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Full Version: ***Official Jaguars Vs. Cowboys @ London, England, Game Day Thread***
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D Rob..
Okay...where's the cheese sticks guy??
Quote:denard says keep feeding me the ball.   200 yard game? 3 rushing tds?

 Easy there, JAB easy
BB5 also did well that series
I hope that fired the defense up

Quote:Easy when all you have to do is stand still.

That's the thing about McTurnstiles...they don't just stand there.
Quote:Are you saying there's a chance?

Time for the prevent offense!!!!!
Anyone notice Joeckel early in that drive finishing w/ the pancake?  


keep it up kid!

Quote:mumble mumblemuble touchdown robinson mublemumble did you see the Gators win yesterday? mumblemumble hey, how's my steelers doing today?mumble mumble we'll be right back after this...
lol perfect ~ :teehee: :teehee:
Quote:Nice first opening drive!


This team is so ready to be legit!


My only concern right now is the middle of the field on defense...

First round pick.
<~~~ Cheese stick guy     Ummm.. We're doin wings this week because the cheese sticks failed me last week.

That's the thing about McTurnstiles...they don't just stand there.

Nope they flutter in the wind like a matador.


Murray is good.....

Nice tackle by McCray
Upset the Cowboys overseas. i like it.

Come on D make a play.

Defensive pressure is needed...

Quote:Anyone notice Joeckel early in that drive finishing w/ the pancake?

keep it up kid!
I think it was on Mincey.
We can't stop Murray.

shoulda been holding on dallas on 1st down