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Full Version: Professors tell students: Drop class if you dispute man-made climate change
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Quote:Lol, that's all you got.

I just eviscerated your messiah, and all you can do is call me close minded???

Can't even defend your savior? Such low energy. Sad!

You're the cutest when you lose arguments because you don't have all the facts.
Quote:You're the cutest when you lose arguments because you don't have all the facts.

I like you too.

But that is not a very good argument...
Quote:it's their country. they're free to shut down any debates. clearly you dont understand freedom. they are free to put you in jail if you cant fall in line.

You know, you can't just go into a class and just start spouting off on your own opinions. Especially in an under grad prereq!

Come on man, don't be such a pre-frosh!
Who registers for a class that is teaching a subject they don't believe in. Possibly someone looking to create drama and anger? What's the point?
Quote:Who registers for a class that is teaching a subject they don't believe in. Possibly someone looking to create drama and anger? What's the point?

Plenty of theologians educate themselves on topics they don't necessary believe in, just like many atheist or agnostics enroll in classes on theology. It isn't uncommon and it expands your world view. You don't have to be an obstructionist butthole just because you don't agree with the topic of the class. Take notes, research independently, and discuss the topics with civility. No drama or anger needed.
Quote:Who registers for a class that is teaching a subject they don't believe in. Possibly someone looking to create drama and anger? What's the point?

Exactly. It would be like going to a religious studies course and trying to debate the teacher on evolution.

But, I guess for badger that would be the same as the SS coming to take to away if the religious studies teacher told you to get the [BLEEP] out with your [BLEEP].
Quote:Plenty of theologians educate themselves on topics they don't necessary believe in, just like many atheist or agnostics enroll in classes on theology. It isn't uncommon and it expands your world view. You don't have to be an obstructionist [BAD WORD REMOVED] just because you don't agree with the topic of the class. Take notes, research independently, and discuss the topics with civility. No drama or anger needed.
Believe you can still do that in this class as well. They aren't going to teach the other side or open up for debate is all. Not sure how anyone had issue here.

If your willing to go in open minded (Sorry BLT this excludes you) then you can take the class. If it's your way or the highways they are giving you advance notice to move along down the highway.
Quote:Plenty of theologians educate themselves on topics they don't necessary believe in, just like many atheist or agnostics enroll in classes on theology. It isn't uncommon and it expands your world view. You don't have to be an obstructionist [BAD WORD REMOVED] just because you don't agree with the topic of the class. Take notes, research independently, and discuss the topics with civility. No drama or anger needed.

Great point. But there is a time and place. In the expertise of the professors, debating the merits of the climate change deniers would be counter productive to the objectives of the course.

So you either sit there and learn the subject matter without disruption, or you find another class.

There are plenty of humanities classes that I'm sure would be more conducive to the deniers wish to debate the topic. That particular course is not it.
Do not try to bring up unapproved thoughts at our University.  Please find another school if you plan to question our authority.  There will be no talking here unless it is approved talking points.  There are plenty of schools to choose from. (Until there isn't)  At which point you can move to a different country, there are plenty to choose from. (Until there aren't) you can move to a different planet.  There are plenty to choose from.  GOSH! This is not hard people!


Please take the Freedom course if you dont get this.  But if you disagree that freedom is the silencing of opposing viewpoints, we suggest you not attend.

Quote:Do not try to bring up unapproved thoughts at our University. Please find another school if you plan to question our authority. There will be no talking here unless it is approved talking points. There are plenty of schools to choose from. (Until there isn't) At which point you can move to a different country, there are plenty to choose from. (Until there aren't) you can move to a different planet. There are plenty to choose from. GOSH! This is not hard people!

Please take the Freedom course if you dont get this.
What would be the point of taking this class, if you were an ardent climate change denier?

Can you answer that or do you just gripe and moan about EVERYTHING?
Quote:What would be the point of taking this class, if you were an ardent climate change denier?

Can you answer that or do you just gripe and moan about EVERYTHING?

You're assuming that anybody who might have a question about the basis of the arguments is also an ardent climate change denier.


