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Full Version: ***Official Jaguars Vs. Titans Game Day Thread***
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Holy [BLEEP] the seats are empty....

Everyone left the game already LOL geez
Receiver runs into Bouye flag
Oh my.... We are going to lose to the 1 yard Mariota Titans. lol.
Oh wow, they finally saw a hold.
Great start. Refs sure know how to make football games unbearable.
Are we*
Wow finally a holding penalty wooooo!
(09-23-2018, 02:42 PM)SeldomRite Wrote: [ -> ]Oh wow, they finally saw a hold.

MR.Magoo eyes coming back dont you worry!
(09-23-2018, 02:23 PM)The_Franchise_QB Wrote: [ -> ]None of this is unexpected. This is a division opponent. The Tack games always end up like this. Whole half remaining.

This right here. Brady has been beat most by Miami in his career. 

Divisional games are always tough.
Ugh still can't tackle.
The jags look like the 3 [BLEEP] stooges today on defense.
Wow... This team. lol.
Now the D is collapsing.
Wow holding on them.
Nice tackling, guys
No adjustment on defense. This team looks like a bottom feeder
Lol we tackled eachother...
Need to tackle, Mary can't throw the ball with any velocity today. If we lose, I will be so upset.
wTH defense!