museum shooting: 88-year-old <a class="" href='https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_Wenneker_von_Brunn' title="James Wenneker von Brunn">James Wenneker von Brunn</a>, a <a class="" href='https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/White_supremacist' title="White supremacist">white supremacist</a> and <a class="" href='https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neo-Nazi' title="Neo-Nazi">neo-Nazi</a>, walked into the <a class="" href='https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/U.S._Holocaust_Memorial_Museum' title="U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum">U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum</a> in Washington, D.C., shooting and mortally wounding Stephen Tyrone Johns, a security guard. Von Brunn was wounded when other museum guards immediately returned fire and on January 6, 2010, von Brunn died of natural causes at a hospital near where he was imprisoned awaiting trial.<sup>[108]</sup><sup>[109]</sup><sup>[110]</sup> During the investigation it was discovered that von Brunn had planned to target White House senior adviser David Axelrod leading to increased protection for Axelrod and other steps.<sup>[111]</sup>
  • 2011 January 6: Three packages detonate in the mail rooms of two Maryland state government buildings, causing minor injuries to the fingers of two government workers.<sup>[112]</sup>
  • 2013 November 1 2013 Los Angeles International Airport shooting 23-year-old Paul Ciancia kills a Transportation Security Administration agent and wounds 7 others, 3 of them TSA agents. Ciancia was shot and taken into custody. A note found in Ciancia's pocket said he believed he was a patriot and wanted to kill "patriot" upset at former Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano, and that he wanted to kill "TSA and pigs".<sup>[113]</sup>
  • 2014 June 8: Two Las Vegas police officers while eating pizza in a restaurant and one civilian were shot to death allegedly by Jerad and Amanda Miller a married couple in a suicide attack. A Gadsden flagswastika and a note promising "revolution," was placed on the deceased officers bodies. The couple were thrown out a patriot group defending rancher <a class="" href='https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cliven_Bundy' title="Cliven Bundy">Cliven Bundy</a><sup>[114]</sup><sup>[115]</sup>
  • 2014 September 16- <a class="" href='https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eric_Matthew_Frein' title="Eric Matthew Frein">Eric Matthew Frein</a> described as a survivalist is alleged to have killed a Pennsylvania State trooper and critically wounded another at the <a class="" href='https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blooming_Grove,_Pennsylvania' title="Blooming Grove, Pennsylvania">Blooming Grove</a> barracks. Life was disrupted in the region during the ensuing manhunt. On October 30 Frein was captured near an abandoned airport hangar and was shackled with the handcuff belonging to the trooper he is accused of killing. Prosecutors said they would pursue the <a class="" href='https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Death_penalty' title="Death penalty">death penalty</a>.<sup>[116]</sup><sup>[117]</sup>

Agenda driven? Sure. Sick? Sure. How many were refugees? You're right, all it takes is one. Whats the solution?
Quote:Sure then present a solution. What do you want to do other then demagogue and entire group of people?

This country is the largest provider of humanitarian aid on global scale.  If these "refugees" were truly fleeing violence just to get out of harms way, there are Arab countries who could accommodate them, and I have no doubt that we could provide whatever resources are necessary in humanitarian aid to help house and feed them, and to provide them with medical assistance.  They're looking for the wealthiest welfare states to land in so that they can milk the system.  I know, that's really insensitive to say, but if you read some of the reports, that's exactly why they're heading to Germany. 


This country doesn't need to bring a single one of these "refugees" to our country to provide assistance.  But, for the "refugees" who have already come to this country over the past few years since the Syrian situation erupted, more than 90% of them are still receiving federal assistance, and they've been receiving those benefits since their feet hit the ground in the US.
Quote:I would just like to point out that Obama is an average President at best.
I think you're being generous.


72% adult men

13% women

15% children


53% Syrian


If they are all getting blown up, why is it a super majority of young, adult men leaving? What about the women and children? Do they not matter?

They're considered property.


Agenda driven? Sure. Sick? Sure. How many were refugees? You're right, all it takes is one. Whats the solution?


So you gave me a list of domestic acts of terrorism (although some of them are just acts of murder), extremely dwarfed by acts of Islamic terrorism (which make up a good portion of that list). That suddenly OKs the acceptance of 10,000 refugees, 2,500 of which support Jihad?


The solution is don't accept them.

