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Quote:I have to disagree here. That 3rd and 12 was not a talent issue, that was purely undisciplined football - AKA horrific coaching.

Sorry, no. Any CB knows he has to hold contain. They're coached that at 7 years old. They know that, they didn't do it.
To all those saying there's no point firing Bradley during the season as it won't improve things....you have just seen the team literally quit on Bradley in front of everyone in a division game on Thursday night football. The players want him gone, the fans want him gone, the outside media want him gone. The only people who want to keep seem to be Khan and the local media who keep talking about how good of a guy he is.

This is a lost season no matter what happens, better off to show the players/fans that this is not acceptable for this franchise in any way shape or form. Khan said he wanted to change the entire of mentality of this franchise , well while Gus Bradley is still employed here the mentality remains that of a loser.
Losing is acceptable now

Quote:Sorry, no. Any CB knows he has to hold contain. They're coached that at 7 years old. They know that, they didn't do it.
which says what?  The coaches aren't reiterating fundamentals and there is no accountability.  
Quote:Sorry, no. Any CB knows he has to hold contain. They're coached that at 7 years old. They know that, they didn't do it.

it's called quitting dude... you know our corners know this.. look at ramsey.. dude was beasting, but he was getting pissed at this losing culture, lost it last week, and now look at last night?  was playing awful in the run game all the sudden after always being stout the entire year on run plays


the coaching and losing culture makes these players WORSE.. they stop caring, they get the feeling that NO MATTER WHAT THEY DO, they will still lose


that is called a loser's mentality, brought to you by our Jaguar culture of losing, further brought to you buy Shad Khan
Never, in my worst nightmares, did I ever think that the end of the Gene Smith era would NOT be the low point for this franchise.


THAT is a sobering and depressing thought.

Quote:Never, in my worst nightmares, did I ever think that the end of the Gene Smith era would NOT be the low point for this franchise.


THAT is a sobering and depressing thought.

I think back to that final game of the 2012 season at Tennessee. I honestly thought that was the low point for this franchise. Never did I imagine we'd see a game at Tennessee four years later that actually makes this franchise sink even lower.
Khan needs to reboot the team again. These ugly uniforms he introduced are only associated with the worst Era in team history. Change the culture. Fire all the coaches after the season, fire Caldwell, go back to previous uniforms, and give us some freaking hope.
The team 100% Q U I T.  NFL network halftime crew was almost speechless.  They were trying their best to not make fun of Gus for his halftime interview with the reporter.


It was a downright embarrassment.  Social media was filled with prominent media figures blasting the jags saying they've never seen such an awful quit job.


This is not only the lowest point in Jaguar history, but possibly the lowest point of any team on national TV in NFL HISTORY.  


The jaguars are a national buffoonery right now.  We aren't even a joke anymore, we are downright pathetic, something people look at and just shake their head at and walk the other way... we don't even get a laugh anymore... its a disgusted look we get now.


Khan built this.  Khan continues to allow it to happen.  Khan continues to go the route of insanity.  Khan continues to tear this franchise down where it matters most.


but dont worry... he spent money on a pool, screen, practice facility..... so, it's ok

true. ive realized their is no rock bottom. it can always get worse, and in this case it always will.

Quote:true. ive realized their is no rock bottom. it can always get worse, and in this case it always will.

  When watching this game,  I can't think of any game scenario that could feel worse to Jaguars fans than last night's game against Tennessee.  


  In some ways,  this game reminded me of how I felt on Thanksgiving Day in 2008 when Tennessee came to Detroit and beat the Lions in every which way.   That game was rock bottom for me,  even more so than the final game in Green Bay that season that clinched a 0-16 season.   At least in that final game,   the Lions were competitive.   When you get slaughtered on National TV,  it further compounds the magnitude of the loss.


  The Jaguars record might get worse but from a one game standpoint,   I truly believe that last night was the lowest point in the team's 22 season history.   

Quote:  When watching this game,  I can't think of any game scenario that could feel worse to Jaguars fans than last night's game against Tennessee.  


  In some ways,  this game reminded me of how I felt on Thanksgiving Day in 2008 when Tennessee came to Detroit and beat the Lions in every which way.   That game was rock bottom for me,  even more so than the final game in Green Bay that season that clinched a 0-16 season.   At least in that final game,   the Lions were competitive.   When you get slaughtered on National TV,  it further compounds the magnitude of the loss.


  The Jaguars record might get worse but from a one game standpoint,   I truly believe that last night was the lowest point in the team's 22 season history.   

