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Full Version: Fan Survey: Two years in, do you feel like Gus Bradley is leading this team in the right direction?
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Best HC in the AFCS
Nope. I'm done being optimistic about this team. I'm done.
Bradley is a good DC coach but not a very good head coach

Quote:Seattle hasn't quite fully recovered since the loss of Gus Bradley 2 years ago.
Sarcasm right?  Seattle only continued to get better once Bradley left.  They didn't even have a hiccup with his departure.


Quote:Best HC in the AFCS

 Then why does he keep finishing 3rd out of 4 teams?
Just like Blaine Gabbert on the practice field and preseason, Gus has to show it on Sundays. So far he has not!


Regards..................the Chiefjag

Quote:Just like Blaine Gabbert on the practice field and preseason, Gus has to show it on Sundays. So far he has not!

Regards..................the Chiefjag
Bingo.... Just win baby!
The coaching changes Bradley made give me hope.  I've said it time and again I want badly for Bradley to succeed.  He's a great guy and I love his attitude.  Moving on from Jedd Fisch was a year late but a step in the right direction.  I think the offense will be considerably better with the changes that have been made and any FA that get brought in should only supplement that.  


This is the year the results have to begin to show in the field.  Another year like the past two and Bradley is as good as gone.  I don't expect that to happen, however, as I see the team showing improvement in several areas and the wins will come with it.

To be fair to Gus, he should be fired ASAP so he can go elsewhere and win Super Bowls, a la Tom Coughlin.
Quote:To be fair to Gus, he should be fired ASAP so he can go elsewhere and win Super Bowls, a la Tom Coughlin.

If Del Rio wins a Super Bowl with Oakland that will truly make me cry.  I'd be happy for him, but it would be a bad mark on our franchise and our talent evaluation.
Quote:If Del Rio wins a Super Bowl with Oakland that will truly make me cry.  I'd be happy for him, but it would be a bad mark on our franchise and our talent evaluation.

I wouldn't worry about that
Well, as I said in another post, look at all the Rookies he had to use in the most important positions, and pretty much filled the rest of the team with rookies and 2nd year players. The only unit that people are happy with, for the most part, is the defensive line and imagine that it is pretty much the only unit with any veterans. To this point, pretty much the entire rebuild has been done solely through the draft and the only unit where some money has been committed to get free agents is the defensive line where we got Hood, Bryant and Clemons and Roy Miller 2 years ago, otherwise we haven't used free agency to upgrade any position. When you are expecting rookies to immediately become stars, you will not succeed.


How's this for something? I said the only unit that we signed veteran players was the defensive line. Well, consider this. In 2013, we were dead last in sacks with 31. After signing a couple of veterans as stated above, we sky rocketed up to 6th with 45. That right there should show you how important veteran talent can be. We also went from 26th in passing defense to 22nd and from 29th to 27th in rushing defense. So, we improved drastically in getting sacks and slightly in pass and run defense by adding 3 veterans to the defensive line. That is the only unit where we have really tried to upgrade through free agency by acquiring veteran talent and look at the rewards for signing this veteran talent. Again, before judging Bradley for only doing so much with this team, consider just how important veteran players can be. We start a lot, and I mean a lot, of rookies and 2nd year players. Many of these young players have shown really nice potential given time to develop and become veterans themselves.

Quote:To be fair to Gus, he should be fired ASAP so he can go elsewhere and win Super Bowls, a la Tom Coughlin.

Quote:To be fair to Gus, he should be fired ASAP so he can go elsewhere and win Super Bowls, a la Tom Coughlin.
To be fair, other than being NFL head coaches, Coughlin and Bradley have nothing in common.
Quote:To be fair, other than being NFL head coaches, Coughlin and Bradley have nothing in common.

 They both had 4-12 seasons as the Jags HC, in their respective first seasons, and they both wear baseball caps.
Quote:To be fair, other than being NFL head coaches, Coughlin and Bradley have nothing in common.

To be fair, the topic is whether to get rid of an existing Jaguar coach, who might then move on to become successful elsewhere, as Coughlin did.


Quote:If Del Rio wins a Super Bowl with Oakland that will truly make me cry.  I'd be happy for him, but it would be a bad mark on our franchise and our talent evaluation.
I think TMD's head would explode if that ever happened.
Quote:No. Just like the OP stated, it's do or die this year. Minimum 8-8, or a shot at winning the division. If not, he should be fired.

All this optimism will soon be gone if we start out 0-2.

Too bad Khan doesnt agree with you. its been stated on Twitter that Khan wont define how many wins Bradley needs to get a 4th year.




Quote:Too bad Khan doesnt agree with you. its been stated on Twitter that Khan wont define how many wins Bradley needs to get a 4th year.




 Does this mean year 4 is the make or break year for Gus?


Or will it be year 5 or 6?
Quote:Too bad Khan doesnt agree with you. its been stated on Twitter that Khan wont define how many wins Bradley needs to get a 4th year.




"Khan said he won't give Gus mandate on 2015 win total to earn a fourth season."


I interpret this to mean that there is no specific win total Bradley needs to achieve to get to year number 4, but there is no guarantee in that quotation.  The team needs to continue to improve.  Although I see no way of this happening, if somehow the Jags regress and only win 2 or 3 games while getting blown out frequently next year, his job could indeed be in jeopardy.  Fair or not, it's a reality.  Again, I don't see this happening.  Since this team is almost uniformly young, when they do turn the corner it's going to seem to happen all of a sudden.  So I could see them winning 6 or 7 games next year and then in year 4 suddenly winning 12 and winning the division (if everything turns out like Caldwell thinks it will).

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