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Full Version: Bill O Brien's post-game presser keeps it REAL after a loss, compared to Gus Badly's "positive" [BAD ...
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Quote:Dangit ya'll Banned my fav poster again Wallbash


Board will be dull again.
Welcome back TMD.
Quote:Welcome back TMD.

Don't jump to conclusions.


There are many ways to interpret "favorite."  Some folks, including myself, are entertained by watching train wrecks, etc.
How in the world did this thread garner 22-pages?


*Steps back....*



Quote:How in the world did this thread garner 22-pages?


*Steps back....*


Because the master troll did it again!  He's very good at what he does and we all fall for it time and time again.  He's like that piece of popcorn you can't get out of your teeth.  Impossible to ignore and irritating as hell.
Well it looks like O'Brien's post- game "REAL" presser after the Steelers loss worked, at least for the game at the tacks, a road divisional game at that.


They got the win.


They will have an angry Eagles team next at home.


You just know TMD is out there, still reading our very own Jags forum, but has been muted for the time being.

Quote:Well it looks like O'Brien's post- game "REAL" presser after the Steelers loss worked, at least for the game at the tacks, a road divisional game at that.

Or it could be that Houston's just better than Tennessee, and played like it.


And they decided not to have 3 turnovers within a minute timespan this time.  Funny how those turnovers tend to wreck your chances of winning, eh?
Quote:Or it could be that Houston's just better than Tennessee, and played like it.


And they decided not to have 3 turnovers within a minute timespan this time.  Funny how those turnovers tend to wreck your chances of winning, eh?

Just because a team is better then the opponent, doesn't mean an automatic win, especially in a divisional game, we see that every week, including in Monday nights game.


The 3-2 Browns were better then the 0-6 Jags, who had 3 INTs and still won the game.


Maybe they played like it because of O'brien's "REAL" post game presser. He said their play was unacceptable after that game and made sure they played better the next game.


Sure TOs wreck your chances to win a game. He let the fans, media and team know that those TOs were unacceptable and they corrected them the next game and got themselves a divisional win.


They were on a 3 game losing streak and had a road game against a division rival, not an easy position to be in, and pulled out a 30-16 road win.


Let's see what happens this week against Philly.
Quote:Just because a team is better then the opponent, doesn't mean an automatic win, especially in a divisional game, we see that every week, including in Monday nights game.


The 3-2 Browns were better then the 0-6 Jags, who had 3 INTs and still won the game.


Maybe they played like it because of O'brien's "REAL" post game presser. He said their play was unacceptable after that game and made sure they played better the next game.


Sure TOs wreck your chances to win a game. He let the fans, media and team know that those TOs were unacceptable and they corrected them the next game and got themselves a divisional win.


They were on a 3 game losing streak and had a road game against a division rival, not an easy position to be in, and pulled out a 30-16 road win.


Let's see what happens this week against Philly.

So I guess the Texans didn't know it wasn't OK to turn the ball over on your own 1 foot line before the Steelers game.  Then O'Brien gets REAL, now they know, so they didn't do it against the tacks.






Quote:So I guess the Texans didn't know it wasn't OK to turn the ball over on your own 1 foot line before the Steelers game. Then O'Brien gets REAL, now they know, so they didn't do it against the tacks.


Texans must be really stupid...

Maybe it is just the Steelers are much better than the Titans? Shocker
Quote:So I guess the Texans didn't know it wasn't OK to turn the ball over on your own 1 foot line before the Steelers game.  Then O'Brien gets REAL, now they know, so they didn't do it against the tacks.







Oh, I'm sure they knew, they just got sloppy.


O'Brien let them, the fans, and the media, know that getting sloppy with the ball is unacceptable. It was just a reminder.


It looks like they got the message.


It sure would be nice if other teams stopped making the same dumb mistakes, game after game, after game.


It's probably more effective with a veteran team though, but it couldn't hurt to remind a young team too.
Quote:Oh, I'm sure they knew, they just got sloppy.


