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Full Version: Bill O Brien's post-game presser keeps it REAL after a loss, compared to Gus Badly's "positive" [BAD ...
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Damn, banned again? Really? Wow.
Where does TMD post when he is banned from here? There is no way that guy just stops blabbing for months at a time.
Quote:Where does TMD post when he is banned from here? There is no way that guy just stops blabbing for months at a time.

i was just about to post the same exact thing, but im 99% sure he has other logins to this board that he uses.


still, he cant gloat about how he is right and smarter than everyone, so he has to be logged in as himself somewhere.
Quote:i was just about to post the same exact thing, but im 99% sure he has other logins to this board that he uses.
still, he cant gloat about how he is right and smarter than everyone, so he has to be logged in as himself somewhere.
Aside from our Cousins debacle, we seem to be on the same path quite a bit.


Aside from our Cousins debacle, we seem to be on the same path quite a bit.

he really bombed.
Quote:Check their name by one of their posts.  It will be greyed out, and under the avatar (where yours and mine say Members) it says Banned.
Oh, ya, that was pretty obvious!



Quote:Where does TMD post when he is banned from here? There is no way that guy just stops blabbing for months at a time.
There's no way he stops. He really has some sort of OCD type disease. 
You win some you lose some. I'm wrong quit a bit, too. The nice thing is you can admit it. TMD would tap-dance around the point.
I get some of what TMD is saying. You want to see fire out a coach because lets be real, when we lose we're angry and you want everyone to be angry. It makes us feel better to see a player who might have just fumbled get reamed out by their coach or QB. Then we calm down and realize it's a game and that's our fan emotional need. So, is having an emotional meltdown the RIGHT thing to do? On the contrary, it's mostly like the wrong thing to do. Being an effective leader is not berading those that report to you. It's leading by example, showing how what they did should have been done and having them buy in to what your plan is. Of course you have those stern conversations and you most definitely let the players know when they've done something wrong, but the song and dance of showing SO MUCH ANGER is for us (fans) need, nothing to do with effective coaching/leading.


Wasn't it true that in the off-season the thought was that we weren't going to be a winning club? We all mostly agreed on this due to the age and experience level, basically gutting the roster in lieu of rookie draft picks that would grow into hopefully something great, that this would be a work in progress? We need to keep prespective. With that said, it's stull frustrating as hell to lose even when we realize winning with where we are is probably not realistic.......yet.


The truth here is the way Bill O'Brien handled his post game presser was full of emotion and anger and that fine, for him. He's probably a fiery guy in all aspects of his life. I'm sure he has a hard time waiting in lines at wal-mart and screams at the cashier for it. Point being, none of that makes for a good leader, doesn't mean he won't be a successfull coach or a winning coach, but may have little to do with his emotional outburts. In contrast, Gus' calmer demeaner also may have little to do with our current record as well. It's their approach and how they handle pressers has little to do with their teams buy in to what they're trying to accomplish.


As an aside, wasn't Gus the one who screamed the "DO YOUR JOB" tyrade? Smile



Also, I don't believe for a second TMD believes all of this. Moreso, he very much enjoys pushing the collective buttons on this MB. I could see how that would be quite an ego boost. I just don't buy it.

Quote:He's banned again. Does that mean no TMD for the rest of the season?

I get that he brings a different point of view, but in just over a day this thread is at 20 pages....and its mostly him egging it on with the whole message board disagreeing. 


It's just garbage too often.
Quote:I get some of what TMD is saying. You want to see fire out a coach because lets be real, when we lose we're angry and you want everyone to be angry. It makes us feel better to see a player who might have just fumbled get reamed out by their coach or QB. Then we calm down and realize it's a game and that's our fan emotional need. So, is having an emotional meltdown the RIGHT thing to do? On the contrary, it's mostly like the wrong thing to do. Being an effective leader is not berading those that report to you. It's leading by example, showing how what they did should have been done and having them buy in to what your plan is. Of course you have those stern conversations and you most definitely let the players know when they've done something wrong, but the song and dance of showing SO MUCH ANGER is for us (fans) need, nothing to do with effective coaching/leading.


Wasn't it true that in the off-season the thought was that we weren't going to be a winning club? We all mostly agreed on this due to the age and experience level, basically gutting the roster in lieu of rookie draft picks that would grow into hopefully something great, that this would be a work in progress? We need to keep prespective. With that said, it's stull frustrating as hell to lose even when we realize winning with where we are is probably not realistic.......yet.


The truth here is the way Bill O'Brien handled his post game presser was full of emotion and anger and that fine, for him. He's probably a fiery guy in all aspects of his life. I'm sure he has a hard time waiting in lines at wal-mart and screams at the cashier for it. Point being, none of that makes for a good leader, doesn't mean he won't be a successfull coach or a winning coach, but may have little to do with his emotional outburts. In contrast, Gus' calmer demeaner also may have little to do with our current record as well. It's their approach and how they handle pressers has little to do with their teams buy in to what they're trying to accomplish.


As an aside, wasn't Gus the one who screamed the "DO YOUR JOB" tyrade? Smile



Also, I don't believe for a second TMD believes all of this. Moreso, he very much enjoys pushing the collective buttons on this MB. I could see how that would be quite an ego boost. I just don't buy it.

You're last sentence hit the nail on the head....the guy just loves to see people get riled up.  A lot of us fall for it every time.  Hook, line, and sinker.
Quote:I'm with Bullseye on this one. I don't know what exactly you are hyping up here.

I was expecting something a lot different.

It's a never-ending agenda.  There's really no difference here.  TMD just has to rail against Gus because that's his target of the moment.

Quote:It's a never-ending agenda.  There's really no difference here.  TMD just has to rail against Gus because that's his target of the moment.
Can you imagine TMD's outrage if Gus let his team go from leading 13-0 with under 4 minutes in the half to down 24-13 at halftime?
Quote:Check their name by one of their posts.  It will be greyed out, and under the avatar (where yours and mine say Members) it says Banned.

And TMD tried to tell someone that it was supposed to say "Band" because of the guitar avatar, but it was just misspelled.
Quote:Damn, banned again? Really? Wow.

I wonder what line he crossed this time?
Quote: :thumbsup:


Rush Hour. So glad someone got that.  I rarely reference Spies Like Us. No one here has seen it.  No one gets my obscure movie references at work..... Wallbash


Now if someone will ever tell me where Tommy works.....

"Would you say you have a plethora" of movie references?
 Yes, definitely have a "plethora" of movie references, El Guapo.
Quote:"Would you say you have a plethora" of movie references?
Quote:Where does TMD post when he is banned from here? There is no way that guy just stops blabbing for months at a time.

Sometimes he puts on a different charade on other sites.



"I think Gene has done a good job overall, since being installed GM, myself."


"Gabbert does "look the part" of future NFL star QB, no question there. He just seems to have the "it" factor when you think of past QB that also had the "it factor" like Joe Montana, Broadway Joe,..."


I personally don't believe a word that he types.  Think he would have dared posted stuff like that here?  Not unless he got his stories confused.


No matter the board, no matter the disguise... it's all to stir up attention and make you his victim.


Don't be duped.


Last time, he worked the PMs like a rented mule and got others to do his bidding for him.


Some actually fell for it.
Quote: Yes, definitely have a "plethora" of movie references, El Guapo.


"Well done, young man!"
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