Quote:This country is the largest provider of humanitarian aid on global scale.  If these "refugees" were truly fleeing violence just to get out of harms way, there are Arab countries who could accommodate them, and I have no doubt that we could provide whatever resources are necessary in humanitarian aid to help house and feed them, and to provide them with medical assistance.  They're looking for the wealthiest welfare states to land in so that they can milk the system.
I'm not sure if you actually bothered to read my post with ideas on how we could accommodate refugees in a humanitarian fashion while still protecting US interests. Among my suggestions were thorough vetting of who they were, holding them all in safe, isolated facilities until the vetting was complete, sending back any who had extensive criminal histories, known ties to terrorist organizations or little/no background (assuming they're hiding something), and forcing refugees to check in regularly on short-term visas while providing limited government benefits for the first 30-60 days. I'm not suggesting we just roll the red carpet out for anyone and everyone who wants to claim that they're a refugee then turn them loose on welfare and the ACA, not even close.
Quote:Good tact.  Dismiss the report because of the source.  The fact that it's pointing out a major flaw in our ability to identify potential terrorists in the 100k refugees we're about to open our doors for thanks to your beloved ruler is no cause for concern I guess.  I'm sure these are all well-intentioned refugees.



Nothing like making bigoted assumptions based on a last name, eh hypocrite?
Oh...he was a muslim then? Besides it wasnt an assumtion. Follow your own advice and do some research

You sure talk a lotta smack about military stuff and what is happening in the ME, for someone whose only time he had his boots on the ground was when he stepped off his kawasaki to go into a Dunkin Donuts
Quote:I'm not sure if you actually bothered to read my post with ideas on how we could accommodate refugees in a humanitarian fashion while still protecting US interests. Among my suggestions were thorough vetting of who they were, holding them all in safe, isolated facilities until the vetting was complete, sending back any who had extensive criminal histories, known ties to terrorist organizations or little/no background (assuming they're hiding something), and forcing refugees to check in regularly on short-term visas while providing limited government benefits for the first 30-60 days. I'm not suggesting we just roll the red carpet out for anyone and everyone who wants to claim that they're a refugee then turn them loose on welfare and the ACA, not even close.

The Homeland Security Committee Chairman says there isn't enough data to determine the refugees are not connected to terrorist groups. Words from his mouth.
Quote:The Homeland Security Committee Chairman says there isn't enough data to determine the refugees are not connected to terrorist groups. Words from his mouth.
Would you expect the Homeland Insecurity Committee Chairman to say anything other than, "blah blah terrorism"?
Quote:Oh...he was a muslim then? Besides it wasnt an assumtion. Follow your own advice and do some research

You sure talk a lotta smack about military stuff and what is happening in the ME, for someone whose only time he had his boots on the ground was when he stepped off his kawasaki to go into a Dunkin Donuts

Feel free to show your research that indicates Goldberg is Jewish.  I'll wait.  I've only seen 3 media reports on the situation, and not a single one mentioned his Jewish background, and based on the jihadist websites he frequented, if he has any inclinations, it involves the something a little more Middle Eastern in variety. 


I didn't realize stating fact was considered "talking smack".  Nor did I realize one was required to have a military background in order to have a clue what's going on.  Clearly you have a firm grasp on everything.  What were you?  An enlisted cook in the Navy who has a full mastery of all things military?
Quote:Would you expect the Homeland Insecurity Committee Chairman to say anything other than, "blah blah terrorism"?

I know, right? Why should I expect anyone in a governmental position to know anything about his job.

Quote:Would you expect the Homeland Insecurity Committee Chairman to say anything other than, "blah blah terrorism"?
What a classic leftist response.  First you dismiss it because of the source.  Then it's just some politician saying what he's supposed to say.  It couldn't possibly be fact. 
This new injection of anger, vitriol, name calling and general lack of class has really helped out both this discussion and the thread in general. I wonder what happened here to change things.  Rolleyes

Quote:What a classic leftist response.  First you dismiss it because of the source.  Then it's just some politician saying what he's supposed to say.  It couldn't possibly be fact. 
If an MSNBC article cited a government official saying that the HSC chair was full of it and I linked that here, what would you do?


Here's a hint: you wouldn't take the MSNBC article's source at his word.
Quote:What a classic leftist response.  First you dismiss it because of the source.  Then it's just some politician saying what he's supposed to say.  It couldn't possibly be fact. 
I love how you keep ignoring my thoughts on how to bring refugees over safely, instead deciding to label me a leftist over and over again.


Go into the Kentucky clerk and minimum wage threads and please, tell me again about how leftist I am.  Rolleyes
Quote:I love how you keep ignoring my thoughts on how to bring refugees over safely, instead deciding to label me a leftist over and over again.


Go into the Kentucky clerk and minimum wage threads and please, tell me again about how leftist I am.  Rolleyes
Just give up the act. Everyone knows you have dear leader's (serious how dumb of an insult is that) portrait on your wall. 
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