O'Brien let them, the fans, and the media, know that getting sloppy with the ball is unacceptable. It was just a reminder.


It looks like they got the message.


It sure would be nice if other teams stopped making the same dumb mistakes, game after game, after game.


It's probably more effective with a veteran team though, but it couldn't hurt to remind a young team too.
Coaches don't use press conferences to convey a message to their team. That's just stupid.


They get their messages directly from the coach in the locker room. I can't believe how dumb some of you people are.
Quote:Oh, I'm sure they knew, they just got sloppy.


O'Brien let them, the fans, and the media, know that getting sloppy with the ball is unacceptable. It was just a reminder.


It looks like they got the message.


It sure would be nice if other teams stopped making the same dumb mistakes, game after game, after game.


It's probably more effective with a veteran team though, but it couldn't hurt to remind a young team too.

Why don't all coaches just whinge in press conferences about sloppy play.


Sure helped Denny Green in Arizona...
lol, c'mon jags can't be serious.
Quote:lol, c'mon jags can't be serious.

lol, you got me.


I was just stirring the pot TMD style, since he's not here to do it.


I'll be honest though, I would like to see Gus say something different then the same old "we missed some opportunities out there today", "we made some mistakes", "we have to get better" and all the same other stuff he says after every loss.


He doesn't have to get all angry or rant or anything, that's not his personality anyway, but just something different then the same thing we hear each week.


He's a great inspirational speaker, inspire the team as well as the fans.


I'd just like to see a little more "FIRE" from Gus like the fire I saw when they first called Wallace's catch out of bounds and then 30 seconds later another ref comes in and said it was a completion. That was the most fire I have seen from Gus since he has been here and I liked it.


Maybe, just maybe he was trying to inspire the team with that little flare up, because I hadn't seen it before. It sure beats him seeing him with his hands on his knees, head down, but still looking at the field of play.


I know it's mostly a young team, but I would like to see more of the "DO YOUR JOB" Gus from time to time.


Overall, the team has played much better these last few weeks, except for QB, and that's a good sign.


These next few games will be very tough and Gus just needs to find a way to at least continue to keep them competitive and in the game with a chance to win it in the 4th qtr.
Quote:lol, you got me.


I was just stirring the pot TMD style, since he's not here to do it.


I'll be honest though, I would like to see Gus say something different then the same old "we missed some opportunities out there today", "we made some mistakes", "we have to get better" and all the same other stuff he says after every loss.


He doesn't have to get all angry or rant or anything, that's not his personality anyway, but just something different then the same thing we hear each week.


He's a great inspirational speaker, inspire the team as well as the fans.


I'd just like to see a little more "FIRE" from Gus like the fire I saw when they first called Wallace's catch out of bounds and then 30 seconds later another ref comes in and said it was a completion. That was the most fire I have seen from Gus since he has been here and I liked it.


Maybe, just maybe he was trying to inspire the team with that little flare up, because I hadn't seen it before. It sure beats him seeing him with his hands on his knees, head down, but still looking at the field of play.


I know it's mostly a young team, but I would like to see more of the "DO YOUR JOB" Gus from time to time.


Overall, the team has played much better these last few weeks, except for QB, and that's a good sign.


These next few games will be very tough and Gus just needs to find a way to at least continue to keep them competitive and in the game with a chance to win it in the 4th qtr.

Emulating TMD, solid choice.


Gus' whole philosophy is about relieving anxiety in his players. Do you think he does that more effectively with "his hands on his knees, head down, but still looking at the field of play" or "I would like to see more of the "DO YOUR JOB" Gus from time to time" style?
Quote:Emulating TMD, solid choice.


Gus' whole philosophy is about relieving anxiety in his players. Do you think he does that more effectively with "his hands on his knees, head down, but still looking at the field of play" or "I would like to see more of the "DO YOUR JOB" Gus from time to time" style?

Yeah, maybe emulating TMD isn't such a good idea.


While Gus' whole philosophy might be about "relieving anxiety in his players", unfortunately it has also relieved the Jags of wins too.


