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Full Version: Fan Survey: Two years in, do you feel like Gus Bradley is leading this team in the right direction?
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Quote:"Khan said he won't give Gus mandate on 2015 win total to earn a fourth season."


I interpret this to mean that there is no specific win total Bradley needs to achieve to get to year number 4, but there is no guarantee in that quotation.  The team needs to continue to improve.  Although I see no way of this happening, if somehow the Jags regress and only win 2 or 3 games while getting blown out frequently next year, his job could indeed be in jeopardy.  Fair or not, it's a reality.  Again, I don't see this happening.  Since this team is almost uniformly young, when they do turn the corner it's going to seem to happen all of a sudden.  So I could see them winning 6 or 7 games next year and then in year 4 suddenly winning 12 and winning the division (if everything turns out like Caldwell thinks it will).
In the London interview, Mr. Kahn said while winning is certainly the goal, as long as he can see improvement happening, he will be patient...He then said that improvement is not always reflected in the  w/l ratio... He also said that the Jags are "just about" right where they expected to be right now and a few lost games should have been wins...(pharasing)

Fire 'em all.



Quote:Fire 'em all.


and the cheerleaders, the hot dog guy, all the venders, the guys who work the parking lots, and the guys that cut the grass

Quote:In the London interview, Mr. Kahn said while winning is certainly the goal, as long as he can see improvement happening, he will be patient...He then said that improvement is not always reflected in the  w/l ratio... He also said that the Jags are "just about" right where they expected to be right now and a few lost games should have been wins...(pharasing)

Agreed, that is the key.  Improvement should be evident and while it doesn't have to show up in the W/L ratio to stay patient, after a certain point you expect it to show up there.  I think Gus takes the right approach...concentrate on improvement and the wins will come.
Quote:Agreed, that is the key.  Improvement should be evident and while it doesn't have to show up in the W/L ratio to stay patient, after a certain point you expect it to show up there.  I think Gus takes the right approach...concentrate on improvement and the wins will come.
I agree..As improvement continues the W's will begin to manifest...I, as much as anyone would love to see a nice string of wins, but I won't go as far as to say we have to win "X" games this year or Gus will be gone...What I will say though, is that this is year 3 of a total rebuild, and I would expect that Gus will be scrutinized, as well as the team itself, for the level of improvement achieved from year 1 until now...I believe Caldwell is safe no matter what, but Gus will be under the microscope to be judged on his entire body of work...I think he gets one more year before his seat gets hot
waffle?? waffle??

Look at the schedule and ask yourself what the winnable games are.
I voted no for several reasons.


1. There were multiple times this season that coaching were to blame for crucial mistakes.  Burning timeouts like candy and stupid replay challenges were also cringe worthy.


2. I am a firm believer that you are what your record says you are.  The 2014 team had more talent then the 2013 team yet the record was worse. Most people will blame the QB but I would argue Blake is better than Henne or Gabbert.


3. This team set a trend with second half debacles. Halftime is used for a team to rest, reset, and restructure their gameplan.  It seemed to me the jaguars got out coached most of the time. .  The numbers and the point differential back that up. 


Looks like Shad is sticking with him so the only thing I can do is hope he improves.
Quote:I voted no for several reasons.


1. There were multiple times this season that coaching were to blame for crucial mistakes.  Burning timeouts like candy and stupid replay challenges were also cringe worthy.


2. I am a firm believer that you are what your record says you are.  The 2014 team had more talent then the 2013 team yet the record was worse. Most people will blame the QB but I would argue Blake is better than Henne or Gabbert.


3. This team set a trend with second half debacles. Halftime is used for a team to rest, reset, and restructure their gameplan.  It seemed to me the jaguars got out coached most of the time. .  The numbers and the point differential back that up. 


Looks like Shad is sticking with him so the only thing I can do is hope he improves.
One thing you haven't considered either is who we played in 2013 vs 2014...Not to mention 2 or 3 of the games we played in 2014 should have been wins but somehow we shot ourselves in the foot and lost...I know I know, shoulda woulda coulda doesn't mean squat, but in 2013 we didn't beat a team that had a winning record, not sure about 2014, but I believe who we played makes a difference as well...


