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It's not rogue agents. It's these agencies actively leaking intel. The intelligence community is bringing this to light. And god bless them for it.
Quote:It's not rogue agents. It's these agencies actively leaking intel. The intelligence community is bringing this to light. And god bless them for it.

So what percentage of the employees of the CIA and FBI are anti-Trump to the point of leaking information to press?
Quote:It's not rogue agents. It's these agencies actively leaking intel. The intelligence community is bringing this to light. And god bless them for it.

Yeh, who cares about burning a surveillance op. As long as it makes trumps guys look bad right?
Quote:It's not rogue agents. It's these agencies actively leaking intel. The intelligence community is bringing this to light. And god bless them for it.

Um... yes it is.  It's not the "intelligence community", it's a few rogue agents within the intelligence community.  It's hard for people to grasp that have never held a clearance or been around classified information, but information is classified for a reason.  There are some things that should never be talked about or discussed, especially if it's with the press.


I'll bet a liberal like you really likes Edward Snowden and Wikileaks... up to the point when Wikileaks published the DNC emails.


Edward Snowden is a traitor and should be charged with the crime that he committed.  The same should happen to whoever leaked this intel to the press.
Snowden is what is called a whistle blower and should be protected.


The traitors are the Bush admin and the NSA spy machine.  They betray the American people.

Quote:Snowden is what is called a whistle blower and should be protected.


The traitors are the Bush admin and the NSA spy machine.  They betray the American people.
Snowden is a [BLEEP] turd! He can't be considered a whistleblower releasing classified information collected under legal authority.
Quote:Snowden is what is called a whistle blower and should be protected.


The traitors are the Bush admin and the NSA spy machine.  They betray the American people.

Snowden is a traitor and should be charged and tried for his crime(s).  He did the very same thing that the rogue employees within the intelligence agencies did.  They should all be charged and brought to justice.
Quote:Snowden is a traitor and should be charged and tried for his crime(s).  He did the very same thing that the rogue employees within the intelligence agencies did.  They should all be charged and brought to justice.

The difference is Snowden exposed actual serious stuff while this is like exposing basically nothing for the sole purpose of driving a false narrative that Trump is a Russian agent.  Quite a difference.


And no.  You guys have let Fox News indoctrinate you to the point of wanting to punish people who are telling you how the government is overstepping their constitutional authority.


If our government is engaged in illegal activity, the people need to know.

Stop being loyal to the politicians who have lied to you for decades and pretended to be true constitutional conservatives, and be loyal to the American people.


George Bush is not your friend.  The sooner you can admit that and realize the Bush family is a globalist mafia, we can all grow together.

Quote:Stop being loyal to the politicians who have lied to you for decades and pretended to be true constitutional conservatives, and be loyal to the American people.


George Bush is not your friend.  The sooner you can admit that and realize the Bush family is a globalist mafia, we can all grow together.
You had a good point with the first sentence, but then the second one and your Bush bashing (no pun intended) is a bit out in left field. Dare I say tin foil worthy.
Quote:Um... yes it is. It's not the "intelligence community", it's a few rogue agents within the intelligence community. It's hard for people to grasp that have never held a clearance or been around classified information, but information is classified for a reason. There are some things that should never be talked about or discussed, especially if it's with the press.

I'll bet a liberal like you really likes Edward Snowden and Wikileaks... up to the point when Wikileaks published the DNC emails.

Edward Snowden is a traitor and should be charged with the crime that he committed. The same should happen to whoever leaked this intel to the press.

This is what you believe when you only listen to the news you want to hear.

It's not rogue agents in intelligence. The only rogue player involved is the one in the WH. But you will never be man enough to admit you've been duped. Carry on Wink
Quote:Snowden is a traitor and should be charged and tried for his crime(s). He did the very same thing that the rogue employees within the intelligence agencies did. They should all be charged and brought to justice.

What classified info was leaked?
Quote:You had a good point with the first sentence, but then the second one and your Bush bashing (no pun intended) is a bit out in left field. Dare I say tin foil worthy.

Let's see... the Bushes have always been open borders, Free trade, and actually used the term "New World Order".  It's safe to say they are globalists, and I havent even begun to scratch the service.


It's all basically the opposite of what Trump has stood for... which is why he won.

Quote:This is what you believe when you only listen to the news you want to hear.

It's not rogue agents in intelligence. The only rogue player involved is the one in the WH. But you will never be man enough to admit you've been duped. Carry on Wink

Answer my question


The unraveled and completely insane left have officially won the Special Olympics of political threads.

Quote:This is what you believe when you only listen to the news you want to hear.

It's not rogue agents in intelligence. The only rogue player involved is the one in the WH. But you will never be man enough to admit you've been duped. Carry on Wink

Believe that all you want.  I don't base my opinion on this particular topic just from the news.  I can't say much more, but if I did something similar I would probably lose my job and end up in jail.  It's naive to think that there are no rogue agents or people within government that want to undermine the current administration.  That's exactly what this is and the well placed leaks are being reported on dishonestly in the MSM.


People are distracted by the misleading headlines and "news" stories presented, meanwhile the illegal activity gets ignored.


Quote:What classified info was leaked?

The fact that there are methods to monitor foreign communications and the content of such.  I can't go into too much detail, but what got leaked to the press never should have been disclosed.


This goes beyond politics.  Our secrets should be just that... secret.  Putting just the slightest bit of information out publicly is damaging, reckless and should not be tolerated.  That's what the press should be reporting on.  Instead, you have the MSM "reporting" with misleading headlines that doesn't actually tell the truth.
Quote:Snowden is what is called a whistle blower and should be protected.


The traitors are the Bush admin and the NSA spy machine.  They betray the American people.
Ahh the American people deserve it.


They allowed a terrorist attack on 9/11 to sacrifice liberty for security.


The Patriot Act was/is awful. And people loved it! "We're so much safer if everyone is assumed to be a terrorist so they can spy on all of us."
Quote:Stop being loyal to the politicians who have lied to you for decades and pretended to be true constitutional conservatives, and be loyal to the American people.


George Bush is not your friend.  The sooner you can admit that and realize the Bush family is a globalist mafia, we can all grow together.
Agreed here.
Quote:You talk of this evidence like you have actually seen it.  Yes, Flynn talked to somebody. This talk of "Trump aides" is not substantiated.  If there is evidence, let's see it.

Were you this demanding of evidence from Hillary's emails before passing judgement?
Quote:He was fired for lying to Pence.


But by your logic, he should be executed for preventing WW3 a month too soon.

So he was preventing WW3, and then he lied about it.  Why would he lie about preventing WW3?  
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