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Quote:<a class="bbc_url" href='https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/powerpost/paloma/daily-202/2017/02/15/daily-202-it-s-bigger-than-flynn-new-russia-revelations-widen-trump-s-credibility-gap/58a3c5b9e9b69b1406c75cb4/?utm_term=.faa192281a81'>https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/powerpost/paloma/daily-202/2017/02/15/daily-202-it-s-bigger-than-flynn-new-russia-revelations-widen-trump-s-credibility-gap/58a3c5b9e9b69b1406c75cb4/?utm_term=.faa192281a81</a>

No one is babbling. But this is indeed a fresh hell.
Or we can even go a different direction. See how this works? All perspective.


Quote:When your Orange Overload goes down in brilliant orange flames I want you Trump supporters to remember all the dumb [BAD WORD REMOVED] you guys tried to peddle. Maybe change your avatars to Traitors.

Ted Kennedy tried to enlist the soviet union to help him run for president.

Flynn was networking as a member of the incoming administration. No stretch of the word TREASON would apply to the president elect and his incoming administration.
Quote:[Image: tucker-carlson.jpg]

ME you flippin weirdos

In all seriousness that was a scary interview
Quote:Help to deliberately steer an election one way with the promise to remove sanctions isn't business as usual.

The sanctions and the conversation happened after the election
Curious to know who the nine leaker's are though. That should be concerning more than anything. If they're willing to leak and give the fake media news outlets blood in the water who else and what else do they have that they can leak? Good or bad, it's compromising. 


Trump should have held the line here. He shouldn't have let the press win. Now it comes off as a weakness. He should have hammered this situation out between Pence and Flynn and he shouldn't have allowed him to "re-sign". Bannon will be next. You let them break the line. When it rains it pours. Whether it's real, fake or inflammatory. They won't let up now. 


The Russian playbook^

Simply amazing watching this play out in front if us in real time. This is literally cartoon world domination stuff

The Russian playbook^

Simply amazing watching this play out in front if us in real time. This is literally cartoon world domination stuff

Meh. Predictability at best. Our country has always had racial issues and tensions. Nothing new published in that book from 1997. And if we're talking about publications mapping out our political views and current affairs look no further than Karl Marx and his publications.... 

Quote:Curious to know who the nine leaker's are though. That should be concerning more than anything. If they're willing to leak and give the fake media news outlets blood in the water who else and what else do they have that they can leak? Good or bad, it's compromising.

Trump should have held the line here. He shouldn't have let the press win. Now it comes off as a weakness. He should have hammered this situation out between Pence and Flynn and he shouldn't have allowed him to "re-sign". Bannon will be next. You let them break the line. When it rains it pours. Whether it's real, fake or inflammatory. They won't let up now.

It's the intelligence community fighting back against trump and by proxy Russia. The media is just reporting it. The same nyt journalist who broke the story on Clinton's emails broke this one about the constant contact with the Russians by trumps campaign.
Quote:Curious to know who the nine leaker's are though. That should be concerning more than anything. If they're willing to leak and give the fake media news outlets blood in the water who else and what else do they have that they can leak? Good or bad, it's compromising.

Trump should have held the line here. He shouldn't have let the press win. Now it comes off as a weakness. He should have hammered this situation out between Pence and Flynn and he shouldn't have allowed him to "re-sign". Bannon will be next. You let them break the line. When it rains it pours. Whether it's real, fake or inflammatory. They won't let up now.

So much this

And the Lakers have committed treason
Quote:It's the intelligence community fighting back against trump and by proxy Russia. The media is just reporting it. The same nyt journalist who broke the story on Clinton's emails broke this one about the constant contact with the Russians by trumps campaign.

And people are comfortable with the deep state and intelligence agencies pulling these stunts? And, despite the fact that the FBI cleared Flynn last month of any illicit behavior with his conversations with the Russian ambassador? Again, the questions need to be asked so it'll clear all of this up.


1. If Russia was truly involved and hacked this election in Trump's favor. Show me the money. I want to see the actual documents and emails that CLEARLY indicate foul play by Russia. 


2. Who are the nine unidentified personnel that leaked this information? I am fine with their being a probe just to appease the masses. But I also want these nine individuals probed as well for any further damaging information that could be used at the expense and risk of our country's safety. 

Quote:Russia now has spy ships off the coast of Delaware.

I'll let you in on a couple of little secrets.  It's not the only one and it's not the first time.
Quote:In all seriousness that was a scary interview
I'm not Tucker's biggest fan...


he tends to provoke a lot.


But he gets the craziest people on his show... the furthest left.. and in some instances ungovernable people in general who think their anarchy is THE ONLY WAY.


That woman was a fascist speaking out on fascism.

Yvette Felarca

That woman teaches 6th graders....

spews violence on TV and goes and probably poisons so many young minds.



Nice to read stuff like this though.


