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Full Version: lots of presure on gus,and Jags this year
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I think it depends how competitive we are in the other 10 games. There's a fine line between winning and losing in the NFL. If there were 5 or 6 games that could've gone either way and we lost, I would be encouraged that with another season of experience by all three teams ( offense, defense and special teams ), and the addition of more " difference makers " in the draft and free agency we would be a playoff team in 2016. To wipe the slate clean after what I just described, and start yet another rebuilding process? No, that's not wise
I dont really see much of a difference between 6 wins and 9 wins. The difference is a couple sacks, turnovers, big plays here and there. I will judge this team by their on field performance and not their record. The roster is still too young to win consistently. Once those drafts mature, I will expect playoffs yearly.

We should be good enough to win the AFC South or at least be in the race come December if we truly are "built". Gus set himself up for this one, and it will make him look bad if we have another sub-par season. Looking at our roster, we could possibly have the edge over the Texans due to their QB situation and I think the Colts have huge question marks at certain positions. Andre Johnson and Frank Gore aren't the same players and won't be productive like they were in their prime. There's still a high possibility they win the AFC South again, but we shouldn't be a cakewalk this time around. If we are, there are major issues with players not developing properly. We should NOT get blown out by them like the past 4 seasons, or something is terribly wrong. We need to start competing and give the Colts an actual challenge.

What happened to us? I am genuinely flummoxed.

In TC's worst years, we were 6-10 and time to start over

In JDR's tenure we vilified him for average 8-8, 9-7 seasons

In JDR's last breadth, the team went 5-11 (yes, Mel Tucker took over...)

Surely, we hit rock bottom after that, followed by a roster overhaul...2-14, 4-12, 3-13

4 years later, you consider the record TC exited with, or a mere 1 more W added to JDR's final year, acceptable progress?

Perhaps in a twisted way, Jag fans will their team to maintain its bottom feedin status. When you embrace the idea of not good enough yet, you remain there.
Section 105, this viewpoint irks me to no end: as long as we stay competitive and not get blown out in the games, I'm okay with 6.

Sorry mate, it's about Ws. Would you be okay with 1-15, with all losses under 3 pt margin? Is that progress?

It's not HOW you lost in the big league, it's that you lost. 10 CLOSE loses is more embarrassing and shows incompetence which could warrant being ridiculed, in my view.
Yeah, what's with all these people saying they would be happy with 6 wins.





Quote:Yeah, what's with all these people saying they would be happy with 6 wins.



Git outta here, buddy. The roster was overhauled. We are not good enough yet. 6 wins, with 10 close losses show progress. We are not allowed to want or expect more Ws. That's unrealistic. Perhaps you don't have a great life like me and my peeps...
[quote name="Section105Fan" post="534471" timestamp="1441829422"]

[quote name="Predator" post="534456" timestamp="1441828386"]

Chuck Noll didn't have the advantage of FA to build a team. It was a much slower process in those days.

We added 7 veteran starters through FA alone this year. Caldwell's first draft class is entering their third season which is considered the begining of a player's prime years.

Getting only three more wins this season would not be percieved as progress, it would be a sign of serious problems. It would mean multiple players not living up to expectations.

People are saying that these moderate gains such as getting to 6 wins will be viewed as improvement and would be considered acceptable progress. I promise you, if you see this team getting only 6 wins, the view won't be considered positive. 6 wins means a lots of big mistakes by players and coaches that shouldn't be making these mistakes. 6 wins means big wiffs in FA and in the draft.

6 wins will not look like a sign that the team is getting better. 6 wins is ugly. For a team that has acquired this much talent, 6 wins would leave you feeling deflated.


I think it depends how competitive we are in the other 10 games. There's a fine line between winning and losing in the NFL. If there were 5 or 6 games that could've gone either way and we lost, I would be encouraged that with another season of experience by all three teams ( offense, defense and special teams ), and the addition of more " difference makers " in the draft and free agency we would be a playoff team in 2016. To wipe the slate clean after what I just described, and start yet another rebuilding process? No, that's not wise[/quote]

We just can't have any of the blow outs like last year. We knew the game was over by half time. Then it became excruciating to watch.
I'm just ready to stop speculating and seeing some smashmouth out of the Jags.

It's time......1-2-3      YEAH!

Quote:I'm just ready to stop speculating and seeing some smashmouth out of the Jags.

It's time......1-2-3      YEAH!
[Image: giphy.gif]
Quote:This is what you and JT Money fail to realize. I believe Caldwell has done his job, and he has all the right pieces in place to get to .500 or beyond. You think you always need more time, 1 more season will do it. Wrong, it's time to put up or take a hike. If this were a business, you two would be out of business.

