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Full Version: ***Official 2015-16 Hillary Clinton Presidential Campaign Thread***
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Quote:Well its a bit disingenuous to imply that voting for someone because they look like you or act like you is strictly a democratic trait.
Well, identity politics is absolutely something democrats have shifted more towards in the past few election cycles.  That's why anyone who disagrees with Obama is a racist, and why anyone who doesn't like Hillary's politics will be labeled a sexist.  It couldn't have anything to do with simply not agreeing with them.  Democrats fixate on demographics.  They have to divide in order to conquer. 


How you know that's true is to look at how the presidential campaigns of 2 Hispanics, a black guy, and at least 1 and possibly 2 or more women will be treated by the democrat friendly media types in comparison to what will happen with democrats. 


The republicans will get the full court press to be discredited/disqualified by the media while they'll treat Cankles with kid gloves for the most part.  That's why they're getting all the tough scrutiny out of the way now for Hillary.  They're already stoking the sexism claims because Rand Paul got testy with a female teleprompter reader being fed questions on NBC.  They didn't bother to point out that he'd done the exact same thing with a male reporter earlier, and they sure didn't want to address his point.  They had to make it about sexism because they need to start building that case for the empty pant-suited shrew who married well. 

Whoever the Democrats choose, conservatives will hate them.  I'm sure the same will be true of whoever the Republicans choose when you replace conservatives with liberals.  For Hillary to get the nomination she's going to have to get past her latest scandals:  The e-mail and benghazi.  If she can get past that, she's practically a lock for the nomination.  



Quote:IF she were to get the nomination, I'd like to see Sara Palin be the GOP candidate...I think Sara Palin would win and I'd be ok with that...I'd rather have Sara than Hillary


Quote:IF she were to get the nomination, I'd like to see Sara Palin be the GOP candidate...I think Sara Palin would win and I'd be ok with that...I'd rather have Sara than Hillary

If Palin is the best they can muster, the GOP is toast. She needs to sit this one out. There need to be serious candidates to counter the entitlement mentality of the Clinton/Bush clans.
Quote:Whoever the Democrats choose, conservatives will hate them. I'm sure the same will be true of whoever the Republicans choose when you replace conservatives with liberals. For Hillary to get the nomination she's going to have to get past her latest scandals: The e-mail and benghazi. If she can get past that, she's practically a lock for the nomination.

The media will do everything possible to bury any Clinton scandal until they find the alternative candidate. Then they'll abandon her like they did in 2008.

Believe me, Valerie Jarret will torpedo her presidential bid when the time is right because the Obama's can't stand the Clintons, and they don't think Cankles would carry on their socialist legacy with as much fervor as they would prefer.

Fauxahantas Warren or O'Malley will be the nominee when the dust settles.
Quote:If Palin is the best they can muster, the GOP is toast. She needs to sit this one out. There need to be serious candidates to counter the entitlement mentality of the Clinton/Bush clans.
Not if Hillary gets the nomination...Palin vs Clinton will net the White House for the GOP
Let's go Rand Paul!


Quote:Fauxahantas Warren or O'Malley will be the nominee when the dust settles.
This country is officially screwed if O'Malley wins the nomination. I can see the campaign ads now: "Martin O'Malley. He'll do for America, what he did for Maryland."



Republicans will never touch office ever again. Too many people like their free handouts and will continue to put the people there that provide the handouts.

I just didn't think Hilary fans still existed? I don't even know any democrats that still like Hilary.

I hope the democrats nominate Hilary she's unelectable as far as I can see. Unless of course the republicans get stupid and nominate Bush then it doesn't matter who the democrats nominate Bush is almost a guarantee of a democratic president again.
Quote:Republicans will never touch office ever again. Too many people like their free handouts and will continue to put the people there that provide the handouts.

Republicans are just as ready to hand out the perks. Just watch how they've backed down from the whole ACA repeal, they have no interest in ending subsidies for healthcare companies and state mandated purchasing of private insurance policies.

We're probably do for a republican shift to the bush style "compassionate conservative"

I think you'll never see a conservative or libertarian sniff the office again we're now the minority by a long shot.
Quote:Well its a bit disingenuous to imply that voting for someone because they look like you or act like you is strictly a democratic trait.

That was not my intention. I meant it how I wrote it. Read it again without the slant.

