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Full Version: ***Official Ravens @ Jaguars Game Day Thread 2nd Half***
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leave it to Olsen to not take a shot either. This team is so depressing to watch.

The run isn't working. Shut it down
Wow. Ramsey & Gipson teaming up. One hell of a play.


Quote:The talent on this team out-classes the talent on the Ravens.


This game shouldn't even be in question

Told ya!!!
Oh my
Quote:Flacco not stupid enouhg to test Ramsey.
OK I was wrong lol
If the Jags can win this, the jumping around by Gus chanting I believe will be epic...
Crap, I just realized Gus is going to get a contract extension tonight.  Son of a bee sting!


Why didn't Caldwell tell the players to be sure we get a good HC first THEN start playing like champs?

Ramsey is the real deal. Future pro bowler
Quote:Malik with the inside pressure!
Yeah he was in flaccos face ready to eat his face!
This running game man good grief.

Quote:Malik with the inside pressure!

Looked like he was held too, but oh well.
We need something more than a 3 and out tho, and NO TURNOVERS. How about TD #3 Blake
One thing no one can question....

Taking Ramsey in the first.

This guy is going to be an all star.
Let's go for the kill shot folks.
Not a fan of that run. You just got a pick, try and take a shot downfield. oh well. I guess we are contempt with field goals.

Loved the way jalen was cleaning up dudes left and right after the interception.
I mean Ravens love their "D" so we just givin it to them? Right?

Flacco should just retire. He's on the verge of losing to the Jags two years in a row. :teehee: :teehee: :teehee: :teehee: