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It better come out that all of our QB’s arms are broken, no one deep pass all game, NOT ONE!
From beating the cheatriots to losing to the tacks.....wow......just wow
What a freakin ugly, miserable game.
Why can we not beat this team?

We're better than them everywhere except the 2 tackle positions, and 1 tackle was out today.

I don't get it
(09-23-2018, 03:56 PM)SeldomRite Wrote: [ -> ]So did Bortles spend this week reading his own press clippings?

Yes. With a Colt 45 in his hand.
This was all on Marrone. Drive to tie game, maybe win it. YOU LITERALLY JUST SAW YOUR DEFENSE GET GASSED!!!!! GO FOR IT ON FOURTH AND 1!!!!! Jesus christ, dude learned absolutely nothing. Go get your bologna sandwich, idiot.
Marrone and his coaching staff shoud be ashamed of themselves.
Still own the Jags.
We lost to a QB with 1 hand
Dear me, what a way to end.

It may be good in the long run, knock a bit of the swag out of them and get them working. 

Disappointing after the good start.
Good game jags
You have to be [BLEEP] kidding me
Between the offense and the refs I don't know who I am more upset at. That is unacceptable, their secondary is awful and we didn't take 1 shot down field. Sucks but what can you do?
(09-23-2018, 03:58 PM)unf_nashvillian Wrote: [ -> ]Still own the Jags.

Yes you do. Sad to say
Marietta might be the worst QB in the league and we bailed him out all day
marrone should be fired and TC take over that was gutless same crap from the AFCCG
still not throwing down field, can't believe this load of crap! this team looks like garbage. I know the history behind these franchises but yet we constantly play into their hands, why????? We just lost to a QB with a bad hand and a team that really needed this game. they played like they wanted this game while we played while we were still hung over from the last game. what a waste of time and energy. Until we learn how to match physical teams like this we'll never go anywhere. we got punched in the mouth and played like a bunch of kittens that were completely outmatched and withered in the hot heat. oh well, at least there's another game next week. Hopefully the jags will heal and can beat the team next week. If not, then 2-0 start was a completed wasted effort. Miami is going to be 3-0 and buffalo is beating Minnesota and we played like a bunch of high school cheerleaders today, RAH RAH!
(09-23-2018, 03:55 PM)DragonFury Wrote: [ -> ]
(09-23-2018, 03:51 PM)HandsomeRob86 Wrote: [ -> ]And how many penalties did the tacks have compared to us? How many firsts downs did we lose? Seriously DF, we got the short end today. We got all the ticky tack calls, and the titans had what? 2 penalties for 10 yards?

And just to be clear, I agree we didn't lose cause of the refs, but they certainly did the tacks favors.

I don't care about refs or how they called the game. The tacks scored nine points today. NINE. If you can't beat nine points you don't deserve any calls anyway.
Agree, we lost it. I never wanted Fournette back so much. Half of our offensive line being out didn't help either. Anyway, on to the next one.
(09-23-2018, 03:56 PM)flsprtsgod Wrote: [ -> ]
(09-23-2018, 03:55 PM)Krayz_Jville_D Wrote: [ -> ]This is NOT a superbowl contender. They r not. This team can not go multiple games in a row like a playoff team. Blake bortles is so unreal bad far too often. I would talk to clev about tyrod taylor, something.. anything.. bridgewater.. anything

All we needed was a qb that could thrw 8 yard passes accurately and we win today.

This team honestly sickens me

Christ would you shut up? You are pathetic and not worthy of being a fan.
YOU are the worst kind of fan. An elitist, brainless one at that. So sad.
[Image: giphy.gif]
Has Bortles ever led this team to a game winning drive? He managed to look worse than a guy with one hand