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Full Version: ***Official Ravens @ Jaguars Game Day Thread 2nd Half***
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How many games are the refs gonna cost us this year!!!!
TD baby
AR15 = HOF

Arob 2 tds baby!!
WOW Yesssss

Thank you touchdown
Don't be stupid refs.

Touchdown [BLEEP]!
Damn right
I'm absolutely shocked, they actually called a catch a catch wow

Awesome! That was another beautiful play by Bortles/A-Rob.
Finally one we get the right call!

We did it, FAM!!


We got a #1 WR!!!!!!!

I'm surprised the Refs got it right.

Jags have weathered that sputtering start.

Good game going on here!
Ya'll see Gus, dude is like I'm not getting fired this week boys! :whistling:

Great call by that crew. They nailed it.
Called it.