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I feel like abolishing the electoral college would benefit Republicans more than Democrats, but maybe I am wrong.


All those delicious votes from California, Illinois, and New York that would finally be counted...yum.

Quote:Right from the horse's mouth.<a class="bbc_url" href='https://mobile.twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/266038556504494082'>https://mobile.twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/266038556504494082</a>

It's a good thing we're not a democracy then, isn't it?
I'm not sure how it could be implemented.  But a better solution to the 100% Electoral College Method might be  50 % of the vote would be weighted based on the Electoral College.  The other 50 % of the vote would be weighted based on popular vote.  


This reminds me of how representation per state is determined for the two chambers of Congress.    All 50 states have 2 senators regardless of population.    The larger the population in a state,  ( including Washington DC ),  the more representatives a state has in the House.  

My Solution is to give the electors based on who won the congressional district. That way they could be split among the candidates. The winner of the popular vote in the state would get the 2 senatorial Votes

Two days later, I am still in awe. I mean, the market has shot up, foreign leaders are excited, you can just feel the buzz in the air. What an exciting time to be an American!!!

Quote:Two days later, I am still in awe. I mean, the market has shot up, foreign leaders are excited, you can just feel the buzz in the air. What an exciting time to be an American!!!

I'm looking forward to his Cabinet.


Unlike the previous administration, there are many, many impressive names on it.
Quote:I'm looking forward to his Cabinet.


Unlike the previous administration, there are many, many impressive names on it.

SMART people who can and will get things done. These next 2 years will be magical.
Quote:I'm not sure how it could be implemented. But a better solution to the 100% Electoral College Method might be 50 % of the vote would be weighted based on the Electoral College. The other 50 % of the vote would be weighted based on popular vote.

This reminds me of how representation per state is determined for the two chambers of Congress. All 50 states have 2 senators regardless of population. The larger the population in a state, ( including Washington DC ), the more representatives a state has in the House.

Leave it be. It's not exactly proven to ever fail. Hillary knew the game when she signed up.
Popular vote argument is kind of dead. Hopefully CAEXIT actually happens, then a democrats will never win an election again.

Quote:Leave it be. It's not exactly proven to ever fail. Hillary knew the game when she signed up.
Four times so far has the electoral college been won by a candidate that didn't win the popular vote. That's a failure rate of 7%, imagine if your car failed on 7% of the trips it made. 
Quote:Four times so far has the electoral college been won by a candidate that didn't win the popular vote. That's a failure rate of 7%, imagine if your car failed on 7% of the trips it made. 

The population of CA and NY do not speak for the other 48 states. The EC is as fair as fair can get.
Quote:Four times so far has the electoral college been won by a candidate that didn't win the popular vote. That's a failure rate of 7%, imagine if your car failed on 7% of the trips it made.

States rights is a fundamental staple of the framers intentions. I don't want a Trump presidency but the states constituents did.

Screwing with EV will not end well!
Quote:States rights is a fundamental staple of the framers intentions. I don't want a Trump presidency but the states constituents did.

Screwing with EV will not end well!
The president shouldn't represent any one state more than any other. He or she should represent the people of the USA as a whole. The states are represented through the Senate and the House.


In the current system a candidate can win the electoral college by getting just 22% of the popular vote. Even if that isn't ever going to happen realistically, a system where that is possible is ludicrous. 
Quote:The president shouldn't represent any one state more than any other. He or she should represent the people of the USA as a whole. The states are represented through the Senate and the House.


In the current system a candidate can win the electoral college by getting just 22% of the popular vote. Even if that isn't ever going to happen realistically, a system where that is possible is ludicrous. 

The framers got it right with EV.


The best minds studied the best models around the globe and throughout history to create it.


As we see, it works best when needed most.


It, in addition to how Congress is structured, prevents mob rule.  No one from either side should be for that.
Quote:The framers got it right with EV.


The best minds studied the best models around the globe and throughout history to create it.


As we see, it works best when needed most.


It, in addition to how Congress is structured, prevents mob rule.  No one from either side should be for that.
Mob rule and having elected officials actually be representative of the vote aren't the same thing.
Quote:And you call Trump racist...... You just categorized an entire group of people, most of which you've never met. You really have serious issues. Seek help. People like you are the barrier to the growth and uniting of this country. You truly have a serious problem. America will pray for you.
Thanks man.

Think I'm good though.
Quote:Two days later, I am still in awe. I mean, the market has shot up, foreign leaders are excited, you can just feel the buzz in the air. What an exciting time to be an American!!!

I loved the story about the Trump supporter smashing a bottle over the mans head for being gay. Or the Trump supporter who hit and stole a Muslim woman's hijab. Very exciting so far.
Quote:I loved the story about the Trump supporter smashing a bottle over the mans head for being gay. Or the Trump supporter who hit and stole a Muslim woman's hijab. Very exciting so far.

Boy, you best start showing the man some respect and calling him Mr. President, Mr. President-Elect, President-Elect Trump. Your choice. Don't make me get that shoe horn out boy.


For real though, I loved that story about the paid DNC agitator fighting people at Trump rallies.

Quote:Mob rule and having elected officials actually be representative of the vote aren't the same thing.

We're a democratic republic.  NOT a democracy.  Never was intended to be.


Did they even teach this stuff over there?  
Quote:I loved the story about the Trump supporter smashing a bottle over the mans head for being gay. Or the Trump supporter who hit and stole a Muslim woman's hijab. Very exciting so far.

How about the one with the Trump supporter in OP that had to have his wrist operated on because someone decided to snatch his Trump sign from him?
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