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Full Version: This Is Great, $15 an hour leeches
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Quote:Oh, I'm sure that the leftist attacks are going to come.  I don't worry, but wonder how many on the left will take the time to research how little an enlisted man makes in the military.  Justification for those types of people come in the form of "yes but you get "free" healthcare or "free dental".  Their perception of "free" doesn't include being away from your family for several months at a time.  It doesn't include working in a dangerous environment.  People that want to bring that kind of thing up can just KMA as far as I'm concerned.  At least it used to be when I served, if you can't/didn't "walk the walk" then you really shouldn't "talk the talk".

Why should you get paid well in the Military? A lot of it is unskilled work which according to the likes of you is worth McDonalds wages.
Quote:When you first visit the US and go slightly off the tourist track, the amount of poverty is actually shocking, I have never seen so many homeless people around.


On social mobility, just google some sources. I know it doesn't reflect the "American Dream'. In fact just look at the Jaguars, Tony Khan is the perfect example of how it pays to be born into money and connections. You think he's in any position like that otherwise at his age? Highly unlikely.

I will say that this is partially true.  As an example, go on the island of Oahu and take US1 (west if I remember right) until it ends.  You end up in an area that is dominated by "tent cities" of people that are "homeless".  However, go talk to many of them and it's apparent that they put themselves there by their own doing.


As those on the left do, they try to highlight people "born into money" and say that they achieved what they have only because of who they are or family connections.  Is it possible that he earned his spot?
Quote:This is where the leftists start making fun of you and using terms like "bootstrappy" to describe how you've succeeded.
On what basis? Ridiculing a man who started at the bottom and has worked his way up is commendable, not something you make fun of someone for.
Quote:I will say that this is partially true.  As an example, go on the island of Oahu and take US1 (west if I remember right) until it ends.  You end up in an area that is dominated by "tent cities" of people that are "homeless".  However, go talk to many of them and it's apparent that they put themselves there by their own doing.


As those on the left do, they try to highlight people "born into money" and say that they achieved what they have only because of who they are or family connections.  Is it possible that he earned his spot?

Sure he's probably very competent at the role but look at the info on his bio on this site:


1. He graduated from the University of Illinois Laboratory High School in 2001, where his graduating class had the highest ACT average of any class at any school in America ( Just your every day school right?)

2. Khan graduated from the College of Business at the University of Illinois in 2007 with a Bachelor of Science degree in finance.

3. Khan arrived in Jacksonville after serving as General Manager and a member of the Board of Managers of Bio-Alternative LLC since 2008


So within a year of Graduation he was on a Board of Managers with no real experience? Most of us are lucky to be in a Job and if we are right at the bottom of the pile. 
Quote:Why should you get paid well in the Military? A lot of it is unskilled work which according to the likes of you is worth McDonalds wages.

I'm going to respond to this post, then shut down for the night only because I may type some words that would get me banned.


I don't know how the military works in your country, but every single member of the military in our country is considered "skilled labor".  I have never, nor would I ever say that ANY military person in my country is "unskilled" or "worth McDonalds wages".


There are very few things that will "set me off" or really "piss me off", and one of those is some liberal leftist trying to not only put words into my mouth, but try to degrade my brothers and sisters in our military.  EVERY and I do mean EVERY man and women in our military deserves respect and honor.  Our men and women that serve currently DESERVE to get paid better than some life-long loser working for McDonalds no matter their rank or job in the service.


Our men and women that are veterans DESERVE a lot more respect than they get.


Why should people get paid well in our military?  It's because it is filled by people with the fortitude to volunteer to put themselves in harm's way so that people here at home will still have the FREEDOM that we've enjoyed for several years.


So sit there in your far off land and say what you want regarding our military.  I can tell you this right now, our military is paid way too little and from the E-1 to the 0-8 there is not one "unskilled" person.
Quote:On what basis? Ridiculing a man who started at the bottom and has worked his way up is commendable, not something you make fun of someone for.

You been to the lefty-type pop culture boards lately? Those who raised themselves up and believe others can and should do likewise are derided for their stance because, as they say, "you didn't build that."
I agree with you jagibelieve. People in the military should get decent pay, but so should everybody.

My point was that the average enlisted person needs little education or skills. A few weeks training and you are in. I'm sorry but when basically the whole population can do it, it isn't highly skilled work.