I had been up for almost 24 hours when the game started and I was dead tired like falling asleep in my chair tired. I accidentally fell asleep when it was 3-0 Titans after seeing Telvin Smith all over the field making plays and thinking alright this shouldn't be that bad... literally woke up and it was 36-8. I couldn't believe it. 
Unless something dramatically changes,   I admit I was wrong regarding Gus Bradley remaining the Jaguars HC beyond this weekend.    Though good decisions by the organization could occur in the coming weeks and/ or months,   right now it's hard to blame any Jaguars fan to have doubts about the organization.   The fans remain the team's # 1 asset.  

Quote:I had been up for almost 24 hours when the game started and I was dead tired like falling asleep in my chair tired. I accidentally fell asleep when it was 3-0 Titans after seeing Telvin Smith all over the field making plays and thinking alright this shouldn't be that bad... literally woke up and it was 36-8. I couldn't believe it. 


 The worst part of what you mentioned from a Jaguars standpoint is the team's performance was probably even more pronounced in a negative way than the 36-8 score.  


 Regarding Telvin Smith,  I saw the thread you started on him.   Though he missed a couple of tackles in the game,   in the last 2 games he's the Jaguars player that looked like the team's top playmaker.   As long as the team's situation doesn't derail Smith and he remains relatively healthy,   I think he's one of the keys to a winning solution for the Jaguars.   Especially,  if they remain a 4-3 base team or become a hybrid Defensive team like the Cardinals and Rams are.  

Quote:I've been a football fan since 1977.

This is as bad as it's ever been. Even if you excluded the first three seasons and just focused on this season, it's still bad. We've had ONE (1) good quarter of footballout of the last TWELVE (12), and that's against a 1 win Bears team. If, as Khan and Caldwell have stated, a winning season is a reasonable expectation, and we're 2-5 now with our schedule, what is the soonest Khan would make a change? If not today, perhaps when it becomes mathematically impossible for this team to field a winning record?

This sort of sums up my emotions. How can we possibly STILL suck so bad??? I don't get it. It's incomprehensible.
So many people had thought Wayne Weaver had grown apathetic towards the team, back in the day. Now, we truly know what apathy is. I believe when Khan bought this football team, he thought he was getting a soccer club. Maybe he didn't realize it was American football and now he is totally lost.

My belief is that you part ways with an employee when you are certain they can no longer do their job adequately.  How Bradley lasted past his first season surprised me, when he lasted past his 2nd seasons surprised some, how he lasted past his 3rd season shocked most, and how he still has a job today is utterly ridiculous!

Quote: The worst part of what you mentioned from a Jaguars standpoint is the team's performance was probably even more pronounced in a negative way than the 36-8 score.  


 Regarding Telvin Smith,  I saw the thread you started on him.   Though he missed a couple of tackles in the game,   in the last 2 games he's the Jaguars player that looked like the team's top playmaker.   As long as the team's situation doesn't derail Smith and he remains relatively healthy,   I think he's one of the keys to a winning solution for the Jaguars.   Especially,  if they remain a 4-3 base team or become a hybrid Defensive team like the Cardinals and Rams are.  

Yeah the only play I saw him before and after my sleep was when he I guess assumed Mariota was going out of bounds or took the wrong angle and Mariota ended up getting the first down, but in all honesty as many plays as he makes when others on the team DON'T, I don't think you can really fault the guy. He's seriously playing like a man on a mission (kinda scares me like is he trying to prove his point to get a big pay day and leave Jax?). We got another year on him so I hope to god next year counts because I think he could be on the way to being the best LB ever for us, and I loooooovvveed Mike Peterson. 
Quote:I've been a football fan since 1977.


This is as bad as it's ever been.  Even if you excluded the first three seasons and just focused on this season, it's still bad.  We've had ONE (1) good quarter of footballout of the last TWELVE (12), and that's against a 1 win Bears team.  If, as Khan and Caldwell have stated, a winning season is a reasonable expectation, and we're 2-5 now with our schedule, what is the soonest Khan would make a change?  If not today, perhaps when it becomes mathematically impossible for this team to field a winning record?

I have been watching football since the mid-80's. I always thought the two worst stretches of football I have ever seen were from the Buccaneers of the mid-late 1980's and the Bengals of the early-mid 1990's.


I figured it was worth comparing Bradley to the coaches from those eras.


Bradley's record is 14-41 (.255 winning %)


The coach of the Bucs from 1987-1990 was Ray Perkins.


Perkins' record was 19-41 (.317 winning %)


The coach of the Bengals from 1992-1996 was Dave Shula.


Shula's record was 19-52 (.268 winning %)


Not surprising but basically the Bradley era is as bad an era I've seen in my 30 years of football fandom.

I'm watching like driving past a wreck.  I'm playing my violin on th deck of the Titanic.

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