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Full Version: ***Official Jaguars Vs. Cowboys @ London, England, Game Day Thread***
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Quote:I really don't want to see Mincey and Durant make plays on us.

Durant has been great, but he was put on IR the other day for torn biceps.

Babich had them in the wrong defense.Cyprian on Bryant.Brilliant
Quote:Terrible angels from the whole secondary

 "angels" might be our only hope today
Quote:Ugly lack of pressure.

Yupp. We knew it was going to be tough with all their guys back healthy blocking.
Cowboys are simply more physical.  We're getting no pressure, can't hold at the point of attack, and now that we're behind the pressure is on BB5 and that's exactly what you don't want.  
Bortles Kombat time?
Quote:Way to go Cyprien

in fairness  - Dez is about to get paid 12+  million per year because he does stuff like that to everybody. 

The secondary is a bunch of scrubs and 6th and 7 rounders. Our CBs are playing great. We need a FS
Game over we can't score points
We are only down ten and it's early. Step back from the ledge guys.
How many jags does it take to touch you before you get into the end zone.... Sad
Quote:The secondary misses Prosinski
not really but the special teams does :teehee:
No pressure on Romo they are picking up our blitzes.

From a 7-3 lead to almost over. Sheesh

10 games this season...10 games with bad angles, missed tackles. It should have been fixed a long time ago with practices.

Jäguars yielded another TD to Dez Bryant, and the Cowboys lead is up 17-7.
Run Run Pass coming up

Quote:somehow Thomas was in zone and read Romos eyes, yet couldn't step in front of the TE right next to him

Welcome back George...

Quote:The secondary is a bunch of scrubs and 6th and 7 rounders. Our CBs are playing great. We need a FS

What? The CBs are part of the secondary...
Dez is a type of player we need. A go-to receiver that can score from anywhere.