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Full Version: ***Official Ravens @ Jaguars Game Day Thread 2nd Half***
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Mosley is a pain in the butt

A bad punt.

Yannick got Stanley spooked
Quote:A bad punt.

It's a tough spot to punt well from. Sometimes they'll go into the end zone.
Fowler killing us
Lol, good job fowler
fowler again

Dante Wallbash

Fowler come on man.
Someone throw 56 out the game plz

Fowler is killing us
Fowler is having a bad day and has already cost us 3 points
These penalties piss me off.
Bench time gata.
Way to go Gator
Good hit Cyp.
Damn cyp lay the wood
Oh look, a hug from Bradley after the penalty.  Chew him out!  I bet he won't do it again.



Cyp still doesn't wrap up