Quote:One thing you haven't considered either is who we played in 2013 vs 2014...Not to mention 2 or 3 of the games we played in 2014 should have been wins but somehow we shot ourselves in the foot and lost...I know I know, shoulda woulda coulda doesn't mean squat, but in 2013 we didn't beat a team that had a winning record, not sure about 2014, but I believe who we played makes a difference as well...
In the two years that Bradley has been here, the only .500 team that we've beaten is the Cleveland Browns.
Quote:In the two years that Bradley has been here, the only .500 team that we've beaten is the Cleveland Browns.
ok...well I still say we played more bottom feeders in 2013 than 2014...The 2013 wins came from teams with poor records at the end of the year...we played more competitive against better teams in 2014 than we did in 2013. Other than the couple blowouts, we were more competitive in 2014 than 2013...
OK. I'm a research guy so people are curious about 2013 vs. 2014.


In 2013, the best team we beat was the 7-9 Titans. In 2013, we had 4 wins and the teams we beat had a total of 15 wins. In 2013, 13 teams played a tougher schedule than us. In 2013, we were 32nd in points scored, 29 behind 31st place. In 2013, we were 28th in points allowed, allowing 449 points. In 2013, we scored 10 points or less in 7 games.  In 2013, the opponent scored 28 points or more, 8 times. In 2013, our average margin of defeat was 18.5 points per loss, losing by a total of 222 points in the 12 losses. In 2013, our average margin of victory was 5 points per win, winning by a total of 20 points in the 4 wins. In 2013, we were 25th in the league with a -6 turnover margin.


In 2014, the best team we beat was the 7-9 Browns. In 2014, we had 3 wins and the teams we beat had a total of 15 wins. In 2014, 10 teams played a tougher schedule than us. In 2014, we were 32nd in points scored, 4 behind 31st place. In 2014, we were 26th in points allowed, allowing 412 points. In 2014, we scored 10 points or less in 4 games. In 2014, the opponent scored 28 points or more, 6 times. In 2014, our average margin of defeat was 14.6 points per loss, losing by a total of 190 points in the 13 losses. In 2014, our average margin of victory was 9 points per win, winning by a total of 27 points in the 3 wins. In 2014, we were 25th in the league with a -6 turnover margin.



Overall, we played a tougher schedule in 2014, and stat wise we did a little better in 2014. Our defeats were a little more competitive and our wins a little better. We scored a little more, and were scored on a lot less. Hopefully, we can make a bigger jump in each category in 2015.

Quote:In the two years that Bradley has been here, the only .500 team that we've beaten is the Cleveland Browns.

This is not a good sign at all.


BTW, the Browns had a 3-2 record when the Jags beat them this season.


And yes, that is Gus' only win over a team with a record over .500.


That simply has to improve.
Quote:Agreed, that is the key.  Improvement should be evident and while it doesn't have to show up in the W/L ratio to stay patient, after a certain point you expect it to show up there.  I think Gus takes the right approach...concentrate on improvement and the wins will come.
I got to really ask, where has it shown?


The team was almost dead last in offense and one of the worst in defense. 
Quote:I got to really ask, where has it shown?


The team was almost dead last in offense and one of the worst in defense. 

Aside from the team being more talented, if you're concerned about stats, ask me again next year.  I've said probably a dozen times that the team is in year two of a major rebuild and one of the youngest teams ever.  It's going to have to mature before it actually starts showing up in the box scores.
Quote:I got to really ask, where has it shown?


The team was almost dead last in offense and one of the worst in defense. 
try looking 2 posts up
4-14 and 3-13 is back peddling. Terrible offense Just as bad D outside of sacks and against run.
Quote:4-14 and 3-13 is back peddling. Terrible offense Just as bad D outside of sacks and against run.

You wanted the rookie, you got the rookie.
Waffle Waffle 

Quote:Aside from the team being more talented, if you're concerned about stats, ask me again next year.  I've said probably a dozen times that the team is in year two of a major rebuild and one of the youngest teams ever.  It's going to have to mature before it actually starts showing up in the box scores.

You're wasting your time explaining this to mvp.
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