This team, while young, does have talent and no way they should only have 1 win so far.


This team is clearly better then last years team and needs to start showing it. While there are still 8 games left to play, this team should NOT finish with a worse record then last years 4-12.


There a several different ways for a HC to motivate his team and get the best out of them and Gus just needs to be able to find the one that works with this team, whichever style that might be.


I know it's a work in progress, but still, Gus needs to find a way to make sure his team understands they have to cut down on some of the many mistakes and missed opportunities that seem to happen every single game.


A team is NEVER going to play mistake free football and that's OK, but he has to make sure they cut down on some of the many mistakes and take advantage of some of those "missed opportunities" that happen every game.


So far, all he does is talk about it in the presser following yet another Jags loss, and it hasn't changed anything yet.


Maybe it's time for another type of approach, something different, whatever that might be.
Quote:Yeah, maybe emulating TMD isn't such a good idea.


While Gus' whole philosophy might be about "relieving anxiety in his players", unfortunately it has also relieved the Jags of wins too.


This team, while young, does have talent and no way they should only have 1 win so far.


This team is clearly better then last years team and needs to start showing it. While there are still 8 games left to play, this team should NOT finish with a worse record then last years 4-12.


There a several different ways for a HC to motivate his team and get the best out of them and Gus just needs to be able to find the one that works with this team, whichever style that might be.


I know it's a work in progress, but still, Gus needs to find a way to make sure his team understands they have to cut down on some of the many mistakes and missed opportunities that seem to happen every single game.


A team is NEVER going to play mistake free football and that's OK, but he has to make sure they cut down on some of the many mistakes and take advantage of some of those "missed opportunities" that happen every game.


So far, all he does is talk about it in the presser following yet another Jags loss, and it hasn't changed anything yet.


Maybe it's time for another type of approach, something different, whatever that might be.

I could say a lot in response to this but for the sake of brevity:


There is no finding or changing approaches. Putting on an act is the worst thing Bradley could do.
Quote:I could say a lot in response to this but for the sake of brevity:


There is no finding or changing approaches. Putting on an act is the worst thing Bradley could do.

I'm sure you have seen the "DO YOUR JOB" video of Gus yelling at the Seattle defense when he was the DC and they were playing poorly at the time, making mistakes.


Gus wasn't relieving any anxiety in his players in that video, he was trying to get the D to play better, stop making mistakes, and to do their job.


Was that just an act? Or was that Gus' approach to try to make his defense play better? Which one was it?


If that video WAS an act, then Gus was just "putting on an act" and the Gus with the Jags is the real Gus.


If that video was Gus' approach to get his team to play better, because they were making way too many mistakes, then Gus has changed his approach to what we see today with the Jags, relieving anxiety in his players.


From everything I've heard and read all the players really like Gus and want to play for him, but they sure haven't rewarded him with very many wins have they?


Here's the video again, but be aware viewers, you will NOT recognize the Gus in this video:


Quote:I'm sure you have seen the "DO YOUR JOB" video of Gus yelling at the Seattle defense when he was the DC and they were playing poorly at the time, making mistakes.


Gus wasn't relieving any anxiety in his players in that video, he was trying to get the D to play better, stop making mistakes, and to do their job.


Was that just an act? Or was that Gus' approach to try to make his defense play better? Which one was it?


If that video WAS an act, then Gus was just "putting on an act" and the Gus with the Jags is the real Gus.


If that video was Gus' approach to get his team to play better, because they were making way too many mistakes, then Gus has changed his approach to what we see today with the Jags, relieving anxiety in his players.


From everything I've heard and read all the players really like Gus and want to play for him, but they sure haven't rewarded him with very many wins have they?


Here's the video again, but be aware viewers, you will NOT recognize the Gus in this video:



There is a wide gap between a moment of honest emotion and the decision to permanently put on an angry facade.
BB turned the season around without saying this stuff in press conferences?

Maybe he should have just said that Brady needs to throw touchdowns and score points in a presser earlier
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