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Full Version: Hillary Clinton is for Paid Leave - So is Trump!
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Quote:Yeah, we gotta spread that wealth around. Thieves.
Just explaining eric's position to the furner. No need for snark.
Quote:Mandating assumes a modicum of ownership. When someone can tell you what you MUST do with your property then you are merely a tenant or a serf. I prefer to not live subservient to other people, but clearly you all don't mind it so long as you get your little milk bone to make you happy.


Now sit for mummy!


That's a good boy!

Well yeah you would have to be an idiot to vote for worse working conditions.


Paid leave leads to freedom surely? It's probably why Americans are so underrepresented when you travel the world. You aren't really free to do travel, because you have to be at work...
Quote:They would only mandate a minimum, you can always offer more to encourage staff to want to join your company.

The problem is in low skilled occupations the employer has all the power as people can easily be replaced by another who needs the money. It's not like people can live without a job, so it's not like people are free to leave jobs in many occasions. Didn't your previous employer treat you terribly? Surely you can understand why people deserve a break every now and again, probably would improve people's mental health too.

Absolutely my previous employer was near criminal. I still don't advocate the state telling him what he has to offer me. When he wouldn't come to terms I put in my time developed my skill got an education and went to his competition. Ive tripped my salary and I'm getting offers to double that in the near future from at least one more company.

I didn't need government mandated restrictions on the free market I needed time to create new opportunities.

Of course I want people that have leave, but it's up to them to create a value that makes them worth leave not some arbitrary politician saying you have a pulse you get ___ that just devalues the sacrifices of others who have made themselves valuable.

Same principle with all welfare, some of it is a necessary evil in such a large society, most of ends up being a bloated program abused in mass at the cost of everyone else.

I have four kids, guess what we didn't plan a single one. My wife couldn't take paternal leave. I had her stay home and raise our children, we learned to live on less. Took multiple jobs for years. I spent years without a single day off so she could raise our kids. Sacrifice not welfare is the solution.
Quote:He understands all that. It's just that his ideology is that there should be zero governmental minimums or requirements when it comes to businesses and their workers. Hope that helps you understand our loveable anarchist a little better. :thumbsup:

You complete me lol
Quote:Absolutely my previous employer was near criminal. I still don't advocate the state telling him what he has to offer me. When he wouldn't come to terms I put in my time developed my skill got an education and went to his competition. Ive tripped my salary and I'm getting offers to double that in the near future from at least one more company.

I didn't need government mandated restrictions on the free market I needed time to create new opportunities.

Of course I want people that have leave, but it's up to them to create a value that makes them worth leave not some arbitrary politician saying you have a pulse you get ___ that just devalues the sacrifices of others who have made themselves valuable.

Same principle with all welfare, some of it is a necessary evil in such a large society, most of ends up being a bloated program abused in mass at the cost of everyone else.

I have four kids, guess what we didn't plan a single one. My wife couldn't take paternal leave. I had her stay home and raise our children, we learned to live on less. Took multiple jobs for years. I spent years without a single day off so she could raise our kids. Sacrifice not welfare is the solution.

You are very well trained Eric. Let the poor folk sacrifice while the people born into wealth can do whatever they like.


Obviously a very hard worker, I think you deserve a good paid holiday. 
Quote:Well yeah you would have to be an idiot to vote for worse working conditions.


Paid leave leads to freedom surely? It's probably why Americans are so underrepresented when you travel the world. You aren't really free to do travel, because you have to be at work...
Most places suck compared to America is more likely the reason.
Quote:Most places suck compared to America is more likely the reason.

I bet you have visited plenty to make that informed decision.


As someone who has been to jax beach, I can assure you there are  better beaches in the world for starters.
Quote:Just explaining eric's position to the furner. No need for snark.

Apologies, wasn't aimed at you personally.
Quote:I bet you have visited plenty to make that informed decision.


As someone who has been to jax beach, I can assure you there are  better beaches in the world for starters.
Your bet would be solid after spending many years in the USN I would be willing to venture I have exceeded your world travels. Even been to your part of the world multiple times. Didn't care for it. With the way the woman there clamor to catch a sailor I'm guessing many of them don't care for it much either,
Quote:Well yeah you would have to be an idiot to vote for worse working conditions.


Paid leave leads to freedom surely? It's probably why Americans are so underrepresented when you travel the world. You aren't really free to do travel, because you have to be at work...

Paid leave doesn't lead to freedom for the person paying it. Or covering for it. Or the taxpayer who subsidizes it. But hey, who bites the hand that feeds him, right?
Quote:I bet you have visited plenty to make that informed decision.


As someone who has been to jax beach, I can assure you there are  better beaches in the world for starters.

That ain't saying much. Hell, there's better beaches an hour from here.
Quote:Your bet would be solid after spending many years in the USN I would be willing to venture I have exceeded your world travels. Even been to your part of the world multiple times. Didn't care for it. With the way the woman there clamor to catch a sailor I'm guessing many of them don't care for it much either,

I wouldn't call travelling with the navy as proper free travelling, but i'm sure that's better than a lot.


As a Brit I can vouch for American women loving British guys, People like a bit of difference every now and again. I'm sure American Navy aren't the biggest catches to American women though...
6 months of paternity leave for a man? LMBO.
Quote:6 months of paternity leave for a man? LMBO.

Oh sorry yes I forget it's the 50's and Dad's shouldn't hang out with the kids much  :thumbsup: .


I'll give you a tip, it's way better than going to work... :thanks:


You should see what parents in Scandinavian countries can get, no wonder they are so happy.

Quote:6 months of paternity leave for a man? LMBO.

You know, if more dads were around, this country might be a better place.  Seriously, laughing at any man making a connection with his child is just the epitome of ignorance.  Not sure I should be surprised...
Now back on topic...  


I'm almost 100% positive if I brought up this topic without trump in it.  100% of GOP and trumpette supporters would shoot idea down.  So why is paid medical leave, a clear indicator of a liberal mind OK when pushed by trump?

Quote:Now back on topic...

I'm almost 100% positive if I brought up this topic without trump in it. 100% of GOP and trumpette supporters would shoot idea down. So why is paid medical leave, a clear indicator of a liberal mind OK when pushed by trump?

It's not.
Quote:Now back on topic...  


I'm almost 100% positive if I brought up this topic without trump in it.  100% of GOP and trumpette supporters would shoot idea down.  So why is paid medical leave, a clear indicator of a liberal mind OK when pushed by trump?

You should have tested them by starting a topic that it was Hilary's idea... :thumbsup:
Have children on your own dime. What is so hard to understand. Other working people should not have to foot the bill for other peoples life choices. If you can't afford to have children or feel you cannot properly care for them unless you have 6 months off work use some freaking birth control for Christ's sake. Screw both of the clowns if they support it. Just another of a million reasons neither of these two wastes will receive my vote

Quote:Have children on your own dime. What is so hard to understand. Other working people should not have to foot the bill for other peoples life choices. If you can't afford to have children or feel you cannot properly care for them unless you have 6 months off work use some freaking birth control for Christ's sake. Screw both of the clowns if they support it. Just another of a million reasons neither of these two wastes will receive my vote

My friend you've touched the evil heartfof Socialism, that they are owed it (whether it be pay, leave, healthcare, food, housing, etc) because they simply exist. Never mind that someone else must give it up so they can have it, they are ENTITLED to it.
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