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Las Vegas Shooting

(10-06-2017, 12:41 PM)Adam2012 Wrote:
(10-06-2017, 12:59 AM)Jaguarmeister Wrote: Reports now suggest that he scoped out a hotel with a view of Grant Park in Chicago the weekend of Lollapalooza (which is held in Grant Park) and was researching hotels in Boston with a view of the inside of Fenway park but couldn't find one.  I think this diminishes the narrative that he was specifically targeting conservatives as the other two events would have been much less likely to be comprised of a majority of conservatives. I don't think he cared what the political leanings of his victims were.

Based on what's out there right now, it's looking to me like he probably was radicalized by Islamic terrorists at some point during the past few years and probably had help either carrying out his deed or at the very least with the logistics of it.

What??? What proof of this do you have? If he were working for ISIS I think he would have let the whole world know. These radicalized killers are not usually shy about sharing their thoughts. Besides, Donald would have tweeted the fact in a heartbeat. Donald would be gloating about the entire ordeal.

I don't have "proof" hence the words "looking to me like" and "probably".  That's opinion language which I wouldn't have used if there was documented proof of him meeting with Islamic terrorists, ISIS or otherwise.  I'm not committed to the position and I'll be easily moved off of it if information comes out that doesn't support the narrative, but ISIS initially claimed responsibility and then doubled down on that claim.  I don't remember them ever being this adamant about an attack being theirs, although I get that this is a pretty big event and that they could still benefit from associating themselves with it.  Also, the Philippines, which he visited multiple times, is a place with a higher percent chance that such a door could have been opened with him.  He was looking at multiple venues which means I don't know how much you can read into why he chose the specific event he chose other than it offered the opportunity he was looking for.  Lastly, it looks to me like this guy had help on some level which if true means there was a common cause and that this was not the "snap" or "slow burn" of a lone wolf.  What types of causes might fit the bill here?  He also apparently filmed himself during the event and for what purpose?  Was it to send a message to the authorities or perhaps the general public?  Was he streaming the event to somewhere else in the world?  Those questions should be answered in the coming days and weeks and I'm guessing once they are that his reasoning will come to light.

This wasn't a road rage or employment loss type of "snap".  This was carefully planned, carefully calculated, indiscriminate, mass murder.  There was a reason for it which most that have walked in his shoes before have felt the need to convey before, during or after their event was over.  My best guess right now is if he left a message that the investigators already have it but don't feel it's appropriate at this time to release it until they tie up any potential loose ends.

He could very well have been a lone wolf that kept this all to himself for a year or longer and just decided he wanted to go out in a blaze of infamy.  For someone who by all accounts was very smart and very calculating and who had enough money to not have to worry about his financial future or feel envious of people with more than him, I'm just finding it very difficult to wrap my head around that possibility.

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(10-06-2017, 02:09 PM)uthill Wrote: You guys really think that a out of shape 64 year old did all this shooting? What it takes to squeeze off rounds from a belt fed gun isn't that easy. Give me a break about it not being one. Also there was shootings at another hotel and now reports coming out of people shot facing away from Mandalay Bay. Youtube is pulling down videos that show different from what the MSM/Las Vegas cops false narrative is. Bump Stock laughable.

Where, other than the Mandalay Bay and concert area, were people shot?

I know people don't see it this way since they're government employees, but these are just normal people trying to save lives. What motivation does the LVPD have to mislead people during this investigation? It would be too easy to have someone come out with the truth if that were the case.

(10-06-2017, 02:09 PM)uthill Wrote: You guys really think that a out of shape 64 year old did all this shooting? 

Definitely need to be in shape to do that.  I think the FBI is keeping a close eye on all of the most recent NYC Marathon winners from Kenya.

(10-06-2017, 02:09 PM)uthill Wrote: You guys really think that a out of shape 64 year old did all this shooting? What it takes to squeeze off rounds from a belt fed gun isn't that easy. Give me a break about it not being one. Also there was shootings at another hotel and now reports coming out of people shot facing away from Mandalay Bay. Youtube is pulling down videos that show different from what the MSM/Las Vegas cops false narrative is. Bump Stock laughable.

Please don't stop posting. Your posts don't make a lot of sense, but they are highly amusing.

Please show me a report of this other shooting. Oh - it's a conspiracy and You Tube is part of it.

