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Quote:my point was since teddy and bradford both can throw the perfect pass, i compared them both to TMD, and he rebutted by saying bradford doesnt play a pro style offense, regardless of the offense or the competition(your argument) it shouldnt matter as long as you can hit those passes with ease. tell me where i went wrong?


Bradford was hitting a lot of WR wide open in that gimmicky offense. He put up video game numbers his last season. (in college)


Then when he had to adjust to the NFL style offense with the Rams, he was lost. WR's weren't always wide open. He struggled and ultimately lost confidence. 


Granted, it didn't help that the Rams WR corps was pretty much garbage, as well. 

Quote:Bradford was hitting a lot of WR wide open in that gimmicky offense. He put up video game numbers his last season. (in college)


Then when he had to adjust to the NFL style offense with the Rams, he was lost. WR's weren't always wide open. He struggled and ultimately lost confidence. 
i agree he had a lot WRs open but he also hit those throws you described teddy is making with ease while at oklahoma. 
Quote:i agree he had a lot WRs open but he also hit those throws you described teddy is making with ease while at oklahoma. 

Watching the game today I think I saw 1 or 2 plays where the WR was wide open for Teddy. 


Bradford had 1 or 2 of those per drive that last season in college. 

Quote:Watching the game today I think I saw 1 or 2 plays where the WR was wide open for Teddy. 


Bradford had 1 or 2 of those per drive that last season in college. 
youre missing my point  :whistling: all im saying was bradford was able to make the throws teddy is making. 
Quote:again, if you have been following my argument, I have agreed that Caldwell deserves plenty of blame. I think the situation was mis-managed.

I was only really looking at the last page to be honest lol. I agree with that, at the very least the entire situation with the o-line to this point has been mismanaged
Quote:youre missing my point  :whistling: all im saying was bradford was able to make the throws teddy is making. 

If you say so. 


I watched both. Teddy looks more impressive than Bradford did to me, but thats JMO. 


....kinda like how Chase Daniel wasn't all that impressive when you projected him to be an NFL signal caller. 

Quote:youre missing my point  :whistling: all im saying was bradford was able to make the throws teddy is making.

For somebody who has never seen Teddy play, you sure do talk about him a lot lol
Quote:For somebody who has never seen Teddy play, you sure do talk about him a lot lol
im going by what people are saying here... and apparently hes the next great prospect like peyton and luck so why not lol

Quote:Watching the game today I think I saw 1 or 2 plays where the WR was wide open for Teddy.

Bradford had 1 or 2 of those per drive that last season in college.
Don't forget sometimes wr are wide open because the qb looks off the safety. ...Teddy does that well as well!
Quote:Don't forget sometimes wr are wide open because the qb looks off the safety. ...Teddy does that well as well!

yes he does. 


In the offense that Bradford played in there was less of that, cough one read cough throw......


I'll say this though, Chase Daniel & Bradford should have been warning signs to stay away from Gabbert. Both of those QB played in similar systems (Daniel same) and put up monster numbers, when Blaine could only register numbers that would have been sub par for even a pro style offense his final year in college....

Quote:i agree he had a lot WRs open but he also hit those throws you described teddy is making with ease while at oklahoma. 

I don't recall Bradford making passes like some of the ones Teddy has thrown.


Youtube the Ohio game this year on that backshoulder TD pass. That was an NFL throw and it isn't the only one I have seen Teddy do. His guys aren't always as open as people point out.

Quote:I don't recall Bradford making passes like these in college (just watch from 2:42 mark):


if i look hard enough i probably can but im too lazy lol
Quote:Didn't you know that there are a bunch of magical elite players available just waiting to be signed?  But our front office is too dumb!  Clearly, complaining about something that cannot change during the season is the best course of action.
Quote:im going by what people are saying here... and apparently hes the next great prospect like peyton and luck so why not lol
He really does look impressive. He's got a good arm, quick release, good touch and is accurate. He's got great pocket presence, moving in the pocket to avoid the rush while keeping his eyes up 100%. He usually avoids takings big hits but if he does he brushes it off. He's got functional athleticism too (not like Blaine who runs a good 40 but is clumsy when scrambling). He can throw on the run, even to the left side. He plays in a pro style offense but the only thing I'm not sure about is how good he is disecting defenses and going through his progressions. Apart from that I have no problem comparing his play to Aaron Rodgers.
Anyone know why he wears a glove?  Problem gripping the ball?  JW

Quote:Anyone know why he wears a glove?  Problem gripping the ball?  JW

Small hands?....I really don't know....thats just a guess. 
Quote:Anyone know why he wears a glove?  Problem gripping the ball?  JW

To look cool, I think.   B)
Quote:I like Teddy. But I'm just not ready to anoint him our savior like you are. I just can't bring myself to do it when he doesn't play against real competition.

There is no college team that presents the challenge of an NFL defense.  Most college teams are terrible.  By this logic, no one is worthy of being drafted.
Quote:Anyone know why he wears a glove? Problem gripping the ball? JW
He had an injury and had to wear it....and ended up liking it. Doesn't seem to have any effect on his throwing touch.
Quote:You're correct Chiefjag. I finished my first season as HC of the Cowboys with a 1-15 season.

Regards......................Jimmy Johnson

I have no clue what this is suppose to mean. If you're suggesting I'm calling for Bradley's head after this season you're wrong. I will say if the team continues to play this ineptly throughout the season then his seat should be warming.


Losing out only gets you to roll the dice sooner. We all know that drafting a QB is rolling the dice. People want to say "oh, boy look at the Colts I'm sure they were upset they drafted first." Does anyone want to go back and look at the last 15 years of 1st overall draft picks?


Tim Couch -    Browns

M. Vick  -- Atl

David Carr -- Houston

C. Palmer - Cincy

E. Manning - S.D.

Alex Smith - 49'er

J. Russell - Oak

M. Stafford - Det

S. Bradford - St. L

C. Newton - Carolina

A. Luck - Indy


So, 11 times out of the last 15 years, in this "QB era", a QB was taken 1st overall. Look at that list and tell me how many of those guys turned a team into significant relevancy? There's only 1 SB winner in that list.


Now look at the QB's considered top QB's in the league:


Brady  - 6th round

Flacco - 18th overall

Roethlisberger  - 11th overall

RGIII - 2nd overall

A. Rodgers - 24th overall

Matt Ryan - 3rd overall

Drew Brees - 64th overall

R. Willson  -  75th overall

Kaepernick - 36th overall


Look at that list then realize we took Blaine Gabbert 10th overall and Leftwich 7th overall. We've drafted 2 QB's in the top 10 and neither one of them worked out. We will be drafting in the top 10 again, guaranteed. There's plenty of  serviceable QB's such as Cutler (11th), Romo (UDFA), Rivers (4th), Schaub (90th), Dalton (35th) that could be much better if they had a better supporting cast.


The point is losing out will only discourage more fans from buying tickets. Guys like TMD can sit in Jersey and tell us how much better we'd be if we lose since he's not buying tickets and sitting in the seats. If I wasn't spending my money, sitting in the seats every Sunday watching a totally incompetent team, then I might be indifferent like him.


But I'd like to see some wins. I'd like to be encouraged going into next season that we have something positive working here. At the end of the season I would like to see this team compete man-to-man with Houston, Tenn, and Indy. We'll be drafting high enough anyway, at least a winning streak at the end of the season gives the fans some hope.


Regards.....................the Chiefjag

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