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I voted for the wall...now get on the other side of it.

I had hoped last night would end with Trump winning. I hope he makes good on it. My hunch is that he moderates dramatically, and I think he will. How he moves forward with his promise to lock Clinton up will be telling. If he lets it go in order to move the country forward and refocus us on fixing problems, that's a great sign. If he carries out on the vendetta pledge and lets that linger rather than refocusing on getting rid of Obamacare and fixing the economy, it's a sign that we're screwed. I don't care if he goes after Clinton, but he can't let it override everything else.
Quote:I had hoped last night would end with Trump winning. I hope he makes good on it. My hunch is that he moderates dramatically, and I think he will. How he moves forward with his promise to lock Clinton up will be telling. If he lets it go in order to move the country forward and refocus us on fixing problems, that's a great sign. If he carries out on the vendetta pledge and lets that linger rather than refocusing on getting rid of Obamacare and fixing the economy, it's a sign that we're screwed. I don't care if he goes after Clinton, but he can't let it override everything else.
Did you watch the debates? Of course he's going to make it priority number 1 to go after her. He doesn't keep his emotions in check. He fell into every single trap Clinton set in those debates and other countries took note of this and will most likely own him too.
Quote:I was wrong.


Doesn't change the fact he's a terrible person who shouldn't be president. He appealed to the uneducated and it worked. He wants to build a wall.... A wall.
You're pissed about a wall? That's funny. I'd talk about all the things that make Hillary dispicable, but there's no sense in it now. The Voters have made it known they are sick of it.

Btw, your tears taste so good!
Quote:I'm sorry but the man wants to build a wall, he's a racist and he treats women as objects.

Anyone who voted for him is flat out stupid. Not shocking that so many people on here voted for him.

If you think about it (really think about it), what does that infer about Clinton?

Clinton was such a bad option, that she couldn't even beat freaking Donald Trump.

I mean, that is BAD. REALLY BAD.

And, a great many people though more than half the country was stupid when they voted Obama into office.

We'll just have to wait and see what happens.

**Side note - Republican leaders in Congress (Ryan, McConnell) shunned Trump and would not support him this summer. Now, they have a complete control of the next Congress, and a new Justice appointee selection from Trump. Will they find a way to work together?

They better, IMO. They'll face voters that'll be willing to put them out of office if they don't come togehter.
Quote:Sounds just like the people who say "Oh you criticize the team? Well go root for another team."


Super intelligent. 


You voted for a man who is due in court on rape charges next month. He's the president. Nice job.

actually...  that case was dropped
So about those polls...
Quote:I was wrong.


Doesn't change the fact he's a terrible person who shouldn't be president. He appealed to the uneducated and it worked. He wants to build a wall.... A wall.

Actually, he wants to finish the wall.  Congress already voted to build it back in the 80's... 
Quote:So about those polls...


Polls are always used as weapons. They are a way for media to SHAPE public opinion. Polls DO NOT reflect public opinion.

Many more people are finally starting to realize this,, so that's good.
Quote:So about those polls...

I do believe Hillary has won the popular vote.
Quote:Those who voted for him should be willing to own everything that comes with the man they elected.
The ONLY thing those who voted for Trump take ownership of is the fact that they will be expected to hold him accountable. But, that's the same for those who did not support him.  That's what you don't seem to get. 


They're not expected to be responsible for his every action, just as you and your Hillary supporters wouldn't be expected to own everything she did if she had managed to win.  All we can do as a nation, whether you supported him or not, is to hold him accountable.  If he doesn't fulfill his commitments, it impacts everyone.  The fact that Trump really isn't beholding to anyone makes it much easier to hold him accountable than it would have been to do the same with her.  If he screws up, he will hear about it from those who supported him, and from those who did not.

President TRUMP
Quote:I do believe Hillary has won the popular vote.

She has. Gotta love the good ole Electoral College.
Quote:President TRUMP

It's also interesting that President TRUMP replaces president CHUMP.
Quote:I do believe Hillary has won the popular vote.
So we can expect to hear about how the Electoral College needs to be dispatched any second now. 
Quote:I was wrong.


Doesn't change the fact he's a terrible person who shouldn't be president. He appealed to the uneducated and it worked. He wants to build a wall.... A wall.

So much salt is NOT healthy in the morning. Didn't your doctor tell you that?
Quote:She has. Gotta love the good ole Electoral College.
Too bad far too many do not understand it.
The wall is going to happen, and who is going to pay for it? MEXICO!

Merrick Garland should be next to be scratched.
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