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Full Version: ***Official Jaguars Vs. Titans Game Day Thread***
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These refs, wat.
Mmmm, zebra cooking.
Oh refs c'mon man!
(09-23-2018, 03:06 PM)JagFan81 Wrote: [ -> ]There you go. 

Now we just need a drive here. Someone lose their coverage, make a run Blake, spin someone, just anything.

If only Blake seemed capable of noticing a broken coverage. I think I might have seen him do it once in his career.
Wow. You thought the Pats game last year was bad???

This ref crew : Hold my flag.
Lmao that was a Marcus Smart level flop.
Gotta beat the refs today.
Man, even when the Jags go to the AFCC they can't get no respect.
Offense needs to do something

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I’m convinced if the titans score and kickoff and we kneel it in endzone for a touchback, they’d flag it and call it a safety
Let me guess, first play BB throw's sidearm in deflected.
i give mickens a 9 for the wwe 1/4 spin takedown but he was still interfered with these refs suck
Chances of Bottles throwing a pick here? Highly likely.
Hes a married to his sister, that settles it! Hes from the hills of tn, that ref.
Oh fresh hell!!!!!
(09-23-2018, 03:08 PM)Rockman1966 Wrote: [ -> ]Let me guess, first play BB throw's sidearm in deflected.

They'll run that rollout play that hasn't worked yet.
This breaks Bortles streak of 2 TD in like 5 straight home games.
(09-23-2018, 03:08 PM)YourFather Wrote: [ -> ]Chances of Bottles throwing a pick here? Highly likely.

Seems fitting.
Announcer just called Blake Blaine Gabbert lol
(09-23-2018, 03:10 PM)Eye of the Storm Wrote: [ -> ]Announcer just called Blake Blaine Gabbert lol

Flashbacks from 2011.