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Quote:It had its merits before tv, radio, etc but not so much now. We do not send electors by horse anymore. It is ok to change as we learn and grow.

Not the whole story...


The only ones that need to "learn and grow" are those who don't understand why it's necessary.


The Founding Fathers already did that homework, based on the historical success and failure of other governing systems.


We're so uneducated and misguided on what the role of government is supposed to be, there's simply no way we could come up with a better government that our Founders did even if we tried.  The lack of governmental, civic, and historical knowledge is simply astounding today.

Quote:Leading the popular vote and losing the election is like your QB throwing for 400 yards and 4 TD's and losing the game.
Please don't ever compare the suffering of Jaguar fans to Hillary fans again.
Quote:I'm sorry but the man wants to build a wall, he's a racist and he treats women as objects.

Anyone who voted for him is flat out stupid. Not shocking that so many people on here voted for him.
i have never understood how advocating for protection of borders makes him crazy much less a racist. There is already a fence there; what does a fence mean? Keep out. The symbolic meaning is already there. How is building something that will actually be effective at keeping illegal immigrants out a heretical move when there is already an ineffective method in place?
Quote:The electoral college was created so kook states like California and New York couldn't control the nation's agenda by themselves due to population alone.


But then, the federal government wasn't designed to "rule" states and have power over the nation either.


The Constitution itself was designed to restrict the power of the federal government.  The majority of authority is intended to be at the most local levels, where it is most effective to be responsive to the people's needs.  The federal portion is only there as a safeguard against states operating outside the Constitution.

1. In the war of 1812, they fought the Battle of New Orleans after the treaty has been signed because they didn't get the news in time. Battles in Texas were fought after Civil War ended because no one knew. Today, you can live stream a video to anyone in the world without delay. 


2. There was no such thing as corporation when the Constitution was written, and the idea that an organization would have more power than the government was crazy until the Progressives started breaking them up in the early 1900's. Today who do thing really holds the power, the corporations vs the state/local governments. How about the corporations vs the federal government?


States rights are important, but trying to perpetuate them and hold onto them tooth and nail and not cede some level of power to federal government in order to streamline and cooperate in 21st century is shortsighted.
So much missing information, like the Commerce Clause.  Talk about "short sighted..."

Quote:Congrats to Trump supporters. Enjoy the moment. And own the decision.

He has the House and the Senate. There should be no excuses. If he isolates us from countries who have been loyal allies for decades, own it. If the racial division in America deteriorates further, own it. If this trade war he says he is going to start blows up in his face, own it. If the unemployment rate in inner cities and the overall job market does not improve, take credit for that too. If the national economy follows the global market indicators and takes a giant dump, that's you too. His proposed plan for the economy pretty much rewards the 1% and risks another depression, but you can take credit there too. If marriage equality for same sex couples or legalized abortion get overturned, give yourself a pat on the back. If he gets goaded into military conflict based on emotion instead of intelligence, enjoy it. When there are no regulations on the energy industry and air and water quality show signs of advanced pollution, don't complain, own it.


Sounds like what a woman would do. 


The flip side of this coin.. the what if Hillary won side isn't much prettier. Her presidency would have been more stalling and gridlock. There are notable advantages to her losing. For me, on a personal level, I get to tell my daughter honestly she can be proud when a woman is finally elected president. That would have been impossible if Hillary had won. She is as shady as it gets. And she is wholly unlikable. Had she not stolen the bid from Bernie we could have had a race where both parties were energized. That didn't happen. It's been obvious that there has been an extreme lack of enthusiasm around Hillary's campaign. Trump won by tireless campaigning and I have to give him credit there.

I truly hope the legions of his supporters hold him accountable for delivering on all of these promises he has made. And if he starts to wipe his rear with the Constitution, that these same people that put him in office will call him out on it. I have always believed this man to be a self-serving, pathological liar, so should he start to go rogue and take actions which directly contradict promises he made on the campaign trail (starts acting like a Democrat), I would hope you'd call him out on that too. I think it will be a testament to his legacy if he is able to make it four years without getting impeached or assassinated.


Hillary isn't? 

