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Full Version: ***Official Jaguars Vs. Cowboys @ London, England, Game Day Thread***
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Well, yeah. We're the Jags.
Quote:Come on dude. One play

A play that the defense continued to play crap zone.  Why do they continue to play so far off their man?!  I'll never understand.  
Quote:Can Bortles run ever?
The coaches have painted him in to a corner starting about 5 games ago when they slapped his pee pee for calling too many audibles.  Ever since he's played with a diaper on and seems to just try to do whatever the coaches want.
he looked terrible on all 3 of those passes

Thats weird...still no blocked punt Smile

pick 6 here would be nice

just sit on the short routes pretty easy for the Cowboys defense

We don't even run routes beyond the 5 yard mark. It's slant, slant, out and chuck it as fast as possible.

bet you the cowboys attack

Is there any doubt in anybody's mind that team will finish 1-15?
welp thats game
@!#$#@!~$ ~#@$@~#$@!~#$ !~@#$#@!~$#@!~$


Don't see much getting better yet this game........
A haha haha. Yeah. Jaguars.
Yes!!!!!!!! I love it.
Damn it! that's why you can't play not to lose! 

Our team sucks but seriously, leave Cypien in London, he sucks!