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I am not a Jacksonville Jaguars fan....yet. You probably know what i am going to say here. Tebow. Do I think he can come in and immediately fix your offense?  probably not.  If you give him some time and build the offense around his unique skill set you would put fans in those seats and might even be proud to be a Jaguar fan in a year or so. What do you have to lose?

Quote:I am not a Jacksonville Jaguars fan....yet. You probably know what i am going to say here. Tebow. Do I think he can come in and immediately fix your offense? probably not. If you give him some time and build the offense around his unique skill set you would put fans in those seats and might even be proud to be a Jaguar fan in a year or so. What do you have to lose?
Ah yes, maybe 2 of the 20 people who showed up for his fan rally will get tickets. 10 of them would have to get their parents to buy tickets and drive them to the game.

You want us to give a guy who can't play QB time? Haven't we already done that enough. What can we lose? Time, time to build our team around a franchise QB.
Quote:I am not a Jacksonville Jaguars fan....yet. You probably know what i am going to say here. Tebow. Do I think he can come in and immediately fix your offense?  probably not.  If you give him some time and build the offense around his unique skill set you would put fans in those seats and might even be proud to be a Jaguar fan in a year or so. What do you have to lose?
How about the careers of the Jags receivers? There is a reason Tebow gets ran out of every NFL town he works in.
Quote:I am not a Jacksonville Jaguars fan....yet. You probably know what i am going to say here. Tebow. Do I think he can come in and immediately fix your offense?  probably not.  If you give him some time and build the offense around his unique skill set you would put fans in those seats and might even be proud to be a Jaguar fan in a year or so. What do you have to lose?

What do they have to lose?  Another few years of building.  Of course Tebow won't fix the problems in Jacksonville this year.  But how do you build a team around a guy who can't throw?  Dump receivers for more tight ends for run blocking?  cuz that is about all Tebow is good for, running running running.  Maybe throw to one of the six tight ends or two to change things up. 


It's an awful lot of work to try and rebuild a team around some guy three teams took a good look at already and couldn't get rid of him fast enough.  Denver said no.  Jets took one look and moved him to punt protector.  The Patriots, if anyone could have found a really creative use for him, would have done so, but dumped him.  It is an exercise in futility.


So why bother wasting time trying to build around a guy who just doesn't have the skillset to be an NFL QB?  To sell seats because of his popularity?  Okay, but I hope you are fine with the Jags ceasing to be a football team and becoming a traveling carnival.  Cuz as soon as they sign Tebow and commit to him long term, it stops being about football and more about the side show of having a charming kid on your team that for some reason has people building shrines in his honor.


There isn't really anything to be excited about for this team.  This weekend seems like a good one to invest in some lube for as Vegas had the Broncos winning by 4 TDs for the first time since the 70s.  But don't kid yourself.  Tebow getting signed would make a lot of cultists happy, but the team will still suck and at the end of the day won't be any better off than they are today.  All it will accomplish is bringing yet more drama when the team tries to figure out how to pick up the pieces and move forward.


So the real question when it comes to Tebow is:  As a Jaguar's fan, is it more important to try to build a winner, or is it more important for Khan to sell tickets and attract fans who don't care about any aspect of the team other than Tebow?  Cuz bringing in Tebow and winning just isn't one and the same.  I lived in Denver during his time as a starter, and I can tell you that many of their fans didn't find leading the league in three and outs and seeing their punter trotting on the field 10 times per game all that exciting.   If you think it was Tebow that did the work in Denver, then you obviously didn't watch the games.  Cuz I did.

Quote:Yeah, in a way, Tebow is already kinda holding this team hostage in the press.  The top brass of the Jags keep getting asked about some scrub that isn't even on the team.  They're kinda getting Tebow rammed down their throats whether they want him or not.  I don't think I've ever seen anything quite like that, especially for a guy who can't pass.


Nice to see only about a dozen Tebowkistanis showed up for the rally a couple weeks back.  They all had something better to do?  Or is this just an extremely loud minority?
They have had the Tebow rally every Monday since week 2. 4th one was yesterday evening. They have yet to have more than 20 people show up. It's a disgrace. 
Quote:I will personally stop talking Tebow the day Gabbert is off this team, I promise . As it stands now I want to underscore the fact tat TEBOW is waaaaay better than Gabbert at QB , wins , stats, you name it . That should speak volumes about the current situation .
Why stop at Tebow? If you really want someone wins then you want the Jags to sign Vince Young. He has triple the wins and at a higher winning %. 
Quote:Still want to see Robinson.
No, we don't want to see Robinson. Robinson has a real shot at contributing as a RB for this team in the future. We want him getting every developmental rep he can get at his future position. That is way, way more important than possibly stunting his development at RB just so he can start a few sham games at 'QB'.
What about starting Ricky Stanzi at QB? I have watched the other 2 QB's play not impressed at all. Stanzi can scramble, get out of the pocket and still hit his receiver. Watch Ricky when he played at KC.(preseason). Better yet watch some games when he played at IOWA.He is a smart team player and can read a defense. I think KC made a big mistake letting him go he knew their system. Just my 2 cents. Go Jags.

I'd like to see Stanzi play.
Thank you my son. Hopefully the coaches will soon see the light, but I doubt it.


If he gets a full half on Sunday, I guarantee there will be no further doubts as to who the best QB is for the franchise.

I'm all for it.  Henne is a backup and Gabbert isn't even that.  Absolutely nothing to be gained by wasting any more time with either. 

It shouldn't surprise anyone if Stanzi gets a few starts this year.

Gus said in his presser today that Stanzi ran the service team well and if called upon could run the offense. 


[Image: kinnick_stanzi.jpg]
As long as they keep losing, i'm all for it.

I hope Ricky Stanzi does get to play Sunday at Denver. Jags have nothing to lose. Only problem I can see is with Denvers Defensive adjustments after the Dallas game (more zone and less man to man )it is going to be a tough game for any QB.Anything is possible.
A franchise QB.

I don't care who it is but with the #1 pick you cannot miss if a QB is your need.

Lol read that wrong but I'm waiting to see Stanzi just because he's unknown.
Why not Robinson. Why not now. Lol. We all know we are getting our franchise QB next year. Least let me have fun with it.

Here's the breakdown of passes each Jaguars quarterback has thrown toward Justin Blackmon and Cecil Shorts:




Comp pct



Yds per att






Just found this interesting.

Quote:I am not a Jacksonville Jaguars fan....yet. You probably know what i am going to say here. Tebow. Do I think he can come in and immediately fix your offense?  probably not.  If you give him some time and build the offense around his unique skill set you would put fans in those seats and might even be proud to be a Jaguar fan in a year or so. What do you have to lose?



shut up
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