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Full Version: Why Liberalism CAN'T work for Black People...
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Quote:You're right...I never had a FELONY.


...and who's issue is that?  Mine or the guy/gal with the FELONY.


Whoa is me...I need a handout, because I screwed up.

Don't break the law and there isn't a felony on your record. Not hard to figure out.
It is a seriously screwed up train of thought.


Bottom line...get a job, if that doesn't cut it, get another job.

Quote:Congratulations on all your life achievements but your path to greatness is not available to the next person who has a simple FELONY charge of possession of Marijuana.

The structure of the poverty cycle is systematic. You say go out and get a job, ok someone has a job that pays minimum wage with belove average benefits. Then you say get a education, the person goes out and racks up 10-20k in debt from obtaining their degree while still having to pay for daily life expenses.

In short, it's not as simple as some people make it out to believe. It is currently documented that the same person who work the same job with exact educational degrees but are different races make different incomes, there is no disputing that.

1.) The decline of our country began when this word began to dominate the consciousness of the middle class. 


2.) A single person can make it in just about any circumstance.  The complication becomes the introduction of children to unstable economic environments.  That's an easy fix, doesn't take a rocket scientist and it's something that is 100% within the control of each individual regardless of race.  But sexual morality is a curse word in popular culture. 
If the people we are discussing had jobs, they would have less opportunity and desire to commit felonies.  But they don't want jobs, they want to commit crimes and be given handouts.

Its amazing how the party that proclaims to represent Christian value believes every poor person is poor because they want to be poor and is too lazy to get a job.
"Christian value" can kiss my butt...I don't care about any of that.  We're talking about why the MAJORITY of people who are poor...are poor.  Black/White/Red/Brown/Yellow people.


They have either made some really bad choices in life (FELONIES)




They are too lazy to get a job




They have 12 or 14 illegitimate children to get the most out of their welfare




A combination of any of the above

Quote:"Christian value" can kiss my butt...I don't care about any of that.  We're talking about why the MAJORITY of people who are poor...are poor.  Black/White/Red/Brown/Yellow people.


They have either made some really bad choices in life (FELONIES)




They are too lazy to get a job




They have 12 or 14 illegitimate children to get the most out of their welfare




A combination of any of the above
Nuance isn't really your strong suit is it. 
Quote:"Christian value" can kiss my butt...I don't care about any of that. We're talking about why the MAJORITY of people who are poor...are poor. Black/White/Red/Brown/Yellow people.

They have either made some really bad choices in life (FELONIES)


They are too lazy to get a job


They have 12 or 14 illegitimate children to get the most out of their welfare


A combination of any of the above

Do you have data to support this?
Quote:Do you have data to support this?
Feels > Reals aka "Truthiness"

Quote:So because you're "stereo typed" as a liberal, it's okay for you to call him a syphillitic minded fool and a self loathing black man. Gotcha.

It's always someone else's fault when you act like a jerk, right? I notice that nowhere in this thread did JJ personally attack you, but you went straight at him with your nastiness. I personally think you are a mean spirited, petty, bitter little man, and it becomes more evident with every post you make.

Nobody's fault. I take full responsibility for calling it like I see it.

I'm sorry you are offended. But hey, sometimes the truth needs to be pointed out.

Still haven't heard anyone provide any policy positions the racist Republican party has put advocated since the civil rights movement that has helped blacks.

Attack me all you want. You and jj are members of a party that hates women and blacks.

And yet you defend the misogyny of your candidate with a lame definition. And jj defends the racism of the party with sad delusions.

Give me a pro black policy from republicans. I dare ya.
In his first term, Bush appointed Colin Powell as Secretary of State. Powell was the first <a class="" href='https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/African-American' title="African-American">African-American</a> man to serve in that position, and was succeeded by Condoleezza Rice: Rice became the first African-American woman to hold the post. In 2005, he appointed Alberto Gonzales as the United States Attorney General, the first Hispanic to hold that position.

Quote:In his first term, Bush appointed <a class="bbc_url" href='https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Colin_Powell'>Colin Powell</a> as <a class="bbc_url" href='https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_Secretary_of_State'>Secretary of State</a>. Powell was the first <a class="bbc_url" href='https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/African-American'>African-American</a> man to serve in that position, and was succeeded by <a class="bbc_url" href='https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Condoleezza_Rice'>Condoleezza Rice</a>: Rice became the first African-American woman to hold the post. In 2005, he appointed <a class="bbc_url" href='https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alberto_Gonzales'>Alberto Gonzales</a> as the <a class="bbc_url" href='https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_Attorney_General'>United States Attorney General</a>, the first <a class="bbc_url" href='https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hispanic'>Hispanic</a> to hold that position.

Apointees of color means Bush supported people of color???
What kind of SUPPORT are people of color looking for?


Why do people of color need SUPPORT?


Why can't they SUPPORT themselves?
Quote:Apointees of color means Bush supported people of color???
Certainly supported those people, so yes.
Bush raised the eitc, raised the floor level of income to be taxed and printed some 400 billion dollars of stimulus checks and mailed them to citizens. In addition to Medicare part d. That's a guy who HATES poor people? Michael savage called him a socialist. According to the left if you're not Bernie Sanders you're a corporate shill who hates minorities.
Quote:Bush raised the eitc, raised the floor level of income to be taxed and printed some 400 billion dollars of stimulus checks and mailed them to citizens. In addition to Medicare part d. That's a guy who HATES poor people? Michael savage called him a socialist. According to the left if you're not Bernie Sanders you're a corporate shill who hates minorities.

LOL...  exactly.  So the racist GOP has done nothing for blacks.  But yeah, they are totally better than democrats because of your pre-conceived notions.


As I said, this is a stupid thread.  I'm sorry if that makes me a "bitter little man".  But the fact that nobody here can provide any policy that helped black people that was started by the "grand old party" proves it.


Again, sometimes the truth sucks.  Especially when it points out to what I've been saying.  Keep twisting in the wind, ya'll...


I'll continue to ask, what has the GOP done to help blacks since the civil rights movement of the 1960s?  Name a policy.  Name one.
Quote:The governor expressed his opinion that when tragedies happen, voices of division come forward instead of voices of unity, though he did not directly mention President Barack Obama's leadership.
This is a very true statement and the division comes straight from the media and everyone else jumps on it with their own opinions based on their liberal, conservative or other political party belief. People don't seem to have critical thinking skills anymore.
Quote:This is a very true statement and the division comes straight from the media and everyone else jumps on it with their own opinions based on their liberal, conservative or other political party belief. People don't seem to have critical thinking skills anymore.

Do you think they would have said the same thing about MLK and Rosa Parks?
Quote:Do you think they would have said the same thing about MLK and Rosa Parks?
I honestly can't say because those were different times back then. People (society) thought very differently than they do now. I guess you would have to ask a person who was in their 20's back then since they would have a better understanding of the mindset. We can think we know but unless we were around to actually know then we really don't. Hell, people (society) think very differently now than 20 years ago. 
Quote:What kind of SUPPORT are people of color looking for?

Why do people of color need SUPPORT?

Why can't they SUPPORT themselves?

Interestingly enough...nobody wants to answer these simple questions.
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