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Full Version: Hillary Clinton is for Paid Leave - So is Trump!
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Quote:I heard if you're not a complete tub of lard you can save money by buying Huggies instead of Depends. Is that true?

You tell me.  So was it Mensrtidol or Midol that calmed you down for a short period of time?  I've heard from several women that those menstrual cramps can be a [BLEEP].  I hope your morning is better tomorrow.


More evidence their both statist. Never will I support the state dictating to private companies what they have to pay for.

More evidence their both statist. Never will I support the state dictating to private companies what they have to pay for.



Somehow TAM thinks he's libertarian. LOL

He must think he's an NFL QB too.

And of course trump says it'll be net zero all paid for! Scaming conservatives that's all he's doing.
Quote:And of course trump says it'll be net zero all paid for! Scaming conservatives that's all he's doing.

Says the guy voting for the phoniest libertarian of all time.

Quote:Says the guy voting for the phoniest libertarian of all time.

Can you defend this position of trumps? How does this represent anything close to small government? How is this any different than any Democrat pimped welfare program?
Quote:Can you defend this position of trumps? How does this represent anything close to small government? How is this any different than any Democrat pimped welfare program?

I am neutral on it. I am for limited intervention regarding social programs like this, but I recognize that it will win him votes from moderates and Democrat-lites. The goal of this election is to reverse the course of globalism, and only DJT is promising to do that. A child care tax credit isn't going to end the Republic. If I wanted a more libertarian-style limited government candidate this time around, I would have voted for Rand Paul in the primaries. However, a small-government constitutional libertarian/conservative could not, under any circumstance, win an election this year, or in the future if HRC gets elected.


I recognize you want to burn it all down now and start over, and that is a legitimate position. However, I am of the belief that if DJT can be elected, he can reverse the course of globalism and end the great equalization. Then in 8 years a Rand Paul-style libertarian/conservative can take the reigns. If DJT isn't elected however, then burning it down will be the only way to save this nation because a liberal supreme court ensures the collapse of the Republic's foundation.
Amazing how some see this as a bad thing....

Paid leave how awful! Welcome to the rest of the world who can afford a holiday.
Quote:Amazing how some see this as a bad thing....

Paid leave how awful! Welcome to the rest of the world who can afford a holiday.

Are you the one paying for that employee to not work? Doing the extra shifts to cover when they aren't there? Paying to hire a temp to replace her while she's gone?


No, you're just spending other people's money, same as always.

He needs somewhere around 30 million women to vote for him. It is what it is. I wish we lived in a country where we understood the economic reality that nothings free. That's not where we are right now. As a conservative I disagree with the premise, but you have to get to 270.
Quote:Are you the one paying for that employee to not work? Doing the extra shifts to cover when they aren't there? Paying to hire a temp to replace her while she's gone?

No, you're just spending other people's money, same as always.

Rested employees are more efficient than overworked ones. Very short sighted thinking. Should probably reduce working day too as efficiency definitely goes down as day goes on.

Personally I think I could easily do all my work in a 6 hour rather than 8 hour day, as would be motivated to get everything done and enjoy my afternoon.
You know what would really annoy you Flsprtsgod, I actually get paid 17 percent more when on leave than when I'm at work!

Amazing businesses exist here hey...
Quote:He needs somewhere around 30 million women to vote for him. It is what it is. I wish we lived in a country where we understood the economic reality that nothings free. That's not where we are right now. As a conservative I disagree with the premise, but you have to get to 270.

Well hot damn if it's uust about getting to 270 why stop here?

He should support expanding all social welfare, free college, free internet, free cell phones we have to get to 270!

After all that's how you change things promise free stuff and get elected right Bernie....oops I mean Trump!

Where the hell did yalls principles go?
Quote:I am neutral on it. I am for limited intervention regarding social programs like this, but I recognize that it will win him votes from moderates and Democrat-lites. The goal of this election is to reverse the course of globalism, and only DJT is promising to do that. A child care tax credit isn't going to end the Republic. If I wanted a more libertarian-style limited government candidate this time around, I would have voted for Rand Paul in the primaries. However, a small-government constitutional libertarian/conservative could not, under any circumstance, win an election this year, or in the future if HRC gets elected.

