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Full Version: Professors tell students: Drop class if you dispute man-made climate change
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Quote:lol, you have some serious issues.

Byron has never fails to buy whatever swampland or bridge the "alt-right" is selling. He falls for it   every   single   time.
Quote:Your statement is so full of errors, that you should be embarrassed to post it.

Rather than just spout what you read on left-wing websites, you should actually look at the data, read from the original sources about how it was compiled, and make up your own mind.

The very term "climate deniers" is a lie. Climate skeptics are skeptical of catastrophic man-made warming, not that the planet has warmed. Skeptics even agree that CO2 should have some warming effect. The planet has been warming since the 1700s, long before we enriched the atmosphere with CO2. The warming claimed by the believers since 1900 is about 1 degree, but half of that occurred before 1950, i.e. before human-released CO2 became significant.

1. That's a typical leftist tactic to group people you disagree with with people everyone disagrees with. You should be ashamed. Climate skeptics have nothing in common with flat-earthers, who are probably mostly your leftists comrades. There are people on the Right who believe in conspiracies, but they are government/political conspiracies (and evolution which is a religious belief). The anti-science crowd is from the Left; they are the ones who question the moon landing; they are the anti-vaccine crazies.

2. NASA is not the source of any data. The NASA climate scientists take data compiled by NOAA and filter, interpolate, extrapolate, and adjust, and then publish the results. The data reduction process is necessary because the ground data sites have poor global coverage, with most of them in the US and Europe. The ocean data is from occasion measurements of ocean temperature by passing ships. These were sporadic in time, and mainly limited to shipping channels. Since 2003 we have pretty good global coverage of the oceans from ARGO. Anything before that should have huge error bars attached.

3. There is satellite data (not from NASA) since 1979 that actually covers the whole planet (minus small areas at the poles). The satellite data shows significantly less warming than the adjusted result from ground measurements. There are two groups compiling and reducing the satellite data, one headed by a skeptic (who agrees that it's warming and that CO2 has an effect) the other by a confirmed warmist. They both agree very closely. They show about 0.4 degrees of warming between 1979 and 2000, and none since then until the 2015 el Nino.

Check out Professor Judith Curry, she was once a believer who decided to actually investigate the truth. Now she's called a "Climate Heretic" which ironically exposes the religious nature of the Warmist community.

<a class="bbc_url" href='https://judithcurry.com/'>https://judithcurry.com/</a>

Like I said, don't just accept what the Warmist priests tell you, ... or what I have told you. Investigate it yourself.

While I appreciate the effort, I'm not going to relitigate this climate change debate.

There is a 100 page dumpster fire of a thread that that is proof the argument is unproductive.

For every argument you make there are 100's of arguments that shoot down your points.

And at the end of the day, the deniers fall back into the corner that the majority that have proven climate change are corrupted because they are beholden to funding from the nefarious industry that is hell bent on conquering the world by destroying the oil and gas companies.

I'm sorry, but that is the final argument of the climate denier, and it's the same tactic used by flat earthers...
You can see the indoctrination in this very thread.


Zombie-like compliance and no questioning of establishments.


Minds completely sewn shut.


Boy, have things changed big time since the 80s, 90s.  Extreme leftists were begging to be heard and to have an "open mind" when the truth was, their facts were losing the arguments.


Now, those same folks are abusing the education system and media to eliminate debate and force their agenda.


Quite the 180.  But again, if the truth backed their ideals there would be no reason to force compliance.  Instead, they must eliminate dissent and free thought to keep the lies alive.

Quote:While I appreciate the effort, I'm not going to relitigate this climate change debate.

There is a 100 page dumpster fire of a thread that that is proof the argument is unproductive.

For every argument you make there are 100's of arguments that shoot down your points.

And at the end of the day, the deniers fall back into the corner that the majority that have proven climate change are corrupted because they are beholden to funding from the nefarious industry that is hell bent on conquering the world by destroying the oil and gas companies.

I'm sorry, but that is the final argument of the climate denier, and it's the same tactic used by flat earthers...

Your "argument" continues to be the very definition of flat Earth.


Fall in line.  Do not question.