And I voted for Obama in 2008 so don't twist this into something it's not. If it were a republican or a libertarian female running and I didn't feel she had the qualifications I'd say the same thing.
Quote:Republicans are just as ready to hand out the perks. Just watch how they've backed down from the whole ACA repeal, they have no interest in ending subsidies for healthcare companies and state mandated purchasing of private insurance policies.

We're probably do for a republican shift to the bush style "compassionate conservative"

I think you'll never see a conservative or libertarian sniff the office again we're now the minority by a long shot.

I disagree that it's the fact that people like 'free handouts'.  It's conservative attitudes toward many things that keep many people away from voting Republican.  

If you watch FOX News you'll see how they bring on that surfer bum who's wasting tax payer money.  And then in the next breath they'll praise businesses who take handouts because they're just doing what a business should do.  


Listen to many of them speak about Rape, and you'll understand why more women aren't Republicans.  


Military spending is getting out of control.  Republicans will do everything for our soldiers -- so long as they are fighting.  Once they get home?  Tough luck.  


Democrats aren't really much better in many regards.  Spending is out of control -- though I'm sure you and I somewhat disagree on what spending is out of control.  The Democrats just tend to sell a more palatable message to many of us.  Though personally I'll be voting Green Party unless the Republicans run one of the few Republicans I can't stomach. (Unless the Dems also put forth one of the few candidates I can't stomach, in which case I'll be asking my kids what language they want to learn)
I thought she announced a couple months ago.  I don't care one way or the other but I find the fact that she's trying to come off as a populist kinda funny, you can always count on the presidential elections for a good laugh. 

Please no Hillary and definitely no Palin. I'm fine with a woman being president, but if one of these 2 is the first then I will have a ruined image of women forever.

Quote:Please no Hillary and definitely no Palin. I'm fine with a woman being president, but if one of these 2 is the first then I will have a ruined image of women forever.

This for real. Hilary vs Palin is a nightmare scenario.
As much as I respect Sarah Palin as a person and leader,  I think it's best that he doesn't run for President.  Palin can be more effective advocating for Conservatism than being on a Presidential ticket again.  

Quote:Not if Hillary gets the nomination...Palin vs Clinton will net the White House for the GOP

Not even close. Palin is damaged irreparably from the 2008 campaign. She wouldn't win a single primary.
Quote:That's true. But unfortunately from the standpoint of someone who wanted to see Mitt Romney win the 2012 General Election once he became the Republican Nominee, there were millions of other Conservatives that decided not to vote for President in the 2012 Election because of their beliefs. Romney was a very bad choice for the nomination for multiple reasons.

He was yes but you are right here, it's an incitement of the GOP that their base votes on beliefs.....
Quote:Well, identity politics is absolutely something democrats have shifted more towards in the past few election cycles. That's why anyone who disagrees with Obama is a racist, and why anyone who doesn't like Hillary's politics will be labeled a sexist. It couldn't have anything to do with simply not agreeing with them. Democrats fixate on demographics. They have to divide in order to conquer.

How you know that's true is to look at how the presidential campaigns of 2 Hispanics, a black guy, and at least 1 and possibly 2 or more women will be treated by the democrat friendly media types in comparison to what will happen with democrats.

The republicans will get the full court press to be discredited/disqualified by the media while they'll treat Cankles with kid gloves for the most part. That's why they're getting all the tough scrutiny out of the way now for Hillary. They're already stoking the sexism claims because Rand Paul got testy with a female teleprompter reader being fed questions on NBC. They didn't bother to point out that he'd done the exact same thing with a male reporter earlier, and they sure didn't want to address his point. They had to make it about sexism because they need to start building that case for the empty pant-suited shrew who married well.

Oh good. You have your nicknames ready to go.

The GOP isn't pandering to demographics with their candidates are they... Oh no. They are purely about policy arnt they.
Quote:I just didn't think Hilary fans still existed? I don't even know any democrats that still like Hilary.

I hope the democrats nominate Hilary she's unelectable as far as I can see. Unless of course the republicans get stupid and nominate Bush then it doesn't matter who the democrats nominate Bush is almost a guarantee of a democratic president again.

Most progressives/dems don't like her. Word is the party is desperate for someone else and I agree. I don't like many things about her
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