Some people won't stand for that type of crazy. Sorry if you don't like Trump. Doesn't give you the right to incite riots.


But I've swayed from the original post here....

this belongs in the "tolerant left" thread.


Not the much more serious Trump Treason thread lol
Quote:Curious to know who the nine leaker's are though. That should be concerning more than anything. If they're willing to leak and give the fake media news outlets blood in the water who else and what else do they have that they can leak? Good or bad, it's compromising. 


Trump should have held the line here. He shouldn't have let the press win. Now it comes off as a weakness. He should have hammered this situation out between Pence and Flynn and he shouldn't have allowed him to "re-sign". Bannon will be next. You let them break the line. When it rains it pours. Whether it's real, fake or inflammatory. They won't let up now. 
Quote:And people are comfortable with the deep state and intelligence agencies pulling these stunts? And, despite the fact that the FBI cleared Flynn last month of any illicit behavior with his conversations with the Russian ambassador? Again, the questions need to be asked so it'll clear all of this up.


1. If Russia was truly involved and hacked this election in Trump's favor. Show me the money. I want to see the actual documents and emails that CLEARLY indicate foul play by Russia. 


2. Who are the nine unidentified personnel that leaked this information? I am fine with their being a probe just to appease the masses. But I also want these nine individuals probed as well for any further damaging information that could be used at the expense and risk of our country's safety. 

At last, somebody else actually gets it.  The information leaked to the press is classified information and the people that leaked it are guilty of a felony.
Quote:At last, somebody else actually gets it.  The information leaked to the press is classified information and the people that leaked it are guilty of a felony.
And the argument of the Anti-Trumpers is...


"you're missing the point"


The biggest point to be made here is that our government intelligence agencies, FBI, CIA, NSA, all of them... can bend, break, or change the rules at will.

Citizens of America have different rules when it comes to spying........ until they don't.


The FBI and CIA have had more sway over elections and pre/post election events than Russia could ever dream.
Quote:Good boy, you wised up and decided to stop bickering!

[Image: 269c469c-7c66-4167-9118-35d40b3a0be5.jpg]
This article sums it up pretty good.


Details of the phone call according to the article.



The New York Times and Washington Post reported that the transcript of the phone call reviewed over the weekend by the White House could be read different ways. One White House official with knowledge of the conversations told me that the Russian ambassador raised the sanctions to Flynn and that Flynn responded that the Trump team would be taking office in a few weeks and would review Russia policy and sanctions. That's neither illegal nor improper


Here is more.


Normally intercepts of U.S. officials and citizens are some of the most tightly held government secrets
. This is for good reason. Selectively disclosing details of private conversations monitored by the FBI or NSA gives the permanent state the power to destroy reputations from the cloak of anonymity. This is what police states do.


<p style="color:rgb(51,51,64);font-family:Tiempos, 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;font-size:17px;">In the past it was considered scandalous for senior U.S. officials to even request the identities of U.S. officials incidentally monitored by the government (normally they are redacted from intelligence reports). John Bolton's nomination to be U.S. ambassador to the United Nations was derailed in 2006 after the NSA confirmed he had made 10 such requests when he was Undersecretary of State for Arms Control in George W. Bush's first term. The fact that the intercepts of Flynn's conversations with Kislyak appear to have been widely distributed inside the government is a red flag.



It's also possible that a group of national security bureaucrats and former Obama officials are selectively leaking highly sensitive law enforcement information to undermine the elected government.


<p style="color:rgb(51,51,64);font-family:Tiempos, 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;font-size:17px;">Flynn was a fat target for the national security state.
Bingo, JIB.  This is a Civil War.  The intel services are tapping the WH phones and leaking anything that undermines the Trump admin.  

Quote:It's the intelligence community fighting back against trump and by proxy Russia. The media is just reporting it. The same nyt journalist who broke the story on Clinton's emails broke this one about the constant contact with the Russians by trumps campaign.

So you think the intelligence agencies are 100% aligned against Trump?


The truth is there is an internal civil war going on.  The old powers YOU support, who ruined this country btw, are holding on for dear life.  And you support the scum suckers.  wow you are the worst.
Quote:Bingo, JIB.  This is a Civil War.  The intel services are tapping the WH phones and leaking anything that undermines the Trump admin.  

I wouldn't say the intel services as a whole, but many rouge personnel.  The fact that the call was intercepted period should never have made it to the press, let alone any details of the phone call.  I do think that there should be an investigation and the leakers should be fired and prosecuted.
Quote:I wouldn't say the intel services as a whole, but many rouge personnel.  The fact that the call was intercepted period should never have made it to the press, let alone any details of the phone call.  I do think that there should be an investigation and the leakers should be fired and prosecuted.

Trump has moles within his own admin.  It's a civil war.  There is a deep political game going on.  It all goes back to trump being an outsider. He's not on board with the globalist agenda and he plans to ruin decades of globalist progress.
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