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Full Version: Hillary Clinton is for Paid Leave - So is Trump!
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Quote:My friend you've touched the evil heartfof Socialism, that they are owed it (whether it be pay, leave, healthcare, food, housing, etc) because they simply exist. Never mind that someone else must give it up so they can have it, they are ENTITLED to it.
Unfortunately my entire working life which is getting to be a long time now I'm the one that has always been giving and done zero taking and I am damn sick of it.


Like I stated earlier, If you force me to pay for paternity leave I simply won't hire people who even stand a chance of having children.
This is one of my favorite debates to watch between conservatives and liberals. It's one of the few really where no side is clearly wrong or immoral or whatever. Lot's of good info and reasoning. 

Quote:Unfortunately my entire working life which is getting to be a long time now I'm the one that has always been giving and done zero taking and I am damn sick of it.

Like I stated earlier, If you force me to pay for paternity leave I simply won't hire people who even stand a chance of having children.

Then leave. Go live in one of those African countries that has no government. See how you like it. Hire the workers there and then tell me if public education is such a terrible thing. Hire a bunch of African women that you provide no benefits to and see how well they work for you. But in sure you'd just run a sweat shop. Low quality junk.

The self righteous egotism of government haters is something constitutionalists are getting sick of.

Cry me a river about all the taxes you pay. Ignoring the fact that you live in such a great country because of that very same government that has been taxing and spending in this manner for almost 100 years.

You people are so pathetic, instead of trying to fix the system and reform the waste, you want to destroy it from the inside because of a delusion you bought that isn't even realistic.

Your idea of cutting all funding to the federal government would destroy the country. You don't have to be a genius to figure that out.
Quote:Then leave. Go live in one of those African countries that has no government. See how you like it. Hire the workers there and then tell me if public education is such a terrible thing. Hire a bunch of African women that you provide no benefits to and see how well they work for you. But in sure you'd just run a sweat shop. Low quality junk.

The self righteous egotism of government haters is something constitutionalists are getting sick of.

Cry me a river about all the taxes you pay. Ignoring the fact that you live in such a great country because of that very same government that has been taxing and spending in this manner for almost 100 years.

You people are so pathetic, instead of trying to fix the system and reform the waste, you want to destroy it from the inside because of a delusion you bought that isn't even realistic.

Your idea of cutting all funding to the federal government would destroy the country. You don't have to be a genius to figure that out.
I must have foot your bills at one time or another. Go pound sand, you're triggered.

Maybe you wouldn't be so angry if you regularly took some leave?

How does anyone know if they "pay for others" how is it possible to work out how much you have cost the state?
PS didn't you say you were in the Navy? Doesn't that mean you have taken far more of people's taxes than most? A real reason why the US is in so much debt...
Quote:PS didn't you say you were in the Navy? Doesn't that mean you have taken far more of people's taxes than most? A real reason why the US is in so much debt...
Oh yeah, I just walked in and took all the government money. Gave nothing back what so ever. never had taxes taken from my pay. Risked zero, You sir are a clown and not worthy of further response. You should stick to something you might have a clue about.
Sounds like you were partying around the world on tax payers dollars?

You should thank the likes of Anchorman for funding you getting a job and some self worth.
Quote:Sounds like you were partying around the world on tax payers dollars?

You should thank the likes of Anchorman for funding you getting a job and some self worth.
I get where you are coming from in regards to taxation, leave etc... In fact I mostly agree with you. However, Americans (and those from other nations for that matter) that serve in the military earn their wages. They work and are compensated. If some are lazy people partying around the globe then so be it but I cannot speak to that. I have to think that the vast majority are earning their wages regardless of what their roll is. Criticizing people for serving is, at best, tasteless. 
I wasn't criticising. I agree they are good value. A lot of people would rather taxes were paid to doctors to provide affordable public healthcare. But to have a go at people for wanting services for their taxes but then accept a wage and free training which probably helped their career post service seems to be a bit hypocritical.

I was simply using their argument against them.
Quote:I wasn't criticising. I agree they are good value. A lot of people would rather taxes were paid to doctors to provide affordable public healthcare. But to have a go at people for wanting services for their taxes but then accept a wage and free training which probably helped their career post service seems to be a bit hypocritical.

I was simply using their argument against them.

No, you were being a dick.
Was I not being politically correct?

Apologies to any politically correct snowflakes.
Quote:Was I not being politically correct?

Apologies to any politically correct snowflakes.
It's got nothing to do with being politically correct, and everything to do with you acting like a huge [BAD WORD REMOVED] canoe, but then I'm sure you already know that.
Quote:It's got nothing to do with being politically correct, and everything to do with you acting like a huge [BAD WORD REMOVED] canoe, but then I'm sure you already know that.

So every government run program is a bloated waste of money except the Navy? Got it.

Won't question it again, consider me silenced.
Quote:So every government run program is a bloated waste of money except the Navy? Got it.

Won't question it again, consider me silenced.

They are really not the same thing. Service members are being paid for services rendered. Bloat is a real problem but paying service members isn't bloat. In fact most are probably under paid for what they do. You are really way off base on this one.
Quote:They are really not the same thing. Service members are being paid for services rendered. Bloat is a real problem but paying service members isn't bloat. In fact most are probably under paid for what they do. You are really way off base on this one.
Of course it is bloat. I read around here that all government programs are bloated and inefficient. staff will be a big part of that.

Now this same person who resents "paying for people" turns out has been a huge recipient of taxes himself. Sorry but that is worth making fun of.
Quote:Of course it is bloat. I read around here that all government programs are bloated, staff will be a big part of that.

Now this same person who resents "paying for people" turns out has been a huge recipient of taxes himself. Sorry but that is worth making fun of.

They are all bloated but that's not the argument you are making.

You really can't see the difference between paying people for their work with taxes and say bloat and in the VA or SNAP or a myriad of other social welfare programs? I mean even those comparisons don't work let alone comparing paying service members and requiring businesses to provide paid leave for child birth.
Some may believe that social welfare is better spend than excessive defence spending that was the point. I'm not saying they are the same kind of spend, they are both big costs to the taxpayer though.

But to resent tax money being spent and saying they are spending his money is funny when he's been a huge cost to the tax payer.
Quote:I must have foot your bills at one time or another. Go pound sand, you're triggered.

This is what I was responding to by the way...
Quote:Some may believe that social welfare is better spend than excessive defence spending that was the point. I'm not saying they are the same kind of spend, they are both big costs to the taxpayer though.

But to resent tax money being spent and saying they are spending his money is funny when he's been a huge cost to the tax payer.

The defense of our country is actually written into and a requirement of our constitution, while the social programs are not.
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