So enjoy the moment while you can. Ignore the global backlash that is gonna follow and when you look at our country in a few years, I really hope it is great. Or at least better than it is today. As of this moment, I'm highly skeptical it will be.
I look forward to oogling the hottest First Lady in history for the next 8 years.
Quote:1. In the war of 1812, they fought the Battle of New Orleans after the treaty has been signed because they didn't get the news in time. Battles in Texas were fought after Civil War ended because no one knew. Today, you can live stream a video to anyone in the world without delay.

2. There was no such thing as corporation when the Constitution was written, and the idea that an organization would have more power than the government was crazy until the Progressives started breaking them up in the early 1900's. Today who do thing really holds the power, the corporations vs the state/local governments. How about the corporations vs the federal government?

As of 2:43 this morning?
Quote:I look forward to oogling the hottest First Lady in history for the next 8 years.

You can be sure they won't be stealing anything from the White House whenever they leave office, either.
Quote:You can be sure they won't be stealing anything from the White House whenever they leave office, either.

Quote:i have never understood how advocating for protection of borders makes him crazy much less a racist. There is already a fence there; what does a fence mean? Keep out. The symbolic meaning is already there. How is building something that will actually be effective at keeping illegal immigrants out a heretical move when there is already an ineffective method in place?

I've always thought about my own home, or an apartment.


You just don't let everyone in who has no business to be there, whether you're home or not.  You secure your property.  You lock your home.  You lock your car.  Your fence gives you safety and privacy.


All the fools going bat [BLEEP] crazy about secure borders wouldn't allow people to cross their property or come right on in the door uninvited and unannounced.  Go trespass on someone's property and see if you don't get your [BLEEP] shot and/or run off.


You just don't do it that way.  You do it the right way.  You come over with permission of the owner.


Part of what makes a nation a nation is being able to defend your borders.  If you can't, or don't, you're giving it away to others.
For what its worth a high school kid who is friends with the son of a friend of mine is of Muslim descent. He is the #2 ranked academic student in his St. Johns County high school. Within the first 10 minutes of his school day, he was told "time to get deported [BLEEP]" three times. Maybe Melania should come visit.
I rarely post, or even visit, this forum but I do think I need to comment here.


I'm worried about Mr. Trump's personality. Strong personalities are fine, but elitist personalities just don't jive with me. I pray for him to make wise decisions that will lead the country forward and try to make all of us strive to be better people.


I worry that the wounds he has caused with a Republican dominated Congress are going to cause problems with policy implementation and Cabinet appointments. I don't know how many well-qualified politicians are going to be willing to sign up for his Cabinet due to all of the isolation that he has seemed to have caused. There is a ton of damage to be healed and a lot of it his own doing. I pray that he will act to bring the country and the government together in a unified group.


I worry about his lack of knowledge of the Committee process and how the formal process of Washington government works. Also, how will the checks and balances work with a President who is beholden to no one and a Republican dominated Congress? I pray that he will apply himself to finding the best and most efficient way to represent our country.


I worry, but I do support.
Rosie O'Donnell on suicide watch?
Quote:I look forward to oogling the hottest First Lady in history for the next 8 years.
Spoken like a true Trump supporter.
"God is happy, Sabu.  He plays with us."

Quote:I was wrong.

Doesn't change the fact he's a terrible person who shouldn't be president. He appealed to the uneducated and it worked. He wants to build a wall.... A wall.

College educated voters also voted trump. Republicans always win the educated vote. You're acting like a typical smug liberal bully. Calling people stupid if they voted for a certain candidate? Grow up.
Quote:College educated voters also voted trump. Republicans always win the educated vote. You're acting like a typical smug liberal bully. Calling people stupid if they voted for a certain candidate? Grow up.
I teach at an elementary school.


When I have students come up to me and say "Trump is president so will I be deported?" There is something wrong with that. If the person who is running our country makes 8 year old children feel terrible about who they are, what does that say about him as a person?
Quote:I teach at an elementary school.


When I have students come up to me and say "Trump is president so will I be deported?" There is something wrong with that. If the person who is running our country makes 8 year old children feel terrible about who they are, what does that say about him as a person?

That's owned by the lying Democrats.


Don't let your fellow Democrats lie about that being his objective.  The stupid actually believe it.
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