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Full Version: Why Liberalism CAN'T work for Black People...
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Quote:More EBT credits?

Are you [BLEEP] serious?
Quote:Are you [BAD WORD REMOVED] serious?

He's very serious.

He probably has a lot more stereotypical race jokes lined up his sleeve.
Quote:It always goes personal, doesn't it?

I'm stereo typed as a liberal by you guys. So yeah, I do take it personal. And yes, jj... Racism by republicans makes me mad, bruh. Lol

I noticed you couldn't come up with something post civil rights republicans have done to help blacks. I wonder why...
Quote:I'm stereo typed as a liberal by you guys. So yeah, I do take it personal. And yes, jj... Racism by republicans makes me mad, bruh. Lol

I noticed you couldn't come up with something post civil rights republicans have done to help blacks. I wonder why...

You, SS, 1981, others and I have called her out on this very same topic and others along the lines and she hasn't responded or gave a incomplete answer.

Don't expect one anytime soon.
Not serious...as a matter of fact, I meant it in a jokingly manner.  But, what is it that the black people want the next President to do for them, that the current black President has not done for them?


That's a serious question.

Quote:Not serious...as a matter of fact, I meant it in a jokingly manner. But, what is it that the black people want the next President to do for them, that the current black President has not done for them?

That's a serious question.

Continue to reduce poverty, improve education, eliminate racial/gender/ sexual orientation profiling, fix disproportionate sentences when it comes to white criminals vs black criminals, improve wage gap.
So if your current black President could not accomplish those things, what makes you think white Hillary can fix those things?  She only cares about herself.

Quote:So if your current black President could not accomplish those things, what makes you think white Hillary can fix those things? She only cares about herself.

Congress has repeatedly stonewalled Obama, I expect the same thing when Clinton takes office.
Quote:Continue to reduce poverty, improve education, eliminate racial/gender/ sexual orientation profiling, fix disproportionate sentences when it comes to white criminals vs black criminals, improve wage gap.

He said that the current president IS doing...
Quote:Congress has repeatedly stonewalled Obama, I expect the same thing when Clinton takes office.

tell them the one about the tooth fairy too!
Quote:I'm stereo typed as a liberal by you guys. So yeah, I do take it personal. And yes, jj... Racism by republicans makes me mad, bruh. Lol

I noticed you couldn't come up with something post civil rights republicans have done to help blacks. I wonder why...

So because you're "stereo typed" as a liberal, it's okay for you to call him a syphillitic minded fool and a self loathing black man. Gotcha.

It's always someone else's fault when you act like a jerk, right? I notice that nowhere in this thread did JJ personally attack you, but you went straight at him with your nastiness. I personally think you are a mean spirited, petty, bitter little man, and it becomes more evident with every post you make.
Quote:He said that the current president IS doing...

He has reduced welfare benefits, has tried to improve education & testing standards but was stonewalled by congress and has also tried to reform the Criminal Justice system by reducing privatization of prisons but again was stonewalled by congress.
@ JFC - Allow me to give my 2 cents on the poverty issue that you brought up.


...and I'm including EVERYBODY no matter the skin color or background.


There is not enough State or Federal money that can be given to get people out of poverty that don't really want to get out of poverty...They are lazy.  Poverty comes from within and can only be overcome from within.


Get a damn job.  Jobs are available...maybe not the one you WANT, but they are available.


I did not grow up with a silver spoon in my mouth...and I don't have one today.  But I'm not poor.


I've worked since I was 13 years old, first pouring concrete for a Mexican guy.  Next, working at a grocery store as a stock boy and bagger.


That wasn't working out for me, because I felt like I wasn't making enough money...so I joined the Navy.  I wasn't making enough money in the Navy either, so I got a side job at a hardware store...so that I could make ends meet.


Now, I'm retired Navy and currently Civil Service, making decent money.


Never once in my "poor years" did I ever ask for a handout from anybody...I worked for what I have and earned every bit of what I have.


That's how we fix "poverty".  Get off your [BLEEP] and get a job...or two.

Quote:So if your current black President could not accomplish those things, what makes you think white Hillary can fix those things? She only cares about herself.

Obama and Democrats do not operate in a vacuum. Here is a betfer question... Why arent the issues James laid out important to conservatives... Is it because they dont believe the issues are important or because they don't acknowledge they are real issues? Governor Pence indicated institutonal racism and bias doesn't exist.
Quote:tell them the one about the tooth fairy too!

I take that as you acknowledging some of congress' actions against Obama?
Pence mentioned faith as his first means to reunite the country and reduce violence, but then said he thought there was too much talk of how law enforcement officers conduct themselves.

"Donald Trump and I believe there's been far too much of this talk of institutional bias or racism within law enforcement. That police officers are human beings. In difficult and life threatening situations, mistakes are made and people have to be held to strict account," Pence said.

The governor reiterated his belief that it is a challenging time to be in law enforcement and doubled down that "we ought to set aside this talk about institutional racism and institutional bias."

He finished his answer by saying it's time to "move away from the rhetoric of division and embrace the rhetoric of unity."

