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Full Version: ***Official Jaguars Vs. Titans Game Day Thread***
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high fives for everyone
Yan continues to be held on the regular. lol. No one calls holding though... Unreal.
This game is the perfect example of why even though the stats are higher and we're "4-0" without Fournette, we're still 10x better off with Fournette. He's the guy thats gonna break tackles, make things happen, and convert third and short to extend drives, bring defenders into the box and open up play action and the passing game.
They're just challenging our gap discipline and tackling. Just not good.

Yannick held again...
Yannick was literally hugged on that last play and nothing.
Telvin is everywhere.
None of this is unexpected. This is a division opponent. The Tack games always end up like this. Whole half remaining.
I bet they just run it and take the long FG before half... sad that they feel comfortable with that.
going to go in with a 6-3 deficit and them getting the ball first in the second half. I hope they have a come to Jesus moment in the second half and wake up in the second half or last week was a wasted effort. if you can't beat the tightwads, then what good are you, especially when they're missing so many players due to injury?
(09-23-2018, 02:22 PM)JagNGeorgia Wrote: [ -> ]Yannick was literally hugged on that last play and nothing.

Yea that one for sure was terrible. He put the spin on the LT and the other guy just grabbed him.
I honestly think the first team over 13 wins. My original thought was 17 but no one can score. 1 TD and a FG wins this game.
They have to change something at half. Not looking like a playoff team.
Yep just content taking the air out of the ball.
KC is destroying SF.
Offense stunk this half. Snooze fest

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What a suck fest.
At least we are not the Vikings...
Take that momentum into half!