The earth has been warming and cooling since the beginning of time. Those the cling to the religeon of Man Made Climate Change are only fooling themselves.


Anyway, this thread is about the indoctrination of our mush for brains youth. The Professor in this case must has a very simplistic and non viable argument to ban any and all dissent.

Not really. You know, just repeating my argument against you back onto me is really lazy.

Try harder, or just give up.

The fact that you discount NASA is just sad.
Quote:The earth has been warming and cooling since the beginning of time. Those the cling to the religeon of Man Made Climate Change are only fooling themselves.


Anyway, this thread is about the indoctrination of our mush for brains youth. The Professor in this case must has a very simplistic and non viable argument to ban any and all dissent.

It's quite obvious.  It's why the extreme leftist get so mad and name call when you dare question it with opposing fact.  They can't stand being wrong, or even considering they are wrong.
Joseph Goebbels said if you're going to tell a lie, tell a big one and often that way more people will believe it.


Manbearpig (Al Gore) took this advice and started this whole man made global warming [BLEEP]


Time Magazine warned of a Ice Age coming back in the 70's and we all know how that turned out.

Quote:The fact that you discount NASA is just sad.

Have you paid any attention to NASA and the space program? In 1969 NASA put men on the moon. Now they can't even put a man into low earth orbit. These are the people you view as holy, flawless, experts?

Quote:Have you paid any attention to NASA and the space program? In 1969 NASA put men on the moon. Now they can't even put a man into low earth orbit. These are the people you view as holy, flawless, experts?

Have you paid any attention?


The budget of NASA was between 2-4% of the federal budget during the mid-late 60's. The gradual de-funding began shortly after the moon landing.


You get what you pay for.
Goddard. A person with a bachelors in geology and master's in engineering is pirks messiah on climate change.

Judith curry concedes that there is at least some (Up to 50%) of the climate change is caused by man.

Again these are the saviors of the deniers. Here's what you want to use to try and shame me into not buying into the climate change dogma??

Sorry, it's just not credible.
Closed minds never learn the truth.  Congrats on your choice of ignorance (yet claiming to be enlightened than others.)

Quote:Have you paid any attention to NASA and the space program? In 1969 NASA put men on the moon. Now they can't even put a man into low earth orbit. These are the people you view as holy, flawless, experts?

Lol!! What a terrible arguement!

It's not that they can't, you mad man! It's that based on bugdet cuts they are forced to out source.

Dude, you're better than that. You know there is a difference between being capable of doing something and not being allowed to based on budget constraints.
Quote:Have you paid any attention to NASA and the space program? In 1969 NASA put men on the moon. Now they can't even put a man into low earth orbit. These are the people you view as holy, flawless, experts?

Last I checked, they are focusing on Mars & Jupiter.  
Quote:Closed minds never learn the truth. Congrats on your choice of ignorance (yet claiming to be enlightened than others.)

Lol, that's all you got.

I just eviscerated your messiah, and all you can do is call me close minded???

Can't even defend your savior? Such low energy. Sad!
it's their country. they're free to shut down any debates.  clearly you dont understand freedom.  they are free to put you in jail if you cant fall in line.

Quote:it's their country. they're free to shut down any debates.  clearly you dont understand freedom.  they are free to put you in jail if you cant fall in line.

Have you always lived your life being so afraid?
Quote:Have you always lived your life being so afraid?

afraid? of what?  im really happy professors are given the freedom to shut down any students who might have questions.  that's what America is all about.
Quote:Byron has never fails to buy whatever swampland or bridge the "alt-right" is selling. He falls for it   every   single   time.

The "alt-right" didn't direct NASA to change its mission, Barack Obama did.  That's very easy to confirm. 


Are you denying that Russia is delivering our astronauts to and from the ISS?  That's also easy to confirm. 


Take your heads out of the sand. 
Quote:The "alt-right" didn't direct NASA to change its mission, Barack Obama did.  That's very easy to confirm. 


Are you denying that Russia is delivering our astronauts to and from the ISS?  That's also easy to confirm. 


Take your heads out of the sand. 

Go back to your George Bush is gay shtick. You made more sense then (i.e., a real loon).
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