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Again you have it just backwards.  Some of the greatest innovations come from people who did not seriously study the subject.  If they had, they would have learned their ideas could not possibly work. 

Quote:Again you have it just backwards. Some of the greatest innovations come from people who did not seriously study the subject. If they had, they would have learned their ideas could not possibly work.

Name these innovations...

It's not the internet... That actually came directly from the university system.

It's not space travel, rocket science came front people with degrees in physics.

It's not medicine... Obviously...

So where? Where are these innovations that came outside of university education?

The wheel.


A musician discovered Uranus.


Michael Faraday was a bookbinder.


Srinivasa Ramanujan, The Man Who Knew Infinity, completely self-taught math genius.


Mary Anning (she sells seashells from the seashore) was a beachcomber who discovered dinosaurs.


Gregor Mendel was a monk who discovered how genetics work.

uranus teehee

Quote:A musician discovered Uranus.

Michael Faraday was a bookbinder.

Srinivasa Ramanujan, <a class="bbc_url" href='http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0787524/'>The Man Who Knew Infinity</a>, completely self-taught math genius.

Mary Anning (she sells seashells from the seashore) was a beachcomber who discovered dinosaurs.

Gregor Mendel was a monk who discovered how genetics work.

Lol, well I'm convinced. Nobody should go to college...

Besides the monk, all those other examples suck... If you can't see that, you're a fool.

Finding a dinosaur and a planet are innovations????

As for Mendel, that was a great discovery, but a monastery allowed him the ability and resources to make his discovery. Talk about evil indoctrinating!!!

Seriously if that's the best you got in terms of innovation, lol, you've lost this argument.
Whattt? Is flight innovation?


Milton Wright often allowed his children to stay home from school to work on their own projects. Orville eventually lost interest in school and dropped out completely. Wilbur was an excellent student but didn’t officially graduate from high school and decided that a college degree “would be money and time wasted.” Despite their lack of formal credentials, Orville and Wilbur were highly educated because they did a great deal of private study. In this way, their education was comparable to a four-year college degree. The brothers were clever and intelligent, especially in the areas of science and technology. They spent much of their time inventing mechanical toys, which helped them gain experience solving technical problems.

Quote:Lol, well I'm convinced. Nobody should go to college...

Besides the monk, all those other examples suck... If you can't see that, you're a fool.

Finding a dinosaur and a planet are innovations????

As for Mendel, that was a great discovery, but a monastery allowed him the ability and resources to make his discovery. Talk about evil indoctrinating!!!

Seriously if that's the best you got in terms of innovation, lol, you've lost this argument.

Lose on the facts, call the opponent names, and declare yourself the winner.  Mr. Alinsky would be very proud.
Quote:Lose on the facts, call the opponent names, and declare yourself the winner. Mr. Alinsky would be very proud.
Which you tuber taught you about the evil alinsky?


Sorry bro, but your arguments are terrible.
Quote:Whattt? Is flight innovation?

Milton Wright often allowed his children to stay home from school to work on their own projects. Orville eventually lost interest in school and dropped out completely. Wilbur was an excellent student but didn’t officially graduate from high school and decided that a college degree “would be money and time wasted.” Despite their lack of formal credentials, Orville and Wilbur were highly educated because they did a great deal of private study. In this way, their education was comparable to a four-year college degree. The brothers were clever and intelligent, especially in the areas of science and technology. They spent much of their time inventing mechanical toys, which helped them gain experience solving technical problems.
The wright brothers helped develop flight - university education took us to the moon in just a few decades after that.

I'd say there is a symbiosis between the innovation of entrepreneurship and the innovation and advancement of technologies through universities.

Which has been my point all along. :-)
Quote:Which you tuber taught you about the evil alinsky?

It was "you tuber" Hillary Clinton in her 1969 Senior Thesis.  Her vaunted "university education" taught her how to lie.
Quote:It was "you tuber" Hillary Clinton in her 1969 Senior Thesis. Her vaunted "university education" taught her how to lie.

You read her whole master's paper?
Quote:Lose on the facts, call the opponent names, and declare yourself the winner. Mr. Alinsky would be very proud.

Like playing chess with a pigeon.
Quote:You read her whole master's paper?

It was only 92 pages.  That's like two long dumps.
Quote:It was only 92 pages. That's like two long dumps.

So what was the main theme of the paper? And exactly how is it linked to the Democratic Party's approach to politics?
Quote:Lose on the facts, call the opponent names, and declare yourself the winner. Mr. Alinsky would be very proud.

So you still haven't explained how discovering a planet and some fossils is innovating...

And you haven't touched the fact that Mendel was on an institution far more indoctrinating than a university when he made his innovative discovery...

Maybe because the argument (not you but the actual argument you made) was extremely bad? Dare I say, stupid? ;-p
Quote:So you still haven't explained how discovering a planet and some fossils is innovating...

And you haven't touched the fact that Mendel was on an institution far more indoctrinating than a university when he made his innovative discovery...

Maybe because the argument (not you but the actual argument you made) was extremely bad? Dare I say, stupid? ;-p

So I already gave one example of innovation that is still being used today by someone non-college educated.  Who came up with the first mainstream desktop computer design?
Quote:If one cannot understand when a conversation should take place in a University setting, that's the idiocy of the individual. That's not the professor's problem. If you've read all 7 pages of this thread and still cannot decipher the reality of what the course is, then that's your issue. That's not the University's or the professor's problem.

These morons that cannot figure out the time and place for certain conversations are the problem. Not the school or the teachers. Maybe they should figure that out.

They act like those idiot parents you hear about that blame the teachers for the fact that their kids suck at school When those parents aren't even involved in their own kid's education.

It's pathetic. Take some accountability. And if these morons cannot understand that a Humanities course is not the place to discuss the ins and outs of climate change, then they are clearly not fully grasping the concept of University. That's why we have trade schools and janitorial professions. Not everyone toilet scrubber becomes Good Will Hunting.

These flat earthers / Climate Deniers that cannot figure out where to have these debates are clearly never gonna move up in life.


Some moron in my literature class wanted to prove how smart (dumb) he was by waxing political at every pause in conversation. What he missed was a semester of great American Lit.
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