Once again, what other teams fans think it's ok to not make the playoffs, besides us? I think not making it is fine, just don't have another losing season. Pretty pathetic thinking about it.

I think Caldwell has done a pretty good job yes. I also know we had more turnover than any team in a long time and is a very unique situation in that regards. Anyways, wins matter, but so does perspective. If we go 7-9 and lose a few games by a few points and look like a team on the rise, I think it would be foolish to blow it all up and start again. Doing that increases your chances of going backwards.
Quote:ame="Section105Fan" post="534471" timestamp="1441829422"]

We just can't have any of the blow outs like last year. We knew the game was over by half time. Then it became excruciating to watch.

I agree with the above. That would be a problem.
Just come to the game and yell your head off!

Let's get our Jags off to a great start.


The energy the first game of preseason was great and near an in season game.

But this first one....man I bet it's going to be something else.

My son is coming from Houston (but he was raised a Jags fan)

I want to give him something to take back to brag on.

I pity any panther fans in my section, they ain't gonna like it much. :no:
Quote:[quote name="Predator" post="534456" timestamp="1441828386"]

Chuck Noll didn't have the advantage of FA to build a team. It was a much slower process in those days.

We added 7 veteran starters through FA alone this year. Caldwell's first draft class is entering their third season which is considered the begining of a player's prime years.

Getting only three more wins this season would not be percieved as progress, it would be a sign of serious problems. It would mean multiple players not living up to expectations.

People are saying that these moderate gains such as getting to 6 wins will be viewed as improvement and would be considered acceptable progress. I promise you, if you see this team getting only 6 wins, the view won't be considered positive. 6 wins means a lots of big mistakes by players and coaches that shouldn't be making these mistakes. 6 wins means big wiffs in FA and in the draft.

6 wins will not look like a sign that the team is getting better. 6 wins is ugly. For a team that has acquired this much talent, 6 wins would leave you feeling deflated.


I think it depends how competitive we are in the other 10 games. There's a fine line between winning and losing in the NFL. If there were 5 or 6 games that could've gone either way and we lost, I would be encouraged that with another season of experience by all three teams ( offense, defense and special teams ), and the addition of more " difference makers " in the draft and free agency we would be a playoff team in 2016. To wipe the slate clean after what I just described, and start yet another rebuilding process? No, that's not wise
Teams that lose 5 or 6 games that could have gone either way are the bad teams in the NFL.


That means you have guys who aren't stepping up when it counts. That means you have players making mistakes when the game is on the line.


The NFL is a league of parity. These mistakes that keep a team constantly coming up short is what separates the good from the bad teams in this league.
Quote:The roster is still too young to win consistently. Once those drafts mature, I will expect playoffs yearly.
Quote:We should be good enough to win the AFC South or at least be in the race come December if we truly are "built". Gus set himself up for this one, and it will make him look bad if we have another sub-par season.
Here we have one person who understood what Gus said, and one person who didn't.
Quote:This is what you and JT Money fail to realize. I believe Caldwell has done his job, and he has all the right pieces in place to get to .500 or beyond. You think you always need more time, 1 more season will do it. Wrong, it's time to put up or take a hike. If this were a business, you two would be out of business.
If this were a business, you'd be wanting to close it down despite interest from venture capitalists, a very obviously solid business model, and advance orders, just because it didn't meet its profit projections last year.
Quote:Here we have one person who understood what Gus said, and one person who didn't.
I'm interested to hear your opinion on what he said. If he's saying the team is built to own the AFC South, how is it wrong to expect that? Wait EVEN longer after a decade of sucking for draft picks to mature? Hell no. Being eliminated from the play-offs or wildcard in October is embarrassing, and enough is enough.
Quote:If this were a business, you'd be wanting to close it down despite interest from venture capitalists, a very obviously solid business model, and advance orders, just because it didn't meet its profit projections last year.

Keep sipping your tea...you have nothing constructive to say on matter. You think Sosa doesn't know what he is talking about because you don't agree. Another 2 years of rebuild should do it right?
Quote:I'm interested to hear your opinion on what he said. If he's saying the team is built to own the AFC South, how is it wrong to expect that? Wait EVEN longer after a decade of sucking for draft picks to mature? Hell no. Being eliminated from the play-offs or wildcard in October is embarrassing, and enough is enough.

Ja ja. By built he means the foundation has been laid, not that the building has been built. Now we wait for the draftees to mature, in baby steps, 6-10, 8-8, 9-7, then take over for the next decade, while the rest of the South hibernates. It's not obvious?
Quote:Here we have one person who understood what Gus said, and one person who didn't.


Are you saying the posters in here are inconsistent? 
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