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Full Version: ***Official Ravens @ Jaguars Game Day Thread 2nd Half***
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perfect kick. smh

Losers gonna lose....
Anyone believe in the John Oehser curse yet??
Bye bye gus
I smell a pick.

Quote:Time for some BUBBLE SCREEN!

Saving it for 4th and 15
Tucker's all like.. U Mad Bro?!

Nah... We all kind of saw this coming.
Bye bye bye (*NSYNC voice)
Wish I had faith we could drive it down for a game winning FG but I feel a 3 and out coming.

Quote:What does "END OVER END MEAN"?!!
really? End over end, with a oblong ball. Think about it.
Greene time

This game is gonna end with a Bortles interception
That would have been good from 60+
Man Tucker is perfect.

This is plenty of time for a fg
Quote:lol at the 1st half Fowler penalty. Unreal
It doesn't even matter. We would have found another way to lose.
Cmon Blake
go deep. right here. 

Im so excited for the incoming bubble screens

THis is franchise QBs dream, down 2 , 1 timeout, 2 down. Go win.