Now they should be rewarded for their courage. But in your beloved free market they aren't worth decent wages, so I guess it's lucky it's paid by the state and not private companies.

Ps I'm British, the requirements are a bit more stringent apparently but again most people could do it.
Quote:I agree with you jagibelieve. People in the military should get decent pay, but so should everybody.

My point was that the average enlisted person needs little education or skills. A few weeks training and you are in. I'm sorry but when basically the whole population can do it, it isn't highly skilled work.

Now they should be rewarded for their courage. But in your beloved free market they aren't worth decent wages, so I guess it's lucky it's paid by the state and not private companies.

Ps I'm British, the requirements are a bit more stringent apparently but again most people could do it.

Work that requires courage is highly valuable. Your concept of worth is defective.
Quote:Work that requires courage is highly valuable. Your concept of worth is defective.

It's not my concept. I think everyone should get paid a decent wage if they are working.

But In free markets you won't be paid well if there's millions with the ability/ willingness to do your job
Quote:It's not my concept. I think everyone should get paid a decent wage if they are working.

But In free markets you won't be paid well if there's millions with the ability/ willingness to do your job

True, but millions aren't willing to enter the Armed Forces. And minimum wage is a decent wage for a burger flipper or car washer.
Quote:True, but millions aren't willing to enter the Armed Forces. And minimum wage is a decent wage for a burger flipper or car washer.

You ever lived on that wage? Saying that you don't come across as a tertiary educated guy. You one of those who has just been well trained by the media to accept a crappy wage and vote against your own/the majority interest?
Quote:You ever lived on that wage? Saying that you don't come across as a tertiary educated guy. You one of those who has just been well trained by the media to accept a crappy wage and vote against your own/the majority interest?

I got married at 20 when I was making $4.75 because it was all I could find. I wasn't making that a year later because I had brains, skill, and work ethic. I never once thought I should make what the skilled and degreed staff should make because I wasnt on their level but I knew I could and would be. Now I am, because I earned it, not because I voted for someone else to be forced to give it to me.
Quote:You ever lived on that wage? Saying that you don't come across as a tertiary educated guy. You one of those who has just been well trained by the media to accept a crappy wage and vote against your own/the majority interest?

You're not supposed to live on minimum wage.  You're supposed to get your foot on the bottom rung of the ladder and learn something about working and about life in general.   People who advocate raising the minimum wage don't seem to realize, they are just raising up the bottom rung of the ladder to the point where fewer people will be able to get on it.   If you raise the cost of basic labor, you give a powerful incentive for business owners to find alternatives that are cheaper.  And that means fewer people will be able to reach the bottom rung of the ladder. 


You think minimum wage earners are voting in their own interest when they vote to raise the minimum wage?   They're not.   They're voting to eliminate their own jobs.  


At $7.25 per hour, I might hire a young guy to sweep out my warehouse, and while he's there, he might watch how we do the shipping and receiving, and work his way up if he's sharp enough.  Or he might decide warehouse work sucks and decide to enroll in community college and get a better set of skills.   But at $15.00 an hour, no way I hire someone to do that.  I figure out some other way to keep the warehouse clean.   And that young guy sits on his  behind at home or hangs out with his friends who are also unemployed.  


It's an absolute fact that if you raise the cost of something, you decrease demand for it.   That's why raising the minimum wage eliminates jobs.  

Quote:This is where the leftists start making fun of you and using terms like "bootstrappy" to describe how you've succeeded. I, too, followed a similar path though without the military. I got married, worked what jobs I could find, found a career, went to college and grad school and am now told that people can't do what I did and I should sacrifice my family's financial means on their behalf.  I mean, living on a budget is somehow beneath all these people who think they shouldn't have to do what we did, that financial security is their right, even if that means other people have to subsidize it.

What are you talking about? Nobody had said a budget is beneath people. Nobody has said people can't do that. You are throwing punches at the invisible man. I called BS on your $100 a month can make you a millionaire fantasy, because that is exactly what it is.
The intent of minimum wage jobs as far as getting your foot in the door, etc., is all well and good.

But do we still live in that type of economy anymore?

I was under the impression manufacturing has left the usa and that we are in the midst of a jobless economic recovery...