I recognize you want to burn it all down now and start over, and that is a legitimate position. However, I am of the belief that if DJT can be elected, he can reverse the course of globalism and end the great equalization. Then in 8 years a Rand Paul-style libertarian/conservative can take the reigns. If DJT isn't elected however, then burning it down will be the only way to save this nation because a liberal supreme court ensures the collapse of the Republic's foundation.

No No No!

You don't control the state by growing the state, that's the same damb lie republicans have been feeding you for two decades.

Heck if we're just going to ignore every liberal position trump takes in the name of defeat Hillary what's the freaking difference? A little less liberal than Hillary isn't going to change anything. That's all trump is a little less liberal.
Quote:You tell me.  So was it Mensrtidol or Midol that calmed you down for a short period of time?  I've heard from several women that those menstrual cramps can be a [BAD WORD REMOVED].  I hope your morning is better tomorrow.

The "I know you are but what am I" tactic, on top of the "you're a girl tactic".  You really are old...  
On topic:  Paid FMLA is a long time coming.  I'm glad trump is on board with this.  Of course, just like the wall, he'd never really actually do any of this.  The normal GOP would never allow it to happen.

Quote:And of course trump says it'll be net zero all paid for! Scaming conservatives that's all he's doing.
He's not scamming true conservatives.  That's never been the case. 


The fact that Trump is now advocating for a massive entitlement program reiterates once again that he's nothing more than another big government progressive who thinks daddy government can solve every problem.  Claiming it will be a net zero cost is the typical tactic they use to sell the program, and then when there are massive overruns, they dismiss it.  This country is broke.  We're racking up debt at such an alarming rate that even when we're bringing in record tax revenues monthly, we're outspending that figure by 40%. 


This country is on our way to a deficit of $20 trilliion


We are looking at unfunded liabilities of more than $100 trillion.


As the debt continues to skyrocket, liberals lose touch with what the long-term impact is going to be.  As baby boomers and generation X folks get older and retire, the backfill from future generations is not keeping up.  The birth rate in the US is below sustainable levels to assure that there will actually be enough tax payers to pay for the increased costs that come with an aging population that's increasingly dependent by mandate on government assistance.  Liberals dismiss all of this, but at some point the bills do have to be paid, and when you've got a deficit that's out of control, and unfunded liabilities that are off the charts, reality will eventually set in that government can't solve all problems.  It's going to be an ugly day when the economy collapses because of the burden of out of control government spending. 


At a time when we SHOULD have at least one candidate who is talking about reality and not this fantasy progressives love to spin, we've got two democrats running for office trying to out-do each other on who can grow government more.  Trump offers a child care program that mirrors Bill Clinton's proposal from 20+ years ago, and Hillary doubles down.  We already can't afford the government we have.  Let's add more.
Quote:Well hot damn if it's uust about getting to 270 why stop here?

He should support expanding all social welfare, free college, free internet, free cell phones we have to get to 270!

After all that's how you change things promise free stuff and get elected right Bernie....oops I mean Trump!

Where the hell did yalls principles go?

What good are principles when your life becomes 1984? Priorities Eric. Sort them out. We need to reverse the course of globalism. This election isn't about left vs right or big government vs small government. It is about American Nationalism and Sovereignty vs Corporate Oligarchic Globalism. The battle for limited government was lost the moment GWB was elected. Small-government conservatism is in hibernation until we can reinvigorate the American work force by ending/renegotiating devastating multilateral trade deals, bring international businesses back to the United States, return interest rates to where they belong so small-to-mid sized banks can compete, encourage population growth among AMERICAN citizens (child care tax incentives can do that), lower taxes so small businesses can flourish, secure the border ending illegal immigration, end nation building and middle-east intervention, reinforce the nuclear family, save public education, and stifle the brewing cultural revolution.


This country is heading down the tubes at an alarming rate. Unfortunately a small-government conservative will not only never be elected by our current government-dependent MSM-brainwashed constituency, they would also never be able to successfully right the sails of this ship due to their own self-imposed principles (and congress blocking every single policy or policy removal). HRC being elected solidifies the end with her selection of supreme court justices.

We need to elect a billionaire globalist who leans authoritarian to save us from billionaire globalists that wish to rule with authoritarian means...  


Makes sense...

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