And what does "people shot facing away from Mandalay Bay" even mean? Yeah, the cops are putting out a false narrative, but you  know the real story? Now that's laughable.

And let's not forget - it can't be an ***OFFICIAL*** conspiracy until certified by Byron LeftTown, and he's waiting for Alex Jones to tell him what to think.
The sun's not yellow, it's chicken.

Adam it was on Youtube, a woman at a hotel too far away to be hit from Mandalay bay had it's front windows shot out and the weird thing is she was also talking about being on the 32nd floor, that could be just a thing but is kinda weird. You won't find it though, just like the Uber, cab lady that was there at the time of the shooting at Mandalay Bay as showed flashes of shots from the 4th floor. You can think what you want but please turn off the TV and the MSM lies that change like the wind.

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(10-06-2017, 06:15 AM)homebiscuit Wrote: Judging from the descriptions of his cold stoic personality, I get the impression this guy was a misanthrope. He slaughtered these people for no other reason than he hated humanity. As I stated before, this wasn't a snap, but a slow seething burn. He demonstrated an unprecedented dynamic of insanity that will be for the medical books.

I guess this is what I was trying to say in my initial statement as to people trying to reason out why this guy did what he did. 

I guess for me, to speculate is time consuming and why speculate when there are experts out there are figuring it out. But I've also had a rough week so to talk this point to death has seemed inconsequential compared to the stress of my real life week. I know I've done plenty of speculating on events so I can't really tell others it's pointless.

(10-05-2017, 02:24 PM)flsprtsgod Wrote:
(10-03-2017, 09:08 AM)TheO-LineMatters Wrote: I've never written "There ought'a be a law....." on this board.

Oh? Do tell...

(10-03-2017, 09:08 AM)TheO-LineMatters Wrote: As far as the issue of silencers, ownership of guns by people on the no-fly list and people with mental issues, you're completely right. This should be a no-brainer. They should all be banned,
Certain people on this board, as do many in the world, love to play semantics when caught in a lie.

"I never used those exact words."

(10-05-2017, 06:44 PM)americus 2.0 Wrote: Y'all keep making references to this guy's actions like he was sane. Number and type of weapons and motive and such are not relevant when talking about a person deranged enough to do something like this. Stop thinking he was a rational person making rational decisions. I know it's human nature to try and figure out the 'why' of a thing, but when it comes to seriously mental folks there is no figuring it out.

Why did Jeffrey Dahmer, Ted Bundy and David Berkowitz kill all those people? Why did Timothy McVeigh blow up a building? Why do any of these horrific things happen? Because these folks are mentally screwed up in ways that are not understandable to the general population of the world and to try to figure it out or make sense of it is beyond our capabilities.

As usual, Americus wins the thread.

(10-06-2017, 12:59 AM)Jaguarmeister Wrote: Based on what's out there right now, it's looking to me like he probably was radicalized by Islamic terrorists at some point during the past few years and probably had help either carrying out his deed or at the very least with the logistics of it.

Why Islamic terrorists? Is it not entirely plausible that a 64-year-old white man could have been radicalized by white supremacists? Or by Neo-Nazis? Or even by far right fringe religious groups that don't pray to Allah? Maybe even moreso than the notion that he'd suddenly find himself called to jihad?

To be perfectly honest, I fully expect that the attack was arranged and/or carried out by a domestic group not linked to Islam in the slightest, but by the time the "investigation" is over, Mustafa al-Paddaq will have converted to Islam by his Asian girlfriend five years ago during a trip to Afghanistan that happened during the family reunion he sent a body double to.

(10-06-2017, 06:45 PM)TJBender Wrote:
(10-05-2017, 02:24 PM)flsprtsgod Wrote: Oh? Do tell...
Certain people on this board, as do many in the world, love to play semantics when caught in a lie.

"I never used those exact words."

(10-05-2017, 06:44 PM)americus 2.0 Wrote: Y'all keep making references to this guy's actions like he was sane. Number and type of weapons and motive and such are not relevant when talking about a person deranged enough to do something like this. Stop thinking he was a rational person making rational decisions. I know it's human nature to try and figure out the 'why' of a thing, but when it comes to seriously mental folks there is no figuring it out.

Why did Jeffrey Dahmer, Ted Bundy and David Berkowitz kill all those people? Why did Timothy McVeigh blow up a building? Why do any of these horrific things happen? Because these folks are mentally screwed up in ways that are not understandable to the general population of the world and to try to figure it out or make sense of it is beyond our capabilities.

