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Full Version: Why Liberalism CAN'T work for Black People...
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Gotta rack out, 0530 knows no race or color. Hopefully we can discuss this some more later on. Be safe everyone.
How has Obama destroyed this country? Any more or less than W did? Is it the divisivness you claim he brings to the country while voting for trump? Be honest it's just he's a democrat and you have to hate him right?
Quote:dual parent rates are equal throughout both races?

Wait what? Your blaming republicans for out of wedlock births? Lol.

Ask, and you shall recieve:  http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/natio.../71918706/


Quote:Wait what? Your blaming republicans for out of wedlock births? Lol.

I know you hate education and college and studying things...  But yeah, believe it or not, it's a thing...
This country used to be known as the land of opportunity.

47% of people on welfare are on welfare for longer than 5 years...that's just wrong.

Quote:Wait what? Your blaming republicans for out of wedlock births? Lol.

No, he's blaming whites.
Quote:Ask, and you shall recieve: <a class="bbc_url" href='http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2015/09/09/poll-blacks-whites-agree-police-treat-blacks-differently/71918706/'>http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2015/09/09/poll-blacks-whites-agree-police-treat-blacks-differently/71918706/</a>

I know you hate education and college and studying things... But yeah, believe it or not, it's a thing...

Hmmm, racially motivated org puts out poll that validates their beliefs. Kinda flimsy.
Quote:Ask, and you shall recieve: <a class="bbc_url" href='http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2015/09/09/poll-blacks-whites-agree-police-treat-blacks-differently/71918706/'>http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2015/09/09/poll-blacks-whites-agree-police-treat-blacks-differently/71918706/</a>

I know you hate education and college and studying things... But yeah, believe it or not, it's a thing...

The level of your intellectual depravity knows no bounds...

So George bush wrote all those rap songs? Did Cheyenne drop the track? I can see Laura bush trying to "hot the quan"
From an outside, white point of view, the past few years is all complaining that black people are oppressed, treated as second class citizens, don't have the same opportunities, etc.


Yet, they continue to vote for the same people that are holding them in their current situation. Why?

Quote:From an outside, white point of view, the past few years is all complaining that black people are oppressed, treated as second class citizens, don't have the same opportunities, etc.


Yet, they continue to vote for the same people that are holding them in their current situation. Why?

I didn't know the Democrats and liberals operated in a vacuum.
Quote:I didn't know the Democrats and liberals operated in a vacuum.
Republicans have spent the last 20+ years attempting to grind the government to halt. No progress, only regression in an attempt to break government. Then they point at democrats and go "hey minorities what have they done for you?!?!?!". See government doesn't work!!!!!
Quote:How many blacks are record executives, how many own NFL teams, how many coach in Division 1 NCAA Football, how many coach in the NFL, how many black billionaires are there, how many are CEOs of Fortune 500 companies? The examples you have used are far and in between.

I'm not debating this again with you. And by this, I mean pretty much anything you say. You are never satisfied with what is said and it's not worth beating a dead horse.
People stop feeding the arguments here. You will never ever say anything SS will agree with. Unless you like beating a dead horse....then by all means have at it.
Quote:The level of your intellectual depravity knows no bounds...

So George bush wrote all those rap songs? Did Cheyenne drop the track? I can see Laura bush trying to "hot the quan"

What does that have to do with anything?  Are you seriously blaming music for the socio-economic issues of your race?  wow!!!  You are really terrible at debating.
Quote:Hmmm, racially motivated org puts out poll that validates their beliefs. Kinda flimsy.

So you concede that you've lost the arguement.  Got it.  Nice job.  Here's a clear cut example of the difference between a trumpette and the rest of the world.  A trumpette will provide links to alt-right websites and say, "see!!".  Then I'll have a discussion about why that information isn't correct.


When I provide information from a national website, a trumpette will not even have a discussion, but will just denounce the source.  


That's so lame!!  And it shows that you cannot handle information from anywhere that does not confirm your bias.  We normal people will at least discuss it and not dismiss it.


Are you that intellectually weak that you cannot even maintain a discussion?
Quote:What does that have to do with anything? Are you seriously blaming music for the socio-economic issues of your race? wow!!! You are really terrible at debating.

I remember when I didn't feel anything when lying as u do. Then I turned 11...
Quote:I remember when I didn't feel anything when lying as u do. Then I turned 11...

You have some of the weakest arguments and retorts I have ever seen. Please, inform a fellow brother on how specific conservative principles benefit the average black person.
Quote:You have some of the weakest arguments and retorts I have ever seen. Please, inform a fellow brother on how specific conservative principles benefit the average black person.

1.) that in and of itself isn't an argument, its an insult.  You are free to think that my opinions are weak, but you haven't taken the time to disprove them.  We are 8 pages into this thread and no one has taken the time to actually disprove the OP.  If you so choose, I welcome the debate and discussion. 


2.) Economic growth and private sector expansion helps EVERYONE and provides more opportunity to EVERYONE.  Economic stagnation or recession HURTS EVERYONE and provides less opportunity for EVERYONE. 


When the economic collapse hit, they didn't send out special cards to read your melanin content to make your IRA or your 401k immune.  That's the basic premise of all conservative policy.  As we grow the economy it benefits everyone.  How we as individuals position ourselves within the economy is up to us. There are some people that pay attention in school that do well, some spend an hour extra studying that do really well, there are some that spend three hours studying to become doctors and lawyers.  That's up to the person.  There are also people who develop unique skills or trades to make themselves more profitable.  Some people start businesses, some are independent tradesman etc. etc.  Your skin color has little to do with it in modern America.  In fact, the leading indicator of the success of the child isn't the color of their skin but if they came from a two parent household and what age they started earning income outside the home. 


It is a myth by the Marxist left that the state can significantly and POSITIVELY usurp personal choice.  we've spent 22 trillion dollars and 50 years trying that and failing.  The marketplace can positively REINFORCE personal choice and we can have a modest safety net for children and the less fortunate.  But the idea that somehow magically anyone is going to wave a wand to some egalitarian fiction is something out of a Disney movie not economic reality.
Quote:1.) that in and of itself isn't an argument, its an insult. You are free to think that my opinions are weak, but you haven't taken the time to disprove them. We are 8 pages into this thread and no one has taken the time to actually disprove the OP. If you so choose, I welcome the debate and discussion.

2.) Economic growth and private sector expansion helps EVERYONE and provides more opportunity to EVERYONE. Economic stagnation or recession HURTS EVERYONE and provides less opportunity for EVERYONE.

When the economic collapse hit, they didn't send out special cards to read your melanin content to make your IRA or your 401k immune. That's the basic premise of all conservative policy. As we grow the economy it benefits everyone. How we as individuals position ourselves within the economy is up to us. There are some people that pay attention in school that do well, some spend an hour extra studying that do really well, there are some that spend three hours studying to become doctors and lawyers. That's up to the person. There are also people who develop unique skills or trades to make themselves more profitable. Some people start businesses, some are independent tradesman etc. etc. Your skin color has little to do with it in modern America. In fact, the leading indicator of the success of the child isn't the color of their skin but if they came from a two parent household and what age they started earning income outside the home.

It is a myth by the Marxist left that the state can significantly and POSITIVELY usurp personal choice. we've spent 22 trillion dollars and 50 years trying that and failing. The marketplace can positively REINFORCE personal choice and we can have a modest safety net for children and the less fortunate. But the idea that somehow magically anyone is going to wave a wand to some egalitarian fiction is something out of a Disney movie not economic reality.

And under whose leadership and majority did the collapse occur under?
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