So really what they need to do is have some kind of approval process for students to take the course.  They need to make sure there aren't any students sneaking in who might have the "sickness" of climate change denial.  After all, it is a sickness and mental health issue.  They should be locked up and put in an asylum. 
Quote:You're assuming that anybody who might have a question about the basis of the arguments is also an ardent climate change denier.

So really what they need to do is have some kind of approval process for students to take the course. They need to make sure there aren't any students sneaking in who might have the "sickness" of climate change denial. After all, it is a sickness and mental health issue. They should be locked up and put in an asylum.
You act as if you didn't even read the article.

None of what you are saying is even true. Why do you lie?

Believing is not a prerequisite for the class.
Quote:You act as if you didn't even read the article.

None of what you are saying is even true. Why do you lie?

Believing is not a prerequisite for the class.

"The professors also note this ban on debate extends to discussion among students in the online forums. Moreover, students who choose to use outside sources for research during their time in the course may select only those that have been peer-reviewed by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, the email states."


lol, I'll admit I missed this part and it's worse than I thought.

Quote:"The professors also note this ban on debate extends to discussion among students in the online forums. Moreover, students who choose to use outside sources for research during their time in the course may select only those that have been peer-reviewed by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, the email states."

lol, I'll admit I missed this part and it's worse than I thought.

It's an online course, meant to be used by the class. This message board is a perfect example why they would restrict it.

It's apparent you just want to complain about stupid stuff. There is no loss of freedom or rights here.
Quote:It's an online course, meant to be used by the class. This message board is a perfect example why they would restrict it.

It's apparent you just want to complain about stupid stuff. There is no loss of freedom or rights here.

Look at these animals that are trying to destroy badger's freedom!!!  Clearly, by the time these Nazi professors are done, all the poor students in Colorado Springs will have met thier final solution!!!  What are we gonna do about it!?!?  We must unite and over take these oppressors!


“By clearly stating the class focus,” he continued, “the faculty are allowing students to choose if they wish to enroll in the course or seek an alternative. Additionally, the faculty who are leading the course have offered to discuss it with students who have concerns or differing opinions.”
Quote:Look at these animals that are trying to destroy badger's freedom!!! Clearly, by the time these Nazi professors are done, all the poor students in Colorado Springs will have met thier final solution!!! What are we gonna do about it!?!? We must unite and over take these oppressors!

“By clearly stating the class focus,” he continued, “the faculty are allowing students to choose if they wish to enroll in the course or seek an alternative. Additionally, the faculty who are leading the course have offered to discuss it with students who have concerns or differing opinions.”
I cannot comprehend why someone who was so adamant that global warming doesn't exist would take the class in the first place. It's clearly a class where the prerequisite is to at least assume that global warming exists so you can delve into the ramifications.
I know.  That's why I said they need to properly vet who takes the course so that these unapproved discussions don't take place.  People asking questions is really outrageous and I hope it doesn't happen in this case.  Can you imagine somebody posting some kind of message board topic offering a different take on the subject?  That would really destroy EVERYTHING.


Our forefathers did not fight for freedom so people could later ask questions about climate change.  They fought for the freedom of actions and thought.  And by "freedom of actions and thought", I mean the professors' rights to freely think any students asking questions are a nuisance and the freedom to remove them from the course.

Quote:I know. That's why I said they need to properly vet who takes the course so that these unapproved discussions don't take place. People asking questions is really outrageous and I hope it doesn't happen in this case. Can you imagine somebody posting some kind of message board topic offering a different take on the subject? That would really destroy EVERYTHING.

Our forefathers did not fight for freedom so people could later ask questions about climate change. They fought for the freedom of actions and thought. And by "freedom of actions and thought", I mean the professors rights to freely think any students asking questions are a nuisance and the freedom to remove them from the course.

They didn't fight so people could be jerks either.
Quote:They didn't fight so people could be jerks either.

I know. The nerve of somebody to be like "Hi, I have a question..." UGH, SHUT UP! GOD!
And not only are we going to not tolerate intellectual curiosity and debate, we're going to charge you $30,000 per semester to learn our crap. DEAL WITH IT.

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