As usual, Americus wins the thread.

(10-06-2017, 12:59 AM)Jaguarmeister Wrote: Based on what's out there right now, it's looking to me like he probably was radicalized by Islamic terrorists at some point during the past few years and probably had help either carrying out his deed or at the very least with the logistics of it.

Why Islamic terrorists? Is it not entirely plausible that a 64-year-old white man could have been radicalized by white supremacists? Or by Neo-Nazis? Or even by far right fringe religious groups that don't pray to Allah? Maybe even moreso than the notion that he'd suddenly find himself called to jihad?

To be perfectly honest, I fully expect that the attack was arranged and/or carried out by a domestic group not linked to Islam in the slightest, but by the time the "investigation" is over, Mustafa al-Paddaq will have converted to Islam by his Asian girlfriend five years ago during a trip to Afghanistan that happened during the family reunion he sent a body double to.

The victims were a random group of Americans. They would be a prime target of Islamic terrorists. They would not be a target of the other groups you mentioned. While the victims were predominantly white and likely more Republican than Democrat, the evidence that he had scoped out two other similar killing sites with different political and cultural makeups also make a left wing radical connection unlikely.


"Why should I give information to you when all you want to do is find something wrong with it?"

His key card was used to access his room and his car was not in the garage. He was set up. A charger was found in the room that didn't work on his cellphone. No video footage showing who entered and exited his room. C'mon there is more cameras in Vegas than just about any other city in the world.

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(10-06-2017, 08:43 PM)uthill Wrote: His key card was used to access his room and his car was not in the garage. He was set up. A charger was found in the room that didn't work on his cellphone. No video footage showing who entered and exited his room. C'mon there is more cameras in Vegas than just about any other city in the world.

Are you saying that the guy who made that video didn't cause the Benghazi attack?


"Why should I give information to you when all you want to do is find something wrong with it?"

(10-06-2017, 08:42 PM)MalabarJag Wrote: The victims were a random group of Americans. They would be a prime target of Islamic terrorists. They would not be a target of the other groups you mentioned. While the victims were predominantly white and likely more Republican than Democrat, the evidence that he had scoped out two other similar killing sites with different political and cultural makeups also make a left wing radical connection unlikely.

But how is it that only Islamic terrorists are capable of seeking random, wanton destruction? The worst thing you can do in an investigation is decide on your conclusion up front then find facts that support it. I will drink a can of Budweiser if someone can prove to me that a 64-year-old white guy did this after converting to radical Islam.

(10-06-2017, 08:52 PM)MalabarJag Wrote:
(10-06-2017, 08:43 PM)uthill Wrote: His key card was used to access his room and his car was not in the garage. He was set up. A charger was found in the room that didn't work on his cellphone. No video footage showing who entered and exited his room. C'mon there is more cameras in Vegas than just about any other city in the world.

Are you saying that the guy who made that video didn't cause the Benghazi attack?

Careful dude, you're treading on thin ground. Hillary's has people offed for much less.

(This post was last modified: 10-06-2017, 09:16 PM by TheO-LineMatters.)

(10-06-2017, 03:38 PM)JagNGeorgia Wrote:
(10-06-2017, 02:09 PM)uthill Wrote: You guys really think that a out of shape 64 year old did all this shooting? What it takes to squeeze off rounds from a belt fed gun isn't that easy. Give me a break about it not being one. Also there was shootings at another hotel and now reports coming out of people shot facing away from Mandalay Bay. Youtube is pulling down videos that show different from what the MSM/Las Vegas cops false narrative is. Bump Stock laughable.

Where, other than the Mandalay Bay and concert area, were people shot?

I know people don't see it this way since they're government employees, but these are just normal people trying to save lives. What motivation does the LVPD have to mislead people during this investigation? It would be too easy to have someone come out with the truth if that were the case.

This sound like something that might be reported on the Alex Jones show, Infowars. Trump seems to be a big fan. That Jones guy is a crackpot. He thinks everything is a conspiracy. He even thinks lizard aliens have infiltrated the government and disquised themselves as political figures. He's a real whack-a-doodle.

