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Full Version: ***Official Jaguars Vs. Cowboys @ London, England, Game Day Thread***
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Still can't tackle I see.


Won't ever win anything until these guys learn to tackle.


Cyprien late on that touchdown again
Terrible angels from the whole secondary
It's over...Modis time.
Quote:This team is such a joke.

That's been our MO for about 6 years.
If we dont score here this game might run away from us.
Ugly lack of pressure.

Cyprien with a bad angle... again


maybe our players needed to skip curfew? 

No way, this game isn't over yet.  We're only down by 10...  


Let's see what we do with the ball...

Quote:And just like that, the game is slipping away.

Game was over when Ace fumbled the punt.

The red is just a formality.
Lots of missed "opportunities" on that TD

This secondary....put together by Caldwell. Is the WORSE #ThingsJaguarsFrontOfficedoes
Hitman Hurns time?
The secondary misses Prosinski

Way to go Cyprien


some of the most laughable attempts at tackling so far this season.

Quote:Why do you even bother being alive?
He lives to troll the Jaguars MB on Sunday. Sad if you want to waste your effort thinking about it.
Matchup cyp on dez man to man. Great idea