Wages have stagnant growth, productivity is still increasing higher than wages, most jobs are leaving the usa, and wall street is seeing record profits.

Something is wrong with the current economic status quo.
Quote:You're not supposed to live on minimum wage.  You're supposed to get your foot on the bottom rung of the ladder and learn something about working and about life in general.   People who advocate raising the minimum wage don't seem to realize, they are just raising up the bottom rung of the ladder to the point where fewer people will be able to get on it.   If you raise the cost of basic labor, you give a powerful incentive for business owners to find alternatives that are cheaper.  And that means fewer people will be able to reach the bottom rung of the ladder. 


You think minimum wage earners are voting in their own interest when they vote to raise the minimum wage?   They're not.   They're voting to eliminate their own jobs.  


At $7.25 per hour, I might hire a young guy to sweep out my warehouse, and while he's there, he might watch how we do the shipping and receiving, and work his way up if he's sharp enough.  Or he might decide warehouse work sucks and decide to enroll in community college and get a better set of skills.   But at $15.00 an hour, no way I hire someone to do that.  I figure out some other way to keep the warehouse clean.   And that young guy sits on his  behind at home or hangs out with his friends who are also unemployed.  


It's an absolute fact that if you raise the cost of something, you decrease demand for it.   That's why raising the minimum wage eliminates jobs.  

At $7.25 an hour you might hire a young guy to sweep out your warehouse.  Sure you, might.  And you might not.   The fact is the solution you'd think of at $15.00/hour or $10.75/hour is likely the one you're going to think of at $7.25/hour.  You'll just make it someone else's job, and not pay someone extra.  Because most businesses aren't in the business of giving jobs to people because they feel charitable.  They have jobs because they need people working.  They don't pay people to sit around and do nothing.  That's not smart business.  

Sure, a minimum wage increase eliminates some jobs.  But a minimum wage increase is necessary to at the bare minimum keep up with inflation.  It doesn't matter if you aren't "supposed" to live on it.  A lot of people are.  People who have degrees, because they can't find jobs and have to make a living somehow.  And these aren't people with "puppetering" degrees as some would have you believe.  Many of them have useful degrees, and graduated with good marks.  
Quote:At $7.25 an hour you might hire a young guy to sweep out your warehouse.  Sure you, might.  And you might not.   The fact is the solution you'd think of at $15.00/hour or $10.75/hour is likely the one you're going to think of at $7.25/hour.  You'll just make it someone else's job, and not pay someone extra.  Because most businesses aren't in the business of giving jobs to people because they feel charitable.  They have jobs because they need people working.  They don't pay people to sit around and do nothing.  That's not smart business.  

Sure, a minimum wage increase eliminates some jobs.  But a minimum wage increase is necessary to at the bare minimum keep up with inflation.  It doesn't matter if you aren't "supposed" to live on it.  A lot of people are.  People who have degrees, because they can't find jobs and have to make a living somehow.  And these aren't people with "puppetering" degrees as some would have you believe.  Many of them have useful degrees, and graduated with good marks.  
Those people are just moochers and bums and lazy. Obviously they should just try harder because there are enough high paying jobs to be successful for the entire population right?
As a business owner myself I can assure anyone prices are reflective of our costs. That is why you have "market price" listed on some items in the menu. Those products which have huge fluctuations in price will be listed as market price to make certain they are not sold at a loss.


Wages are also a cost item on the ledger sheet. When labor costs go up the price we charge for products must cover that increase or the product is sold at a loss because the labor costs, purchase price, electricity, business licenses, etc. etc. are all part of the cost of selling that product.


Regards................the Chiefjag

Quote:As a business owner myself I can assure anyone prices are reflective of our costs. That is why you have "market price" listed on some items in the menu. Those products which have huge fluctuations in price will be listed as market price to make certain they are not sold at a loss.


Wages are also a cost item on the ledger sheet. When labor costs go up the price we charge for products must cover that increase or the product is sold at a loss because the labor costs, purchase price, electricity, business licenses, etc. etc. are all part of the cost of selling that product.


Regards................the Chiefjag

b-but Walmart and McDonalds can afford it! Why can't you? :turned:
Well, only some of the McDonalds are doing it, and Walmart has buying power the local mom-and-pop stores do not.


Regards....................the Chiefjag

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