(10-06-2017, 03:57 PM)uthill Wrote: Adam it was on Youtube, a woman at a hotel too far away to be hit from Mandalay bay had it's front windows shot out and the weird thing is she was also talking about being on the 32nd floor, that could be just a thing but is kinda weird. You won't find it though, just like the Uber, cab lady that was there at the time of the shooting at Mandalay Bay as showed flashes of shots from the 4th floor. You can think what you want but please turn off the TV and the MSM lies that change like the wind.

She sounds like an attention seeker, but it must be true, if it was on Youtube. There's certainly not false information on that distinguished website.  Wallbash

(10-06-2017, 06:45 PM)TJBender Wrote:
(10-06-2017, 12:59 AM)Jaguarmeister Wrote: Based on what's out there right now, it's looking to me like he probably was radicalized by Islamic terrorists at some point during the past few years and probably had help either carrying out his deed or at the very least with the logistics of it.

Why Islamic terrorists? Is it not entirely plausible that a 64-year-old white man could have been radicalized by white supremacists? Or by Neo-Nazis? Or even by far right fringe religious groups that don't pray to Allah? Maybe even moreso than the notion that he'd suddenly find himself called to jihad?

To be perfectly honest, I fully expect that the attack was arranged and/or carried out by a domestic group not linked to Islam in the slightest, but by the time the "investigation" is over, Mustafa al-Paddaq will have converted to Islam by his Asian girlfriend five years ago during a trip to Afghanistan that happened during the family reunion he sent a body double to.

No. It's not. If he was radicalized by neo-Nazis or white supremacists, why in the world would he attack a Country music fest where the overwhelming majority of the attendees were white heterosexuals? That would be like an Islamic terrorist attacking a mosque. It makes no sense. If it was a rap, R&B or even a pop concert, you might be onto something, but the target here rules out any racial motives, since the shooter was white as well. I believe he was just some crazy guy who hated people in general.

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So by your logic, it's irrational to think that a person radicalized by a non-Islamic hate group would want to kill white people. 

I'm not ruling anything out except radical Islam. A white guy in his 60s does not wake up one day and decide that he wants to praise Allah and gun down the infidels. He very well may have just had a screw loose. Considering that his girlfriend was in Asia getting large sums of money wired to her, and considering the guy's gambling and drinking history, there could be organized crime involved for all we know.

Here's something I find more plausible than the radical Islam fairy tale: those in the military industrial complex who continue to make untold billions per year on America's fear of Islam picked this guy as a patsy almost at random, then had SEAL Team 6 do the shooting so they could use Paddock later on as an example of how no one is safe and anyone can fall victim to radical Islam--even the people you love.

I think that's completely ridiculous, but if someone official does come out and say that Paddock was converted to radical Islam and swore jihad against the United States, I'd start to think that a military industrial conspiracy is a possible cause.

(This post was last modified: 10-06-2017, 10:42 PM by MalabarJag.)

(10-06-2017, 10:19 PM)TJBender Wrote: So by your logic, it's irrational to think that a person radicalized by a non-Islamic hate group would want to kill white people. 

I'm not ruling anything out except radical Islam. A white guy in his 60s does not wake up one day and decide that he wants to praise Allah and gun down the infidels. He very well may have just had a screw loose. Considering that his girlfriend was in Asia getting large sums of money wired to her, and considering the guy's gambling and drinking history, there could be organized crime involved for all we know.

Here's something I find more plausible than the radical Islam fairy tale: those in the military industrial complex who continue to make untold billions per year on America's fear of Islam picked this guy as a patsy almost at random, then had SEAL Team 6 do the shooting so they could use Paddock later on as an example of how no one is safe and anyone can fall victim to radical Islam--even the people you love.

I think that's completely ridiculous, but if someone official does come out and say that Paddock was converted to radical Islam and swore jihad against the United States, I'd start to think that a military industrial conspiracy is a possible cause.

Not at all. It's just that you named several alternatives that don't logically fit. Radical Islam logically fits, but that doesn't mean it's the only possibility. It is, however, the one with the biggest track record.

BTW, here's a quote from the Las Vegas police:

Quote:“You got to make the assumption that he had to have help at some point. And we want to ensure that that's the answer. Maybe he's a super guy. Maybe he's a super yahoo that was working this out all on his own. But it would be hard for me to believe that.”

