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Full Version: Has Trump Committed Treason?
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The ship thing isn't a big deal but let's get this thread back on topic concerning our Traitor and Chief.
How exactly is Trump a traitor?  I don't get it.

Quote:The ship thing isn't a big deal but let's get this thread back on topic concerning our Traitor and Chief.

Celebrity in Chief.
Quote:How exactly is Trump a traitor? I don't get it.

If it is proven he had help from a foreign country to get him elected then lied about it then what do you call it? Patty Cake?
Quote:If it is proven he had help from a foreign country to get him elected then lied about it then what do you call it?

Alleged help from a foreign government which exposed his political opponent as corrupt and careless with state secrets. But still...Russians.
Quote:If it is proven he had help from a foreign country to get him elected then lied about it then what do you call it?

We call that american politics as usual. Doesn't make it right. But that's fact. Both sides are wrong in this or with their respective view points whether you take the historical stance or today's stance of current affairs. Both sides are guilty of corruption, both, foreign and domestic. 
Hillary Clinton had help from all those foreign Governments donating to her slush fund The Clinton Foundation





Well.... I suppose we toss him in jail and your next liberal POTUS can let him go after a few years.

I'll just wait for the proof I guess.

[Image: tucker-carlson.jpg]

ME                                                                                                                                     you flippin weirdos

Quote:We call that american politics as usual. Doesn't make it right. But that's fact. Both sides are wrong in this or with their respective view points whether you take the historical stance or today's stance of current affairs. Both sides are guilty of corruption, both, foreign and domestic.

Help to deliberately steer an election one way with the promise to remove sanctions isn't business as usual.
Quote:The Obama administration imposes sanctions on Russia in response to their meddling in our election.  


Russia announces that it will retaliate. 


Incoming National Security Advisor Michael Flynn then calls the Russian Ambassador. 


The very next day, the Russians announce they will not retaliate. 


The Justice Department tells Trump about the phone call between Flynn and the Russian Ambassador, and that General Flynn is now a possible Russian blackmail target because of the content of the phone call.  We routinely wiretap the Russian ambassador, so we have a transcript of the phone call! 


A month goes by and nothing happens.  Why?  Flynn is finally fired (according to Sean Spicer) or resigned on his own (according to Kellyanne Conway) when the story gains traction in the media. 


Why did Trump not fire Flynn when the Justice Department told him about the contents of the phone call?  Why did Trump let weeks go by without doing anything, even though he knew about the phone call?   Was it because Flynn was acting on Trump's instructions?  If so, does Trump conspiring with Russians constitute treason?  


Or is Trump so totally incompetent the whole thing just went in one ear and out the other? 


One thing's for sure.  This isn't going away.  
Sadly it is looking like this may be the issue.
How did Russia steer the election? 

The FBI already looked into this and found nothing illicit. In fairness, he's being crucified by the media after he was supportive of Obama and then he was openly supportive of Trump. And now the media is treating Pence like it's new darling? 


In my opinion. This truly borders on fake news until the actual and alleged Russian emails are brought into public viewing. No evidence to prove a Russian Hacking occurred. That has not happened as of today.


But we've hacked some 80 odd elections over the past 40 years. And if treason is up in the air let's get Kissinger arrested for his treason in 1968 for what happened in Vietnam when peace talks were sabotaged with his handiwork between the North and South Vietnamese. 


And let's get Hilary Clinton for the 20% of US Uranium being sold to the Kremlin while the Podesta group was lobbying on behalf of Uranium One. While money was being funneled to the Clinton foundation from Uranium One.

Quote:Help to deliberately steer an election one way with the promise to remove sanctions isn't business as usual.

Sure it is. We do it all the time. We've done it around 80 times over the last 40 years in various ways. Pot meet kettle. Even though these allegations against Russia have yet to be backed, supported or proven with actual emails and leaks.... 
Quote:Help to deliberately steer an election one way with the promise to remove sanctions isn't business as usual.

Even assuming the huge stretch that Russia hacked the DNC at Trump's urging, there were no sanctions to remove at the time of the hack.

Quote:Like I said in the other thread, Obama imposes sanctions, Russia threatens to retaliate, Flynn make a phone call that calms them down and prevents WW3. How is this a bad thing?


But you are right in your last sentence. The Left and their wholly owned media are going to beat this dead horse until it screams.

So, he prevented WW3 and then Trump fired him.   Makes sense to me...
Quote:What in the fresh hell are you babbling about?

<a class="bbc_url" href='https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/powerpost/paloma/daily-202/2017/02/15/daily-202-it-s-bigger-than-flynn-new-russia-revelations-widen-trump-s-credibility-gap/58a3c5b9e9b69b1406c75cb4/?utm_term=.faa192281a81'>https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/powerpost/paloma/daily-202/2017/02/15/daily-202-it-s-bigger-than-flynn-new-russia-revelations-widen-trump-s-credibility-gap/58a3c5b9e9b69b1406c75cb4/?utm_term=.faa192281a81</a>

No one is babbling. But this is indeed a fresh hell.
Quote:So, he prevented WW3 and then Trump fired him.   Makes sense to me...

He was fired for lying to Pence.


But by your logic, he should be executed for preventing WW3 a month too soon.

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