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Full Version: Hillary Clinton is for Paid Leave - So is Trump!
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So is leave usually unpaid there? I know you guys don't get much but that would be even worse.
Quote:We need to elect a billionaire globalist who leans authoritarian to save us from billionaire globalists that wish to rule with authoritarian means...  


Makes sense...

A globalist who wants to trash TPP, re-negotiate/trash NAFTA, halt H1B visas, end illegal immigration, block amnesty, and end nation building. He sure isn't a very good globalist, fam. He should take a few lessons from HRC, Obama, and Zuckerberg.
Quote:So is leave usually unpaid there? I know you guys don't get much but that would be even worse.

I get paternity leave at my job. Women get a couple months maternity. It depends on the employer. It just isn't forced by the government.
Quote:I get paternity leave at my job. Women get a couple months maternity. It depends on the employer. It just isn't forced by the government.

My company offers paternity for men as well. It seems that nobody every utilizes it though. It feels like there is some unwritten rule that something may or may not happen to your position if you decide to take it.
When you force small business to pay for employees absence due to their own life choices you seriously lower the chances of small business hiring women. Why would I hire a woman who might only work 9/10 months out of the year but I have to pay for 12?

I'm actually on 6 months paternity leave at the moment. Been fantastic, don't won't to go back.
Quote:I'm actually on 6 months paternity leave at the moment. Been fantastic, don't won't to go back.

Cool story, bro.
Quote:I'm actually on 6 months paternity leave at the moment. Been fantastic, don't won't to go back.
Well you did state this earlier


"Personally I think I could easily do all my work in a 6 hour rather than 8 hour day, as would be motivated to get everything done and enjoy my afternoon"


Seems maybe your position isn't even needed. Sounds as if your employer is getting the short end of the stick. Sounds good if you are not the owner footing the bills I guess.
Quote:Cool story, bro.

It's unpaid before you get too upset
Quote:Well you did state this earlier

"Personally I think I could easily do all my work in a 6 hour rather than 8 hour day, as would be motivated to get everything done and enjoy my afternoon"

Seems maybe your position isn't even needed. Sounds as if your employer is getting the short end of the stick. Sounds good if you are not the owner footing the bills I guess.

So everyone works at the same pace all day and never looks at the internet? Come on...
Quote:It's unpaid before you get too upset

Being a house husband is cool.
Quote:Being a house husband is cool.

It really is. Everyone should give it a try.
Quote:So everyone works at the same pace all day and never looks at the internet? Come on...
Is someone else being paid to do your job while you are on leave or are other employees having to absorb your work load? Is your employer free from any liability or cost associated with your employment while you are on leave? In any case your employer is incurring costs for a employee that is not working..


It's not for government to decide if your employer should have to subject themselves to that scenario.
Wow you really don't like leave. They could be paying my temporary replacement less? Who knows? It's part of the cost of business it can be reflected in the prices. No need for a race to The bottom.
Quote:Wow you really don't like leave. They could be paying my temporary replacement less? Who knows? It's part of the cost of business it can be reflected in the prices. No need for a race to The bottom.

No one has a problem with leave. I have a problem with the state mandating how much and when someone must pay for leave in the private sector. If I own a business it's up to me to consider the leave package o can offer and who I can offer it too.
Quote:No one has a problem with leave. I have a problem with the state mandating how much and when someone must pay for leave in the private sector. If I own a business it's up to me to consider the leave package o can offer and who I can offer it too.


They would only mandate a minimum, you can always offer more to encourage staff to want to join your company.


The problem is in low skilled occupations the employer has all the power as people can easily be replaced by another who needs the money. It's not like people can live without a job, so it's not like people are free to leave jobs in many occasions. Didn't your previous employer treat you terribly? Surely you can understand why people deserve a break every now and again, probably would improve people's mental health too.
Quote:They would only mandate a minimum, you can always offer more to encourage staff to want to join your company.


The problem is in low skilled occupations the employer has all the power as people can easily be replaced by another who needs the money. It's not like people can live without a job, so it's not like people are free to leave jobs in many occasions. Didn't your previous employer treat you terribly? Surely you can understand why people deserve a break every now and again, probably would improve people's mental health too.
He understands all that. It's just that his ideology is that there should be zero governmental minimums or requirements when it comes to businesses and their workers. Hope that helps you understand our loveable anarchist a little better.  :thumbsup:
Mandating assumes a modicum of ownership. When someone can tell you what you MUST do with your property then you are merely a tenant or a serf. I prefer to not live subservient to other people, but clearly you all don't mind it so long as you get your little milk bone to make you happy.


Now sit for mummy!


That's a good boy!

Quote:He understands all that. It's just that his ideology is that there should be zero governmental minimums or requirements when it comes to businesses and their workers. Hope that helps you understand our loveable anarchist a little better.  :thumbsup:

Yeah, we gotta spread that wealth around. Thieves.
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