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Full Version: ***Official Jaguars Vs. Cowboys @ London, England, Game Day Thread***
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Dallas ball
Oh my... you kidding me?

#becausejaguars.....shorts had a big play that led to 0 points last week too.
Its woeking perfectly. Our offensive playbook consist with Run, Run, screen, punt. Or fumble either one


We suck.
This team. This damn team.
McClendon looked bad...meanwhile Shorts gets caught from behind by a LB. AND a fumble. Smh.
Another stinking turnover. I feel like I'm stuck in a bakery....  :woot:

go figure    we keep beating ourselves.

Jags going to Jag!

Well holding that thing like a loaf of bread was bound to result in this sooner or later

There's the jags i know and love. End sarcasm 

Turnovers for days.....

Quote:Wow we have life
 We have death
Quote:Its woeking perfectly. Our offensive playbook consist with Run, Run, screen, punt. Or fumble either one
Don't forget the slant
LMAO, right after a big gain too. This team simply can't help shooting itself in the foot. It's just embarrassing at this point. What a piece of crap team.