The governor expressed his opinion that when tragedies happen, voices of division come forward instead of voices of unity, though he did not directly mention President Barack Obama's leadership.
Quote:I'm stereo typed as a liberal by you guys. So yeah, I do take it personal. And yes, jj... Racism by republicans makes me mad, bruh. Lol

I noticed you couldn't come up with something post civil rights republicans have done to help blacks. I wonder why...

Poor guy.  I'll tell you, over the last few days watching everyone point out the level of intellectual depravity in your last post was actually kind of heartbreaking.  I mean to send you a DM about keeping your head up, but I just never got around to it. 


Notice, I took the time to lay out specific systemic and frankly irreversible policy failures of modern progressivism/liberalism.  Predictably we get a chorus of people crying foul.  Mind you, none of them are espousing that SS is solvent (or a good deal), medicare is solvent Medicaid is solvent, That Obamacare actually met any of its goals, or is sustainable, that the income tax delivered on the promise of a post racial egalitarian society, that the welfare state has uplifted black America, that the regulatory environment has increased our global competitiveness, or that the 22 plus TRILLION DOLLARS spent on the war on poverty was spent wisely.  No.  All we get is blind shouting about republicans being racist. 


This would be sad if it was a one off but it goes much deeper than that.  Right now in a general presidential election roughly 90-95% of African Americans vote D every cycle.  There isn't a single RATIONAL policy item that yields that level of constituency.  This can only be explained by the poisoned well narrative of PARTY THAT HATES YOU, REPUBLICANS ARE RACIST Etc. etc. etc. 


That is why the left NEVER, I mean NEVER wants to engage in a substantive debate on issues or policy.  If anyone so chooses then I am happy to have that conversation. 


We just went through the largest expansion of the state in the history of this country.  10 trillion dollars in new debt, a massive new entitlement and a massive economic "stimulus" package all saw there way through congress.  So much so that Barrack Obama counts himself as one of the most legislatively accomplished presidents in this countries history.  Yet when the stimulus he advocated for FAILS when the debt that he signed for fails and when the health plan he championed teeters on collapse he spins the cathartic narrative that "It's the racist obstructionist republicans" that are to blame, I have no responsibility as the most powerful man on the planet.  That's childish, audacious, and totally dependent on 24 to 1 news coverage to seem remotely plausible. 


It saddens me that so many would let an elite few defecate in a box, mark it "racial equality" and keep buying it just to make themselves feel better. 


Slavery happened, segregation happened, human nature tends towards darkness.  That's all true.  But in the end, math matters.  Picking up Marxism from the ash heep of history will not bring us the peace that we all seek no matter how much irrational hate some can muster for those who don't think as they do. 
Quote:@ JFC - Allow me to give my 2 cents on the poverty issue that you brought up.

...and I'm including EVERYBODY no matter the skin color or background.

There is not enough State or Federal money that can be given to get people out of poverty that don't really want to get out of poverty...They are lazy. Poverty comes from within and can only be overcome from within.

Get a damn job. Jobs are available...maybe not the one you WANT, but they are available.

I did not grow up with a silver spoon in my mouth...and I don't have one today. But I'm not poor.

I've worked since I was 13 years old, first pouring concrete for a Mexican guy. Next, working at a grocery store as a stock boy and bagger.

That wasn't working out for me, because I felt like I wasn't making enough money...so I joined the Navy. I wasn't making enough money in the Navy either, so I got a side job at a hardware store...so that I could make ends meet.

Now, I'm retired Navy and currently Civil Service, making decent money.

Never once in my "poor years" did I ever ask for a handout from anybody...I worked for what I have and earned every bit of what I have.

That's how we fix "poverty". Get off your [BAD WORD REMOVED] and get a job...or two.

Congratulations on all your life achievements but your path to greatness is not available to the next person who has a simple FELONY charge of possession of Marijuana.

The structure of the poverty cycle is systematic. You say go out and get a job, ok someone has a job that pays minimum wage with belove average benefits. Then you say get a education, the person goes out and racks up 10-20k in debt from obtaining their degree while still having to pay for daily life expenses.

In short, it's not as simple as some people make it out to believe. It is currently documented that the same person who work the same job with exact educational degrees but are different races make different incomes, there is no disputing that.
Quote:He has reduced welfare benefits, has tried to improve education & testing standards but was stonewalled by congress and has also tried to reform the Criminal Justice system by reducing privatization of prisons but again was stonewalled by congress.

last I checked poverty was up some 8 million people since his inauguration.  Food stamps up another 12 million.  Home ownership is at its lowest level since the 50's the national labor force participation rate lowest level since the 70's and just for grins and giggles, the recession itself was as a result of liberal easing monetary and housing policy that he advocated for in his career as a lawyer/community organizer. 


not to mention the fact that for the first time in our nations history we have failed to generate 3% GDP growth in any given year and are currently growing at only 1.5%.


As for being stonewalled by congress, the republican party was so disgusted with the level of acquiescence that lead to 10 trillion Dollars in new debt, that they turned to an outsider the likes of which have never been seen or will be seen again in electoral politics.
You're right...I never had a FELONY.


...and who's issue is that?  Mine or the guy/gal with the FELONY.


Whoa is me...I need a handout, because I screwed up.

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