(10-06-2017, 09:14 PM)TheO-LineMatters Wrote:  He even thinks lizard aliens have infiltrated the government and disquised themselves as political figures. He's a real whack-a-doodle.

Big Grin That would explain a lot. 


"Why should I give information to you when all you want to do is find something wrong with it?"

(10-06-2017, 10:19 PM)TJBender Wrote: So by your logic, it's irrational to think that a person radicalized by a non-Islamic hate group would want to kill white people. 

I'm not ruling anything out except radical Islam. A white guy in his 60s does not wake up one day and decide that he wants to praise Allah and gun down the infidels. He very well may have just had a screw loose. Considering that his girlfriend was in Asia getting large sums of money wired to her, and considering the guy's gambling and drinking history, there could be organized crime involved for all we know.

Here's something I find more plausible than the radical Islam fairy tale: those in the military industrial complex who continue to make untold billions per year on America's fear of Islam picked this guy as a patsy almost at random, then had SEAL Team 6 do the shooting so they could use Paddock later on as an example of how no one is safe and anyone can fall victim to radical Islam--even the people you love.

I think that's completely ridiculous, but if someone official does come out and say that Paddock was converted to radical Islam and swore jihad against the United States, I'd start to think that a military industrial conspiracy is a possible cause.

The problem with conspiracy theories, especially the grand ones, is human nature.  People talk.  The more people you bring in to a secret, the less likely that it remains a secret, exponentially so.  You'd think people would trust their own life experience versus taking what is seen in movies and attempting to apply it to the real world, but suckers are born every minute as they say.

A white guy (or gal) converting to Islam and spreading jihad isn't unprecedented.  On the other hand, I think you have to perform a lot of mental gymnastics to reach the conclusion that the government had something to do with this.  I'm not betting my house that the guy was definitely radicalized as I don't know and no one else who only has access to the information that's been verified and that's currently in the public domain knows, but a person saying it isn't possible or isn't the most likely scenario given what we currently know probably hasn't been paying much attention the last 30+ years.

(10-06-2017, 10:19 PM)TJBender Wrote: So by your logic, it's irrational to think that a person radicalized by a non-Islamic hate group would want to kill white people. 

I'm not ruling anything out except radical Islam. A white guy in his 60s does not wake up one day and decide that he wants to praise Allah and gun down the infidels. He very well may have just had a screw loose. Considering that his girlfriend was in Asia getting large sums of money wired to her, and considering the guy's gambling and drinking history, there could be organized crime involved for all we know.

Here's something I find more plausible than the radical Islam fairy tale: those in the military industrial complex who continue to make untold billions per year on America's fear of Islam picked this guy as a patsy almost at random, then had SEAL Team 6 do the shooting so they could use Paddock later on as an example of how no one is safe and anyone can fall victim to radical Islam--even the people you love.

I think that's completely ridiculous, but if someone official does come out and say that Paddock was converted to radical Islam and swore jihad against the United States, I'd start to think that a military industrial conspiracy is a possible cause.

No. By my logic it is irrational to believe that a person radicalized by a white supremacist/neo Nazi group would want to kill white people.

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(10-06-2017, 03:57 PM)uthill Wrote: Adam it was on Youtube, a woman at a hotel too far away to be hit from Mandalay bay had it's front windows shot out and the weird thing is she was also talking about being on the 32nd floor, that could be just a thing but is kinda weird. You won't find it though, just like the Uber, cab lady that was there at the time of the shooting at Mandalay Bay as showed flashes of shots from the 4th floor. You can think what you want but please turn off the TV and the MSM lies that change like the wind.

So you saw it in the internet, so it must be true. Rolleyes

(10-07-2017, 04:17 PM)jseymour Wrote:
(10-06-2017, 03:57 PM)uthill Wrote: Adam it was on Youtube, a woman at a hotel too far away to be hit from Mandalay bay had it's front windows shot out and the weird thing is she was also talking about being on the 32nd floor, that could be just a thing but is kinda weird. You won't find it though, just like the Uber, cab lady that was there at the time of the shooting at Mandalay Bay as showed flashes of shots from the 4th floor. You can think what you want but please turn off the TV and the MSM lies that change like the wind.

So you saw it in the internet, so it must be true. Rolleyes

So you didn't see it on MSM so it must be a lie. MSM never lies, never retracts stories either Right? right? right? Keep living in that bubble, it must be utopia.

It was invisible space aliens that did it

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